Ranking and Assessing the Efficacy of Insurance in Iran Using Dynamic Approach of Data Window Analysis
Subject Areas : Business ManagementAli Fazel Yazdi 1 * , Mahmoud MoeinAddin 2
1 - Islamic Azad University, Yazd Branch, Young and Elite Researchers Club, Yazd, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Yazd Branch, Department of Accounting, Yazd, Iran
Keywords: Insurance Industry, Efficacy assessment, Data window analysis,
Abstract :
One of the important items within the sixth development plan is the insurance industry, an industry that can be effective in the establishment and stabilization of resistive economy in the case it moves within the path of development and perfection. Assessment of the efficacy is among the main elements of productivity cycle and functions as a system controlling the other elements of the cycle. In this research, in order to assess the efficacy of private and public insurance companies, a comprehensive model with high accuracy was designed using data envelopment analysis. Due to considering “time” as the determining factor, the mentioned model is referred to as dynamic model of Data Window Analysis. In this research, by using the literature and expert opinion in research centers, the evaluation criteria were obtained and then using data window analysis during the period from 1385 to 1391, the efficiency of each unit was determined and finally, the units were ranked. Based on the conducted studies, three factors were considered as input, namely, total number of the employees, total number of the branches, and the sum of the assets; and five factors, namely, compensated losses, number of issued insurance cards, number of compensated losses, insurance income generated, and net profit and loss were considered as the model outputs. The findings show that Mellat Insurance Incorporation has perfect efficacy in all the studied years in comparison with the companies
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