Quality of Work Life Functions for Productivity: Case study of work alienation and emotional exhaustion
Subject Areas : Business ManagementAli Merdad 1 * , Masoume Zaribafan 2 , Iran Mehdizadegan 3
1 - Assistant Professor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Isfahan University (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Iran
2 - Graduated from the Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Isfahan University (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Iran.
3 - Faculty Member, Industrial and Organizational Psychology Department, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Iran
Keywords: Emotional Exhaustion, work alienation, Quality of Work Life,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this research was to study the quality of work life functions for productivity through effects on work alienation and emotional exhaustion. The research method was descriptive-correlational and the statistical population consisted of all the employees of Sarayesh Company, from among whom 200 subjects were selected through stratified random sampling method. In this research a set of questionnaires consisting of quality of work life (Walton, 1973), job alienation (Boeree, 2001) and emotional exhaustion (Maslach & Jackson, 1981) were used. The data were analyzed by using Pearson correlation coefficient and Stepwise regression analysis and the results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between job alienation dimension and emotional exhaustion (p ≤ 0.01).Moreover, there are significant negative relationships between quality of work life dimension and job alienation dimension and between quality of work life dimension and emotional exhaustion (p ≤ 0.01). Furthermore, the results of Stpwise regression analysis showed that the dimension of quality of work life could predict %17 of job alienation and %30 of emotional exhaustion. Therefore, it is possible to reduce job alienation and emotional exhaustion by increasing the quality of work life.
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- Tavasoli, G and Ghadimi, M. (2001), “The phenomenon of alienation of work in the structure of the administrative system of Iran”, Political science research, N 30, 87- 115.
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- Nelson, L. & O’Donohue, W. (2006), Alienation, Psychology and Human Resource Management. University Of Tamania, Hobart, Australia, 379-402.
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- Seidler, A., Thinschmidt, M., Deckert, S., Then, F., Hegewald, J., Nieuwenhuijsen, K. & Riedel-Heller, S. G. (2014), The role of psychosocial working conditions on burnout and its core component emotional exhaustion – a systematic review. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 9:10, 1-13.
- Seyfettin, S., Camcesme, M., Adnan, C., & Ramazan, K. (2010), Work alienation as a mediator of the relationship between organizational injustice and organizational commitment: implications for healthcare professional are worth. USA: 6thED.
- Somech, A., & Miassy- Maljak, N. (2003), The relationship betweenreligiosity and burnout of principals: the meaning of educational workand role variables as mediators. Social Psychology of Education, 6, 61-90
- Van Scotter, J. R., & Motowidlo, S. J. (1996), Interpersonal facilitation and job dedication as separate facets of contextual performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 81, 525-531.
- Zhao, X. W., Sun, T., Cao, Q. R., Li, C., Duan, X. J., Fan, L. H., & Liu, Y. (2012), The impact of quality of work life on job embeddedness and affective commitment and their co-effect on turnover intention of nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22, 780–788.
- Arezumandi, F; Pardakhtchi, M and Ahmadi, G. (2009), “Study of the relationship between quality of working life and burnout among teachers and teachers of Takestan”, Master's Thesis. Quarterly Journal of Management and Leadership, N 9, 25- 50.
- Tavasoli, G and Ghadimi, M. (2001), “The phenomenon of alienation of work in the structure of the administrative system of Iran”, Political science research, N 30, 87- 115.
- Ross, R and Altimer, E. (2008), “Job stress”, Khajehpour Gholamreza translation, Tehran, Industrial Management Organization publication.
- Roshan nejad, M; Gholipur, A and Sherafat, S. (2010), “Explaining the appropriateness of the organization as an effective factor in the alienation of work and the link between work”, Strategic Management Strategies, N 4, V 1, 209-0229.
- Zomorodi, H. (2003), “The Relationship between Quality of Work Life and Job Burnout in Mashhad Schools in the Year 82-82”,. Master's Thesis, Allameh Tabatabai University of Tehran.
