A Survey on the Status of Leadership in Saadi’s Golestan
Subject Areas : Business Management
1 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Persian Language and Literature Department, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Golestan, Management, Leadership, Saadi, Governance,
Abstract :
Management and leadership are important issues in the governance and managing of any organization. The direction of management and leadership plays a determining role in governance. In this regard, decision makings, behaviors and conducts accompanied by forgiveness, wisdom, and trust and high-mindedness are affected by perception of management and governance. The perception of the governors and authorities of the management position leads the relations. If the perception is based on trusteeship, the mangers will act honestly, but if the aim is to domineer, the conducts will be domineering. The literature of governance and leadership originates from obedience and respecting humanly literature and also authoritativeness and capability of management that leads to empowerment of the governance and preserving governance hierarchy. Misguided direction in management leads to chaos and ill organization .This article investigates the viewpoints of Saadi Shirazi on leadership in Golestan.
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