Study of technology factors of Official Organizations (Case study: Official Organizations of Tabriz)
Subject Areas : Business Management
1 - Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Technology, TCC, technology evaluation, management of technology, official technology,
Abstract :
This study with the evaluation direction and with aim of four basic factors and elements of technology includes Techno ware; Human ware; Organization ware; and Info ware as THIO of technology main and basic factors in official organizations, recognized main hypothesis that mentioned factors are not balance at these official organizations. In relation of study goal, data collected from five available official organizations as sample through questionnaire, interview and science challenge. Statistical analysis and another results showed that four basic factors and elements of technology are not balance at official organizations and quantity of TCC as Technology Content Coefficient is different. The abstracts of results are as follows: Four technology factors of official organization with welfare and health activity from maximum to minimum gap with priority are Organization ware; Human ware; Info ware and Techno ware that this organization must notify to improvement of them for technology balancing,Four technology factors of official organization with touristy activity from maximum to minimum gap with priority are Human ware; Organization ware; Info ware and Techno ware that this organization must notify to improvement of them for technology balancing, Four technology factors of official organization with housing activity from maximum to minimum gap with priority are Human ware; Organization ware; Info ware and Techno ware that this organization must notify to improvement of them for technology balancing. Four technology factors of official organization with cultural activity from maximum to minimum gap with priority are Info ware; Human ware; Organization ware; and Techno ware that this organization must notify to improvement of them for technology balancing, Four technology factors of official organization with food activity from maximum to minimum gap with priority are Organization ware; Human ware; Info ware and Techno ware that this organization must notify to improvement of them for technology balancing, Four technology factors of official organization with banking activity from maximum to minimum gap with priority are Organization ware; Human ware; Info ware and Techno ware that this organization must notify to improvement of them for technology balancing.
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- Huyghebaert, N., et al. (2011), “New Firm Survival: The Effect Of Start-Up Characteristics”, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 27.. 362-402.
- Khalid. S, Xu honggang (1997), Emerging issues in the development and utilization of S&T indicators in developing countries of the ESCAP region
- Kuratko D F and Hodgetts R M (2012), Entrepreneurship, Practice Mason, Ohio, Thomson South Western. 58-68
- Mason, C and Stark, M. (2012), “What do investors look for Trading Plan”, International small Trading Journal, 22. 205.
- Mata, J., Portugal, P., Guimaraes, P., (2012), The survival of new plants: start-up conditions and post-entry evolution. International Journal of Industrial Organization 13, 621–639.
- Nayak, A and Greenfield, S. (2011), The Use Of Management Accounting Information, Finance and the BIO, London, Rutledge. 42-492.
- North, J., Blackburn, R and Curran, J. (2010), “Reaching small Trading and Enterprising Futures”, London, Paul Chapman. 187
- Olivero, G., Bane, K.D., Kopelman, RE (2010), Executive coaching as a transfer of training tool: Effects on productivity in a public agency. Public Personnel Management, 26, 4.
- Peer Sources Website,
- Perry, S.C (2010), plan and the Failure of small Qualityes in the US, Journal of small Quality Management, 39.
- Peters, T. (2011), Thriving on Chaos. Book Club Associates.
- Rue, L. and Ibrahim, N. (2013), Planning Sophistication and Performance in small Qualityes, Journal of small Quality Management, 36.
- Sahlman, W. A. (2011), “How to write a great Quality Plan”, Harvard Quality Review, July-August, 98.
- Schwenk, C. R. and Shrader, C. B. (2011), “Effects Of Formal Strategic Planning, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice”, 17.
- Senge, P. (2012), The Fifth Discipline. New York, Currency Doubleday.
- Sharif. N, (1993), Technology Management Indicators for Developing Countries, TDRI Quarterly Review, VOL8, No 2, june,. 17-24.
- Smith, N. R. (2011), The Entrepreneur and His Organization, University of Michigan: Bureau of Quality and Economic Research.
- Stacey, R. D. (2010), Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics, Prentice Hall.
- Steele, R. S. (2012), Power motivation, activation and inspirational speeches. Journal of Personality, 45.
- Stutely, R. (2011), The Definitive Trading Plan, London, Financial Times, Prentice Hall. 69
- Technology Atlas project (1989), ESCAP.
- Westhead, P. and Birley, S. (2013), Employment in New Independent Owner Managed Organization, International small Quality Journal, 13.
- Westhead, P. and Storey, D. (2012), Management and BP Performance: Why is the Link So Weak? International small Trading Journal, 14. 87-197.
- Westhead, P. and Wright, M. (2012), Contributions of Novice, Portfolio, Founders Located In Rural and Urban Areas, Regional Studies, 33.
- Woods, A. and Joyce, P. (2012), Owner managers and the practice of strategic management, International small Quality Journal, 21.