Developing a Model for Evaluating the Effectiveness and Performance of university the Academic Staff of the Islamic Azad University of East Azarbaijan Province
Subject Areas : Business Management
Asadollah Khadivi
Ayda Alahverdi khan vaziri
1 - Assistant Professor of Educational Management, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Young and Elite Research Club, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Performance, Performance Evaluation, Faculty Members, Professional Development, Performance of Evaluational Model, Professional Commitment,
Abstract :
The present study aims to develop a model for evaluating the performance of the faculty members of Islamic Azad Universities in East Azerbaijan Province. The research is a descriptive survey. The population consists of all members of the academic staff of East Azerbaijan Province totaling 1950 subjects in the academic year 2013-2014. The sample size was estimated 320 people based on Morgan’s table. For the selection of the sample, cluster- stratified proportional sampling method was used.By studying the research literature, the components of the evaluation model were exrtacted and the subcategories of each component of the model were identified separately. The research instrument inspired by the major and minor components was developed in the form of Likert scale questionnaire with 80 questions. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by face validity, and the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated 95 percent through the use of Cronbach’s Alpha. The results of the factor analysis showed that the seven components of professional commitment, research activities, professional development, teaching and training activities, consulting, administrative and scientific services, and political and social activities of the model were confirmed
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Bland C. J. (2002). Evaluating Faculty Performance: A Systematically Designed and Assessed Approach. Academic Medicine, 5(1), 30-77.
- Chenari, A. R., Sharifi, H. P., & Ghurchian, N. Gh. (2011). Providing a Model for Assessing the Professional Capabilities of Non-medical Faculty Members of Azad University. Quarterly Journal of New Thoughts on Education, 2, 13-28, (In Persian).
- Dunn, V. (2000). Principal Leadership for Equity and Excellence, a Case Study of an Inclusive Exemplary School, PhD Thesis, University of Huston.
- Gordon P. A. (2005). Running Head: Student Evaluations of College Instructors. Accessible at: whuitt/files/tcheval.html.
- Halimi, S. M. (2010). Formulation and Prioritization of Performance Standards for Primary School Teachers in Tabriz. Master's Thesis, Tabriz: Islamic Azad university, (In Persian).
- Jesarati, A. (2012). The Evaluation Valuation Indicators of Performance of Faculty Members of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz and Providing a Suitable Model for It. Master's Thesis, Tabriz: Islamic Azad university, (In Persian).
- Quenin, S. (1994). The Use of Performance Indicators in Universities: An International Survey. Jess Caking Slay
- Rajabi, S., & Papzan, A. H. (2010). Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Designing a Tool for Evaluating the Performance of Faculty Members. Iranian Higher Education, 1, 151-169, (In Persian).
- Safi, M. H., Falahi Khoshtab, M., Rasel, M., & Rahgozar, M. (2011). Determine and Prioritize the Needs of Faculty Members Based on the Kano Model. Payesh, 4, 459-468, (In Persian).
- Staples J. (2005). Department of Family Practice Community Health, University of Minnesota: Faculty Evaluation and Merit Review System, Scale Rating the Quality Productivity of Research and Research Related. Accessible at: fp/ rsrch/ pdfs/research.pdf.
- The University of California. (2005). Mentoring Handbook; Mentored Clinical Research Training Program. Accessible at: MCRTP.Complete.Handbook.Pdf.
- The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. (2000). Accessible at:
- Malehshahi, F., Shikhian, A., & Tarrahi, M. J. (2010). A Survey on the Viewpoints of Students of Lorestan Medical Sciences about the Priorities of Faculty Evaluation. Iranian Journal of Nursing Research, 19, 16-24, (In Persian).
- Marks, B. K. (1999). The Faculty Evaluation System. Accessible at:,www/aps/820317.html.
- Mesdaghkhah, M., & Saket Chaghush, A. R. (2011). Designing a Model for Performance Evaluation of Valuable Institutions by Case Study: Basij Mostazafan Organization. Journal of Islamic Management, 1, 201,223, (In Persian).
- Washington State University. (2005). Section XI. Annual Performance Review. Accessible at: /fm/ Section XI_05.pdf.