Studying the Implementation Rate of Succession Planning System and Determining its Relationship with Employees’ Job Satisfactions in Economic and Financial Affairs Organization of Kerman
Subject Areas : Business Managementhamid taboli 1 , Somayeh Nobari 2 * , amin nikpour 3 , Rahele Chamani Fard 4
1 - Assistant Professor, Payame Noor University
2 - Master of Business Administration, Islamic Azad University, East Azarbaijan Research and Research Center, Young and Elite Research Club, Tabriz, Iran
3 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Management, Kerman Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
4 - Ph.D. Student, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Science and Research Branch, Management Department, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Job satisfaction, organizational productivity, Employing Talented People, Existing Resource Assessment, Training and Promotion,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study is studying the implementation rate of succession planning system and determining its relationship with employees’ job satisfaction in Economic and Financial Affairs Organization of Kerman. The research is of correlation and descriptive type that has been done by survey method. The statistical population included all the employees of the Economic and Financial Affairs Organization of Kerman and according to Morgan table, a sample of 240 persons has been chosen. The inferential and descriptive statistics method (correlation test of Pearson) has been used in order to analyze the data and the data collection instruments were the questionnaires of the implementation of succession planning system and job satisfaction. The findings of the research show that there is a meaningful relationship between the implementation of succession planning system and its components (employing talented people, existing resource assessment, training and promoting talented people) and job satisfaction.
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_||_Abu al-Ali, B. (2004). Centers for Assessment and Management of Successor Affairs. Tadbir Monthly, 145, 4-13, (In Persian).
Abolayali, B., & Ghaffari, A. (2006). Human Capital, Competitive Advantage of Organizations in the Field of Globalization. Tehran: Ahar Publishing, (In Persian).
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Beheshtifar, M. (2010). Exploring and Clarifying Executive Requirements of the System of Succession in the Body of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Providing a Desirable Model Based on the Goals of 1404. PhD Thesis, A Kerman: Islamic Azad University, (In Persian).
Carroll, C. (2004), “Succession planning: developing leaders for the future of the organization”, Leadership Abstracts, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 1-2.
Collins, S. K. and Collins, K. S. (2007), “Succession planning and leadership development: critical business strategies for healthcare organizations”, Radiology Management, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 16-21.
Hafez Nia, M. R. (2009). Introduction to Research Methods in the Humanities. Tehran: Samt Puplishing, (In Persian).
Hills, A. (2009), “Succession planning-or smart talent management”?, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 3-8.
Huang, T. C. (2001), “Succession management systems and human resource outcomes”, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 22, No. 8, pp. 736-747.
Jamshidian, M., & Rezaei, A. (1998). In-service Training and Its Effects on Increasing the Efficiency of Manpower in the Public Sector. Human Sciences Quarterly, 9, 75-84, (In Persian).
McConnell, T. (2002), Succession Planning, Mc Connell HR Consulting Inc, In Canada: Ottawa,
Ndambakuwa, Y. and Mufunda, J. (2006), “Performance appraisal system impact on university academic staff job satisfaction and productivity”, Performance Improvement Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 117-126.
Nuttall, I., Falkner, T. and Roberts, V. (2007), Succession Planning: Whatever You Call It, Do It, AACRAO, Boston, Massachusetts, University of Minnesota.
Spector, P. (2008). Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Translate by: Sh. Mohammadi, Tehran: Arasbaran Publication, (In Persian).
Tajd al-Din, M., & Ma'ali-Tafty, M. (2008). Talent War. Tadbir's Monthly, 192,72-73, (In Persian).
Tropiano, M. (2004), Effective succession planning, Defense AT and L: May - June.
Yap, M., Holmes, M. R., Hannan, C. and Cukier, W. (2010), “The relationship between diversity training, organizational commitment, and career satisfaction”, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 519-538.