The Effect of Information Technology Governance on Counterproductive Work Behavior with Respect to the Role of Job Alienation in Automated and Non-Automated Organizations
Subject Areas : Business ManagementYoosef Pashazadeh 1 * , parissa teimoriazar 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Urmia University,Urmia,Iran
2 - Master of Science (MSc) in Management, Azerbaijani Higher Education Complex, Scientific and Applied Institute of Water and Power Industry
Keywords: counterproductive behavior, Information Technology Governance, Automated organizations, Non-Automated Organization Occupational alienation,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of information technology (IT) governance and job alienation on counterproductive work behavior in automated professional public libraries and banks in West Azerbaijan. To serve the purpose, a descriptive correlational research method was employed in this applied study. The research sample comprised 132 librarians and 400 bank staff members who were randomly selected from the population of librarians and bank employees in the province based on Morgan Table. The research data was gleaned employing a researcher-made questionnaire the validity of which was confirmed by expert views and the reliability of which was explored based on the Cronbach Alpha coefficient. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS and PLS software. The results confirmed the research model in public libraries. Based on the findings, IT governance did not directly influence the counterproductive work behavior in public libraries, but the effect was justified via job alienation. However, IT governance was found to have both direct and indirect effects on job alienation and counterproductive work behavior in banks. Moreover, the findings indicated that IT governance had differential impacts on counterproductive work behavior in automated and non-automated organizations.
Adya,Monica.P,(2008),Work alienation among IT workers: a cross-cultural gender comparison, Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMIS CPR conference on Computer personnel doctoral consortium and research, Charlottesville, VA, USA-April 03-05.
Alias, M., Rasdi, R.M., Ismail, M., & Samah, B.A.(2013), Predictors of workplace deviant behaviour: hrdagenda for Malaysiansupport personnel. European Journal of Training and Development, 37(2), 161-182.
Angela T. Haddad & Richard Senter Jr. (2016), The Relationship of Technology to Workers’ Alienation, Sociological Focus, 50:2, 159-182, DOI: 10.1080/00380237.2017.1251755
Appelbaum, S. H., Shapiro, B. T., & Molson, J. (2006), Diagnosis and remedies for deviant workplace behaviors. Journal of American Academy of Business, 9(2), 14-20.
Aquino, K., & Douglas, S. (2003), Identity threat and antisocial behavior in organizations: The moderating effects of individual differences, aggressive modeling, and hierarchical status. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 90(1), 195-208
Bowen, Paul L.; CHEUNG, May-Yin D.; ROHDE, Fiona H. (2007), Enhancing IT governance practices: a model and case study of an organization's efforts. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, v. 8, n. 3, p. 191-22.
Brooks, G. (2012), Misbehavior, its dimensions, and relationship to commitment in organizations. Advances in Industrial & Labor Relations, 19, 237-257.
Chang, K., & Smithikrai, C. (2010), Counterproductive behaviour at work: an investigation into reduction strategies. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(8), 1272-1288.
Christian, J.S., & Ellis, A.P.(2014), The crucial role of turnover intentions in transforming moraldisengagement into deviant behavior at work. Journal of Business Ethics, 119(2), 193-208.
Chung, Y.W., & Moon, H.K.(2011), the moderating effects of collectivistic orientation on psychological ownership and const ructive deviant behavior. International Journal of Business and Management, 6(12), p65.
Coetzee, Fred, (2016), Impact of IT sophistication on perceived work alienation of knowledge workers, Thesis submitted to Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria.
Cohen, T.R., Panter, A.T., & Turan, N.(2013), Predicting counter productive work behavior from guilt proneness. Journal of Business Ethics, 114(1), 45-53.
Dehghani P.H., Sheikhi, A.,(1394), Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Structure and Deviant Behaviors of Employees in Bam Public Offices, First International Management and Accounting Conference with Valuation Approach, Tehran, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Fars.[In Persian].
