Investigating and Identifying some Factors Effective on the Development of Women's Sports Marketing in West Azerbaijan Province
Subject Areas : Business ManagementMohammad rahim Najaf zadeh 1 * , Farkh lega Njafzadeh 2 , Mehdi Rostami 3 , Jhela Morseli 4
1 - Academic Member (Assistant Professor) Department of Sport Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Master of Physical Education and Modarres, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran
3 - Master of Science in Physical Education and University instructor
4 - Master of Educational Planning and Education Secretary of Tabriz Region
Keywords: Marketing, Sport marketing, Women', s sports marketing, Women', s sports,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study was to identify and assess some factors affecting the development of Women's Sports marketing in WestAzerbaijanProvince from the viewpoint of the managers of Women's Sport clubs as well as the experts and managers of the physical education offices in WestAzarbaijanProvince. The statistical population consisted of the managers and coaches of Women's sports clubs (60 people) and managers and experts of the physical education offices in WestAzarbaijan Province(50 people), (N=110). The research tools was a questionnaire comprising 45 closed questions, the validity and reliability of which had already been confirmed (α=0.95). The results of factor analysis of the data indicated that 11 factors (sponsorship, place management and distribution channels, product management, process management, pricing management, the powers governing the markets and media, physical evidence, public relations management, motivational factors, the expectations of spectators and fans, and validation of teams) were the most important factors affecting the development of women's sports marketing in West Azerbaijan Province. It is necessary that the attention and investment of the head office of physical department as well as the managers of women's sports clubs and sports marketers of the province by focused on these areas.
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Atghiya, N. (2001). Marketing and Sport Management Interaction, Journal of Sport Science Research Institute of Physical Education and Sports Science. Ministry of Science and Research, Technology, 1, (In Persian).
Bernthal. M.J., Sawyer,L.(2004),the Importance of Expectations on participatory Sport Event Satisfaction : An Exploration in to the Effect of Athlete skill level on service Expectation. Sport Marketing & Sponsorship,Vol.7, No.3
Claussen, C.l., Lambretch, K.W. (2006), Consumer awareness sponsorship at grassroots sport events. Sport Markting Quarterly. 15: 147-154
Emeka. A. Anaza., Meungguk, Park. Taeho, Yoh. (2009), An Examination of Constraints that Influence Spectators’ Attendance in Women’s Intercollegiate Sporting Events. North American Society for Sport Management Conference
Faed, A. (2007). Strategic Evaluation of Sport Support as a Tool for Marketing Communication in Iran's Electronics Industry. Master Thesis, Tehran: Tarbiat Modares University, (In Persian).
Funk ,D.C. James,D.J.(2006),Consumer Loyalty: The meaning of attachment in the development of sport team allegiance.journal of sport management, 20,175-184
Ghasemi, H. (2004). Leaflet for the Presentation of the Products and Services of the Squash Federation for Marketing. Squash Federation of Iran, (In Persian).
Gladden, J. M., Irwin, R.L. & Sutton, W.A. (2005), "Managing North American Major Professional Sport Teams in a new Millennium: A Focus on Building Brand Equity". Journal of Sport Management. 15, PP:297-317.
Hosseini, S. A. (2006). Marketing in Women's Sports and Challenges. Tehran: Bamdad Publications, (In Persian).
Izadi, A. (2004). Describing the Factors Affecting on the Attraction of Sponsorships of Iranian Professional Football Sponsorship Companies. Master's Thesis, Tehran: Tehran Teacher Training University, (In Persian).
Kyle, G.T., Kerstter, D.L., Guadangnolo,F.B.(2003), Manipulating Consumer Price Expectations for a 10k Road Roce. Journal of Sport Management. 17: 142-155
Lachowest,T., Gladden.J.(2003), A Framework for understanding cause Relatd Sport Marketing program. International Journal of Sport Marketing & Sponsorship.Vol .4. No.4.
Lough,N.L., kim,A.R.(2004), “Analysis of Sociomotivations Affecting Spectator attendance at womens professional basketball games in sougth korea”, Sport Marketin Quarterly . Vol.13, No.1, PP.35-42
Mc Donald, M. & Rascher, D. (2007), "Does Bat Day Make Cents? The Effect of Promotions on the Demand for Major League Baseball". Journal of Sport Management,14, PP:8-27.
Mc Carville, R.E. & Copeland, R.P. (2000), "Understanding Sport Sponsorship Through Exchange Theory". Journal of Sport Management ,8,PP:102-114 .
Meemari, J. (2007). Modeling of Marketing Association of Sports Industry. PhD Thesis, Tehran: University of Tehran, (In Persian).
Moharamzadeh, M. (2009). Sport Marketing Management. Urmia: Jahad University Press, (In Persian).
Moharamzadeh, M. (2006). Review of the Methods of Marketing of University Sports, Study on the Opportunity of Study, (In Persian).
Nicholas. D., Theodorakis, Daniel L. Wann.(2008). An examination of sport fandom in Greece: influences, interests and behaviours. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing . 4:(4): 356 - 374
Oeilly,Harrison,N.J.(2005), Sponsorship Management: A status Report. Sport Marketing & Sponsorship.Vol.8,No.4
Qayyami Rad, A., & Moharamzadeh, M. (2007). Comparative Study of Income Methods of Karate Federation of Iran and Japan. Journal of Research in Sport Sciences, 17, 89-100, (In Persian).
Robinson,M.J., Trail,G.T.(2005), Relationships Among Spectator Gender,motives,points,attachment & Sport Preference.Journal of Sport Management. 19:58-80
Ross,S.D.(2006), A Conceptual framework for understanding spectator- based brand equity. Journal of Sport Management. 20: 22-28
Ross, S.D., James, J.D.,Vargas P. (2006), “Development of a Scale to Measure Team Brand Associations in Professional Sport. Journal of Sport Management ,20(2).
Roy,D.,Graef,T.(2003), influences on consumer responses to winter Olympics sponsorship. International Journal of Sport Marketing & Sponsorship.Vol .4. No4.
Sajjadi, S. N., Omidi, A., & Zare, Gh. (2007). The Relationship Between the Use of Sport Images in Sports Advertising. Motion, 34, 83-93, (In Persian).
Seguin,B., O'Reilly, N . J.( 2008 ), The Olympic brand, ambush marketing and clutter. International. Journal. of Sport Management and Marketing - Vol. 4, No.1 pp. 62 - 84.
Shaw, S. & Amis, J.(2001), “Image and Investment : Sponsorship and Women’s Sport”. Journal of Sport Management,15, PP:219-246.
Smolianov.p.,Josep.F.A.(2009),Corporate Marketing Objectives and Evaluation Measures for Integrated TV Advertising and Sport Event Sponsorships.Journal of Promotion Management.15 (12): 74-89
Taks,M., kesenne,S.(2000),The Economic Significance of sport in Flanders Journal of Sport Management,14,342-365
Terner. D.(2008), The Olympic games cultural Olympiad identity & management. Unpublished masters thesis. The American university Washington,dc.
Wakefield K.L., Blodgett, J.G.& Sloan, H.J. (2001),"Measurement and Management of the Sportscape". Journal of Sport Management,10, PP:15-31.
Wakefield K.L. & Sloan, H.J. (2000), "The Effects of Team Loyalty and Selected Stadium Factors on Spectator Attendance". Journal of Sport Management,9, PP:153-172.
Yang, X.SH, Vancouver,C., Sparks,R.(2008), Sports sponsorship as a strategic investment in China: perceived risks and benefits by corporate sponsors prior to the Beijing 2008 Olympics. Volume 10 Number 1.