- Saatchi, M. (2007), “Strategic Productivity Psychology (Pathology and Strategic Management of Human Factors and Barriers, Employee's Job Productivity and Organization)”, Sixth Edition, Tehran, Virayesh Publishing.
- Saatchi, M. (2008), “Mental Health in the Workplace (Emphasizing Pressure and Burnout)”, First Edition, Tehran, Publishing Edition.
- Salmani, D. (2005), “Quality of Work Life and Improvement of Organizational Behavior”, Tehran: Publications of Faculty of Management, First Edition.
- Susan Abadi, M. (2011), “Relationship between the psychological health of the work environment and the dimensions of self-alienation”, Master's thesis, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch.
- Sharafi, L; Mehdad, A and Fazel, A. (2013), “The Relationship between Job Characteristics and Organizational Justice Dimensions by Job Alienation”, Knowledge and Research in Applied Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), V 14, N 53, 51-59.
- Mojahedi Jahromi, S; Hatami, H and Mir Jafari, A. (2011), “The Relationship between Quality of Work Life and Organizational Commitment and the Efficiency of Employees in Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Marvdasht Branch, Marvdasht Branch, Scientific-Research Quarterly, New Approach in Educational Management, V 2, N 3, 25- 40.
- Mostafavi Rad, F; Behranghi, M; Asgharian, M and Farzad, V. (2010), “Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Culture, Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment with Alienation of Work in the Teachers of the Secondary Schools of Shiraz, Journal of Educational Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz, V 1, N 2, 45-78.
- Musavi, Z; Soltani Hoseyni, M; Naderian, M and Homayi, R. (2009), “The Relationship Between Quality of Work Life and Organizational Commitment among Employees of the General Department of Physical Education in Isfahan”, Sport Management, V 2, 167- 181.
- Mehdad, A. (2012), “Staff Psychology, Second Edition”, Isfahan Islamic Azad University Press (Khorasgan).
- Mehdad, A. (2012), “Industrial and Organizational Psychology”, Eighth Edition, Tehran: Journals Forest Publishing.
- Armstrong - Stassen, M. (2006), Determinants of How Managers Cope With Organizational Downsizing. Applied Psycology: An International Review, 55(1), 1-5
- Armstrong, D. J., Riemenschneider, C. K., & Allen, M. W. (2007), Advancement, voluntrary turnover and women IT: A cognitive study of work- family conflict. Information & Management, 2 (44), 142-153.
- Bagtasos, M. R. (2011),Quality Of Work Life: A Review of Literature. DLSU Business &Economics, 20 (2), 1-8.
- Banai, M., Reisel, W. D. & Probst, T. M. (2004),A Managerial and Personal Control Model: Predictions of Work Alienation and Organizational Commitment in Hungry. Journal of International Management, 10, 375-392.
- Banai, M., Reisel, W. D., (2007), The influence of supportive leadership and job characteristics on work alienation: A six-country investigation. Journal of World Business, 4, 463-476.
- Boyas, J. & Wind, L. H. (2010), Employment-based social capital, job stress, and employee burnout: A public child welfare employee structural model. Children and youth Services Review, 32 (3), 380-388.
- Brooks, B. A., Storfjell, J., Omoike, O., Ohlson, S., Stemler, I., & Shaver, J. (2007), Assessing the quality of nursing work life. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 31, 152–15.
- Brooks, B. A., & Anderson, M. A. (2005), Defining quality of nursing work life. Nursing Economics, 23, 319–326.
- Campbell, J. P. & Campbell, R. J. (1988), Productivity in organizatios. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Chiu, S. F., Tsai, M. C.(2006), Relationship among burnout, job involvement. The journal of psychology, 6, 517-530.
- Conway, J.M. (1999), Distinguishing contextual performance from task performance for managerial jobs. Journal of Applied Psychology, 84, 3-13.
- Cummings, T. G. & Manring, S. L. (1977), The relationship between worker alienation adds work-related behavior. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 10 (2), 167-179.