Fatima, A., Atif, K., Saqib, A., Haider, A. (2012),A Path Model Examining the Relations Organizational Injustice, Counter productive Work Behavior and Job Satisfaction.International Journal of Innovation,Management and Technology,3(6),697-701
Fida R, Paciello M, Tramontano C, Fontaine RG, Barbaranelli C, et al.(2015), An integrative approach to understanding counter productive work behavior: the roles of stressors, negative emotions, and moral disengagement. J Bus Ethics 130: 131-144.
Fox, S., Spector, P.E., & Miles, D. (2001), Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) in response to job stressors and organizational justice: Some mediator and moderator tests for autonomy and emotions. Journal of vocational behavior, 59(3), 291-309.
Galperin, B.L.(2012), Exploring the nomological network of workplace deviance: Developing and validating a measure of constructive deviance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42(12), 2988-3025
GH.CH, M., N, A., A, F.(2014), Factors Influencing Work Alienation, Relationships, and Solutions. , 5(17), 55-80.[In Persian]
Gholipour, Arian, Amiri, Behnam,(2009), Influence of Information Technology onOrganizational Behavior: A Study of the Challenges of Identity in Virtual Teams and Its Impact on the TeamMembers' Behavior, Information Technology Management Quarterly, Tehran University, Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages 103 -118. [In Persian]
Griffin, R.W., O'Leary-Kelly, A.M., & Collins, J.(1998), Dysfunctional behavior in organizations: Vol.1. Violent behaviors in organizations. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Gruys, M. L., & Sackett, P.R. (2003), Investigating the dimensionality of counterproductive work behavior. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11(1), 30-42.
Hardy, G. (2006), Using IT governance and COBIT to deliver value with IT and respond to legal, regulatory and compliance challenges. Information Security Technical Report, v. 11, n. 4, p. 159-202.
Healy, Mike, (2014), Alienation and Information Communications Technology, Thesis submitted for the degree ofThesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.
Henle, C. A., Giacalone, R. A., & Jurkiewicz, C. L. (2005), The role of ethical ideology in workplace deviance. Journal of Business Ethics, 56(3), 219-230.
Hollinger, R. C. (1986), Acts against the workplace: Social bonding and employee deviance. Deviant Behavior, 7(1), 53-75.
Hystad, S. W., Mearns, K. J., & Eid, J. (2014), Moral disengagement as a mechanism between perceptions of organizational inju stice and deviant work behaviours. Safety Science, 68, 138-145
IBGC - Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa. (2006), Uma Década de Governança Corporativa: História do IBGC, marcos e lições de experiência. São Paulo: SaintPaul.
ITGI, IT Governance Institute, (2007), About IT governance framework: information systems audit and control foundation - CobiT 4º Edition. Rolling Meadows: ISACA.
Kanten, P., & Ülker, F.(2014), Yönetim tarzinin üretkenlik karşiti iş davranişlarina etkisinde işe yabancilaşmanin aracilik rolü. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Ensitüsü Dergisi, (32), 16-40
Kantur, D. (2010), Emotional motives and attitudinal reflections of workplace deviant behavior, The Business Review, Cambridge, 14(2), 70-77
Mercado, Brittany K., "Cyber Counterproductive Work Behaviors: Measurement, Prediction, and Means for Reduction" (2017), CUNY Academic Works. gc_etds /2040.
Monideepa Tarafdar, John D’Arcy,(2015), Ofir Turel and Ashish Gupta, Dark Side of Information Technology , MIT Sloan Management Review ,Winter ,Volume 56, Issue 2.
Muller, C. Linkage mechanisms for component-based services and IT governance. Journal of Systems Integration, v.4, n.1,p.3-12, 2013.
Nair, N., & Vohra, N. (2010), An exploration of factors predicting work alienation of knowledge
NajaranHavandi, Maryam, Javadinejad, Arash,(2014), Effect of Information Technology on Employees' Job Life in Industrial Organizations (Experimental Study of Pars Khodro Co.), Two Journal of Sociological Studies, No. 44, pp. 183-219. [In Persian]
Nfuka, E. N.; Rusu, L. (2011), The effect of critical success factors on IT governance performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems, v. 111, n. 9, p. 1418-1448.
