Investigating the effective factors on productivity: The effect of empowering leadership on achievement motivation, inspirational motivation and mental persuasion
Subject Areas : Business ManagementHamid Erfanian Khanzadeh 1 * , Zohre Torkanloo 2
1 - Department of Public Management, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
2 - Department of Management, Payame Noor Universtiy, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Productivity, achievement motivation, Empowering leadership, inspring motivation, mental persuasion,
Abstract :
The leadership style and motive have been considered as effectivefactors in different models. In order to increase the productivity itseffective factors should be known. The aim of this paper was toinvestigate investigate the effect of empowering leadership onachievement motivation, inspiring motivation and mental persuasion.The Statistical population included 444 personnels in Gas Company inKhorasan Razavi province. Using Morgan’s table the sample size was206 people. The research method was descriptive survey and samplingmethod was probability. To gather the data two standard questionnaires(Ahearne & Avolio) were used. Ranjbarian’s researcher’s madequestionnaire was used for achievement motivation. The reability wereobtained through Cronbach’s alpha were 0.99, 0.90, 0.84 and 0.87respectively. To analyse the data lisrel software was used. The resultsshowed that in the the first model, empowering leadership had an affecton mental persuasion, inspring motivation, and achievement motivationof personnels, and in the second model, inspring motivation hadmodified role on empowering leadership and achievement motivation,but not on the mental persuasion.
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Zhang, X., & Zhou, J. (2014), Empowering leadership, uncertainty avoidance, trust, and employee creativity: Interaction effects and a mediating mechanism.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 124, 150-164.
_||_Ahearne, M., Mathieu, J., & Rapp, A. (2005), To Empower or Not to Empower Your Sales Force? An Empirical Examination of the Influence of Leadership Empowerment Behavior on Customer Satisfaction and Performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 955-945.
Amichai-Hamburger, Y., McKenna, A., & Tal, S. (2008), Eempowerment: Empowerment yy the internet. Comput Human Behavior, 24, 1776-1789.
Arefnezhad, M., Sobhani, M., Nasre Esfahani, A., & Sepehrvand, R. (2014), The impact Spiritual leadership on Intrinsic motivation of employees. Management perspective, 13. 107-127, (In Persian).
Ayub, S. H., Manaf, N. A., & Hamzah, M. R. (2014), Leadership: Communicating Strategically in the 21st Century. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 155, 502-506.
Blašková, M. (2014), Influencing Academic Motivation, Responsibility and Creativity. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 159, 415 – 425.
Chang, L. C., & Liu, C. H. (2011), Employee empowerment, innovative behavior and job productivity of public health nurses: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey. Int. J. Nurs. Stud., 45, 1442-1448.
Dimitriades, Z. (2005), Employee empowerment in the Greek context. International journal of manpower, 26(1), 80-92.
Erturk, A. (2010), Exploring Prodictors of organizational identification moderating role of trust on the association between empowerment, organizational support, and indentifications. European Journal of work and organizational Psychology, 19(14), 409-441.
Faruk, Ö., Ersarı, G., & Atılhan, N. (2014), Effect of Leadership Style on Perceived Organizational Performance and Innovation: The Role of Transformational Leadership beyond the Impact of Transactional Leadership. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 881 – 889.
Gafuri, F., Tejari, F., & Bahari, S. (2010), The relationship between leadership styles and Managers,s Producticvity of Sports organizations. Research on Sport Sciences, 13. 107-127, (In Persian).
Gibbs, D. A., Hawkins, S. R. Clinton-Sherrod, A. M., & Noonan, R. K. (2009), empowering programs with evaluation technical assistance: Outcomes and lessons learned. Health Promotion Practice, 10(1), 38-44.
Greasley, K., Bryman, A., Naismith, N., Soetanto, R. (2011), Understanding empowerment from an employee perspective. Team Performance Management, 14 (1/2), 39-55.
Gregory, M., & Ricky, W. G. (2011), Organizational Behavior. S. M. Alvani & G. R. Memarzade. Tehran: morvarid Publishers, (In Persian).