- Erdem, M. (2014), The Level of Quality of Work Life to Predict Work Alienation. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 14(2), 534-544.
- Gordon, H. (1984), Making Sense of QWL programs. Business Horizons, 37-39.
- Harwood, L., Ridley, J., Wilson, B., & Laschinger, H. K. (2010), Occupational burnout, retention and health outcomes in nephrology nurses. CANNT journal, 20, 18–23
- Lees, M. & Sandra, K. (2005), Improving life quality: A Diagnostic approach model, Bluewater health foundation. HarvardUniversity press.
- Marginean, I., Precupetue, I. Tzanov, V, Preoteasa. A. M, & Voicu, B. (2006), First European Quality of Life Survey: Quality of life in Bulgaria and Romania. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions .1-75
- Maslach, C. & Jackson, S. E. (1981),The measurement of experienced burnut.Journal of accupational behavior, 2(2), 99-113
- Mitchell, M. L., & jolly, J. M. (2007), Research design explained (6thED). Thomson wads worth, USA.
- Mohseni Tabrizi, A., Zanjani, H., Taleghani, M. & Taleghani, M. (2011), Alienation of work and its impact labor productivity. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 1(11), 2051-2058.
- Moody, R. C. (2004), Nurse Productivity measures for the 21st century. Health Care Management Review, 29, 98–106.
- Motowidlo, S. J., Borman, W. C., & Schmit, M. J. (1997), A theory of individual differences in task and contextual performance. Human Performance, 10(2), 71-83.
- Neal, A. F. & Hesketh, B. (2001), Productivity in Organisations. In Neil Anderson, Deniz S. Ones, Hanadan Kepir Sinangil and Chockalingam Viswesvaran (Ed.), Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organisation Psychology, Volume 2, 7-24.
- Nelson, L. & O’Donohue, W. (2006), Alienation, Psychology and Human Resource Management. University Of Tamania, Hobart, Australia, 379-402.
- Newstrom. J. W. & Davis. K. (2002), Organizational Behavior: Human Behavior at Work, 11thed. London: McGraw-Hill international Edition.
- Organ, D. W. (1990), The motivational basis of organizational citizenship behavior. Research in organizational behavior, 12, 43-72.
- Pollock, S. (1993), Doing organizational effectiveness effectivity. Journal of Quality and participation, 36-42.
- Pritchard, R. D. (1992), Organizational productivity. In M. D. Dunnette,L.M.Hough (Eds.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology (Vol. 3, 2nd ed., pp. 443-471). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.
- Rubel, M. R. B. & Kee, D. M. H. (2014), Quality of Work Life and Employee Performance: Antecedent and Outcome of Job Satisfaction in Partial Least Square. World Applied Sciences Journal, 31 (4), 456-467.
- Seidler, A., Thinschmidt, M., Deckert, S., Then, F., Hegewald, J., Nieuwenhuijsen, K. & Riedel-Heller, S. G. (2014), The role of psychosocial working conditions on burnout and its core component emotional exhaustion – a systematic review. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 9:10, 1-13.
- Seyfettin, S., Camcesme, M., Adnan, C., & Ramazan, K. (2010), Work alienation as a mediator of the relationship between organizational injustice and organizational commitment: implications for healthcare professional are worth. USA: 6thED.
- Somech, A., & Miassy- Maljak, N. (2003), The relationship betweenreligiosity and burnout of principals: the meaning of educational workand role variables as mediators. Social Psychology of Education, 6, 61-90
- Van Scotter, J. R., & Motowidlo, S. J. (1996), Interpersonal facilitation and job dedication as separate facets of contextual performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 81, 525-531.
- Zhao, X. W., Sun, T., Cao, Q. R., Li, C., Duan, X. J., Fan, L. H., & Liu, Y. (2012), The impact of quality of work life on job embeddedness and affective commitment and their co-effect on turnover intention of nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22, 780–788.