O’Neill, T. A., & Hastings, S. E. (2011), Explaining workplace deviance behavior with more than just the “Big Five”. Personality and Individual Differences, 50(2), 268-273
Peterson, D. K. (2002), Deviant Workplace Behavior and The Organization's Ethical Climate. Journal of Business and Psychology, 17(1), 47-6.
PETERSON, Ryan R. (2001), Information governance: an empirical investigation into the differentiation and integration of strategic decision-making for IT. The Netherlands: Tilburg University.
Peterson, Ryan R. (2004), Integration strategies and tactics for information technology governance. IN: VAN GREMBERGEN, W (Org). Strategies for information technology governance. Londres: Idea Group.
Robinson, S. L., & O’Leary-Kelly, A. (1998), Monkey see, monkey do: The influence of work groups on the antisocial behavior of employees. Academy of Management Journal, 41, 658–672.
Rossoni, L.; Machado-Silva, C.L.(2010), Institucionalismo organizacional e práticas de governança corporativa. Revista de Administração Contemporânea. Edição Especial, n. 7, p. 173-198.
Sambamurthy, V.; Zmud, R. W. (1999), Arrangements for information technology governance: a theory of multiple contingencies. MIS Quarterly, v. 23, n. 2, p. 261-290.
Seeman, M. (1991), Alienation and anomie. In J. P. Robinson, P. R. Shaver & L. S. Wrightsman (Eds.), Measures of personality and social psychological attitudes (pp.291-371). San Diego: Academic Press.
Suárez-Mendoza, M. J., & Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara, P. (2008),The impact of work alienation on organizational citizenship behavior in the canary islands. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 15(1), 56-7
Sulu, S., Ceylan, A., & Kaynak, R. (2010), Work alienation as a mediator of the relationship between organizational injustice and organizational commitment: Implications for healthcare professionals. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(8), 27-38.
Van Grembergen, W, and De Haes, S.(2009), Enterprise Governance of Information Technology. New York.
Van Grembergen, W., De Haes, S. and Guldentops, E.(2004), Control and governance maturity survey: establishing a reference benchmark and a self-assessment tool,Information Systems Control Journal, (6),32-35
Vardi, Y. and Weiner, Y.(1996), “Misbehavior in organizations: a motivational framework”, Organizational Science, 7(2), 151-65.
Weill, P. and Ross, J.W.(2004), How Top Performers Manage IT Decision Rights for Superior Results. Harvard Business Schools Publishing.workers. Management Decision, 48(4), 600-615
Yen, C. H., & Teng, H. Y. (2013), The effect of centralization on organizational citizenship behavior and deviant workplace b ehavior in the hospitality industry. Tourism Management, 36, 401-410.
Adya,Monica.P,(2008),Work alienation among IT workers: a cross-cultural gender comparison, Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMIS CPR conference on Computer personnel doctoral consortium and research, Charlottesville, VA, USA-April 03-05.
Alias, M., Rasdi, R.M., Ismail, M., & Samah, B.A.(2013), Predictors of workplace deviant behaviour: hrdagenda for Malaysiansupport personnel. European Journal of Training and Development, 37(2), 161-182.
Angela T. Haddad & Richard Senter Jr. (2016), The Relationship of Technology to Workers’ Alienation, Sociological Focus, 50:2, 159-182, DOI: 10.1080/00380237.2017.1251755
Appelbaum, S. H., Shapiro, B. T., & Molson, J. (2006), Diagnosis and remedies for deviant workplace behaviors. Journal of American Academy of Business, 9(2), 14-20.
Aquino, K., & Douglas, S. (2003), Identity threat and antisocial behavior in organizations: The moderating effects of individual differences, aggressive modeling, and hierarchical status. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 90(1), 195-208
Bowen, Paul L.; CHEUNG, May-Yin D.; ROHDE, Fiona H. (2007), Enhancing IT governance practices: a model and case study of an organization's efforts. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, v. 8, n. 3, p. 191-22.