Hall, M. (2008), effect of comprehensive performance measurement systems on role clarity, psychological empowerment and managerial performance. Accounting, Organization and Society, 33, 141-163.
Johnson, S. M. (1986), Incentives for Teachers: What Motivates, What Matters. Educational Administration Quarterly, 22, 54-79.
Karami, R., Ismail, M., Omar, Z. B., Wahat, N., Badsar, M. (2012), Organizational Support and Achievement Motivation in Leadership Role of Extension Agents. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(5). 633-640.
Karen, L., Rutler, B., & Smitt, H. (2005), The effects of gender of grade level on the motivational need of achievement. Wester Journal of nursing research, 3(2), 250- 252.
Khajelu, S. R., Ghahremani, M., & Abuchenari, A. (2013), Transformational leadership role in promoting university to Entrepreneur Organization (Case Study: Shahid Beheshti University). Journal of Entrepreneurip Development, 14. 185-204, (In Persian).
Kolhar, M. (1393), Some of Human resource properties and Organizational at Administrative changes, 1-11, (In Persian).
Limsila, K., Ogunlana, S. (2008). Linking personal competencies with transformational leadership style evidence from the construction industry in Thailand. Journal of construction in develoing countrie, 13(1), 27-50.
Littrell, R. F. (2007), influences on employee preferences for empowerment practices by the ideal manager in Chine. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 31, 87-110.
Manzari Tavakoli, A., & Shojaei, M. (2009), The Relationship between Fear of Success and the need for achievement in Employees Organization,s Employees of Economic Affairs and Finance and Whole Office of Tax Affairs in Kerman State. Accessed at:, (In Persian).
Oke, A. (2009), The Influence of leadership on Innovation Processes and Acitivities .Organizational Dynamics. 38(1), 64-72.
Özarallı, N. (2015), Linking empowering leader to creativity: the oderating role of psychological (felt) empowerment. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 366-376.
Poorkareemee, J. (2010), Achievement motivation and leadership style among Tehran elementary schools' principals. Quarterly journal of New Thoughts on Education, 3. 27-44, (In Persian).
Rani, G. & . Dalal, S. (2013), Relationship of Creativity and Achievement Motivation of Senior Secondary Students. International Journal for Research in Education, 2(7), 20-25.
Rawung, F. H. (2013), The Effect of Leadership on The Work Motivation of Higher Education Administration Employees. Journal of Business and Management, 28-33.
Rezazade, A., & Azizi, GH. (2013),The impact of transformational leadership On Entrepreneurial orientation of organizations (Case study: Behalf of an insurance company in Yazd province)). New World Insurance, 172. 22-39, (In Persian).
Sabzikaran, E. & Abdolreza, M., & Rangriz, H. (2011), The relationship between organizational structure and emlloyees empowerment in National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, Kuwait Chapter of Arabian. Journal of Business and Management Review, 1(1), 51-68.
Story, P., Hart, A., Stasson, J. W., Mark, F., Mahoney, J. M. (2009), Using a two-factor theory of achievement motivation to examine performance-based outcomes and self-regulatory processes. Personality and Individual Differences, 46, 391-395.
Taleghani, GH. R., Tanaomi, M. M., Farhangi, A., & Zarrinnegar, M. J. (2011), studying factors affect on increase of productivity (case study:Saman bank). Journal of Public Administration, 7. 115-130, (In Persian).
Tongsilp, A. (2013), A Path Analysis of Relationships between Factors with Achievement Motivation of students of Private Universities in Bangkok. Thailand. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 88. 229- 238.
Tummers, L. & Kruyen, P. (2015), The influence of leadership on creativity: A systematic review of experimental studies. Paper for the IRSPM Conference Birmingham, 1-32.
Zhang, X., Bartol, K. M. (2010), Linking Empowering Leadership and Employee Creativity.Academy of management jornal,107-128.
Zhang, X., & Zhou, J. (2014), Empowering leadership, uncertainty avoidance, trust, and employee creativity: Interaction effects and a mediating mechanism.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 124, 150-164.