Brooks, G. (2012), Misbehavior, its dimensions, and relationship to commitment in organizations. Advances in Industrial & Labor Relations, 19, 237-257.
Chang, K., & Smithikrai, C. (2010), Counterproductive behaviour at work: an investigation into reduction strategies. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(8), 1272-1288.
Christian, J.S., & Ellis, A.P.(2014), The crucial role of turnover intentions in transforming moraldisengagement into deviant behavior at work. Journal of Business Ethics, 119(2), 193-208.
Chung, Y.W., & Moon, H.K.(2011), the moderating effects of collectivistic orientation on psychological ownership and const ructive deviant behavior. International Journal of Business and Management, 6(12), p65.
Coetzee, Fred, (2016), Impact of IT sophistication on perceived work alienation of knowledge workers, Thesis submitted to Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria.
Cohen, T.R., Panter, A.T., & Turan, N.(2013), Predicting counter productive work behavior from guilt proneness. Journal of Business Ethics, 114(1), 45-53.
Dehghani P.H., Sheikhi, A.,(1394), Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Structure and Deviant Behaviors of Employees in Bam Public Offices, First International Management and Accounting Conference with Valuation Approach, Tehran, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Fars.[In Persian].
Fatima, A., Atif, K., Saqib, A., Haider, A. (2012),A Path Model Examining the Relations Organizational Injustice, Counter productive Work Behavior and Job Satisfaction.International Journal of Innovation,Management and Technology,3(6),697-701
Fida R, Paciello M, Tramontano C, Fontaine RG, Barbaranelli C, et al.(2015), An integrative approach to understanding counter productive work behavior: the roles of stressors, negative emotions, and moral disengagement. J Bus Ethics 130: 131-144.
Fox, S., Spector, P.E., & Miles, D. (2001), Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) in response to job stressors and organizational justice: Some mediator and moderator tests for autonomy and emotions. Journal of vocational behavior, 59(3), 291-309.
Galperin, B.L.(2012), Exploring the nomological network of workplace deviance: Developing and validating a measure of constructive deviance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42(12), 2988-3025
GH.CH, M., N, A., A, F.(2014), Factors Influencing Work Alienation, Relationships, and Solutions. , 5(17), 55-80.[In Persian]
Gholipour, Arian, Amiri, Behnam,(2009), Influence of Information Technology onOrganizational Behavior: A Study of the Challenges of Identity in Virtual Teams and Its Impact on the TeamMembers' Behavior, Information Technology Management Quarterly, Tehran University, Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages 103 -118. [In Persian]
Griffin, R.W., O'Leary-Kelly, A.M., & Collins, J.(1998), Dysfunctional behavior in organizations: Vol.1. Violent behaviors in organizations. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Gruys, M. L., & Sackett, P.R. (2003), Investigating the dimensionality of counterproductive work behavior. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11(1), 30-42.
Hardy, G. (2006), Using IT governance and COBIT to deliver value with IT and respond to legal, regulatory and compliance challenges. Information Security Technical Report, v. 11, n. 4, p. 159-202.
Healy, Mike, (2014), Alienation and Information Communications Technology, Thesis submitted for the degree ofThesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.
Henle, C. A., Giacalone, R. A., & Jurkiewicz, C. L. (2005), The role of ethical ideology in workplace deviance. Journal of Business Ethics, 56(3), 219-230.
Hollinger, R. C. (1986), Acts against the workplace: Social bonding and employee deviance. Deviant Behavior, 7(1), 53-75.
Hystad, S. W., Mearns, K. J., & Eid, J. (2014), Moral disengagement as a mechanism between perceptions of organizational inju stice and deviant work behaviours. Safety Science, 68, 138-145
IBGC - Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa. (2006), Uma Década de Governança Corporativa: História do IBGC, marcos e lições de experiência. São Paulo: SaintPaul.
ITGI, IT Governance Institute, (2007), About IT governance framework: information systems audit and control foundation - CobiT 4º Edition. Rolling Meadows: ISACA.
Kanten, P., & Ülker, F.(2014), Yönetim tarzinin üretkenlik karşiti iş davranişlarina etkisinde işe yabancilaşmanin aracilik rolü. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Ensitüsü Dergisi, (32), 16-40
Kantur, D. (2010), Emotional motives and attitudinal reflections of workplace deviant behavior, The Business Review, Cambridge, 14(2), 70-77
Mercado, Brittany K., "Cyber Counterproductive Work Behaviors: Measurement, Prediction, and Means for Reduction" (2017), CUNY Academic Works. gc_etds /2040.
Monideepa Tarafdar, John D’Arcy,(2015), Ofir Turel and Ashish Gupta, Dark Side of Information Technology , MIT Sloan Management Review ,Winter ,Volume 56, Issue 2.
Muller, C. Linkage mechanisms for component-based services and IT governance. Journal of Systems Integration, v.4, n.1,p.3-12, 2013.
Nair, N., & Vohra, N. (2010), An exploration of factors predicting work alienation of knowledge
NajaranHavandi, Maryam, Javadinejad, Arash,(2014), Effect of Information Technology on Employees' Job Life in Industrial Organizations (Experimental Study of Pars Khodro Co.), Two Journal of Sociological Studies, No. 44, pp. 183-219. [In Persian]
Nfuka, E. N.; Rusu, L. (2011), The effect of critical success factors on IT governance performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems, v. 111, n. 9, p. 1418-1448.
O’Neill, T. A., & Hastings, S. E. (2011), Explaining workplace deviance behavior with more than just the “Big Five”. Personality and Individual Differences, 50(2), 268-273
Peterson, D. K. (2002), Deviant Workplace Behavior and The Organization's Ethical Climate. Journal of Business and Psychology, 17(1), 47-6.
PETERSON, Ryan R. (2001), Information governance: an empirical investigation into the differentiation and integration of strategic decision-making for IT. The Netherlands: Tilburg University.
Peterson, Ryan R. (2004), Integration strategies and tactics for information technology governance. IN: VAN GREMBERGEN, W (Org). Strategies for information technology governance. Londres: Idea Group.
Robinson, S. L., & O’Leary-Kelly, A. (1998), Monkey see, monkey do: The influence of work groups on the antisocial behavior of employees. Academy of Management Journal, 41, 658–672.
Rossoni, L.; Machado-Silva, C.L.(2010), Institucionalismo organizacional e práticas de governança corporativa. Revista de Administração Contemporânea. Edição Especial, n. 7, p. 173-198.
Sambamurthy, V.; Zmud, R. W. (1999), Arrangements for information technology governance: a theory of multiple contingencies. MIS Quarterly, v. 23, n. 2, p. 261-290.
Seeman, M. (1991), Alienation and anomie. In J. P. Robinson, P. R. Shaver & L. S. Wrightsman (Eds.), Measures of personality and social psychological attitudes (pp.291-371). San Diego: Academic Press.
Suárez-Mendoza, M. J., & Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara, P. (2008),The impact of work alienation on organizational citizenship behavior in the canary islands. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 15(1), 56-7
Sulu, S., Ceylan, A., & Kaynak, R. (2010), Work alienation as a mediator of the relationship between organizational injustice and organizational commitment: Implications for healthcare professionals. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(8), 27-38.
Van Grembergen, W, and De Haes, S.(2009), Enterprise Governance of Information Technology. New York.
Van Grembergen, W., De Haes, S. and Guldentops, E.(2004), Control and governance maturity survey: establishing a reference benchmark and a self-assessment tool,Information Systems Control Journal, (6),32-35
Vardi, Y. and Weiner, Y.(1996), “Misbehavior in organizations: a motivational framework”, Organizational Science, 7(2), 151-65.
Weill, P. and Ross, J.W.(2004), How Top Performers Manage IT Decision Rights for Superior Results. Harvard Business Schools Publishing.workers. Management Decision, 48(4), 600-615
Yen, C. H., & Teng, H. Y. (2013), The effect of centralization on organizational citizenship behavior and deviant workplace b ehavior in the hospitality industry. Tourism Management, 36, 401-410.