A study of fundamental and indices of knowledge based economy in Islamic countries of middle-east and North Africa
Subject Areas : Business ManagementAlireza Bafande 1 * , Gholamreza Soltanifsgndes 2
1 - Faculty Member of Management Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Graduate student of industrial management in Tabriz Azad University, member of Tabriz Branch Research Club
Keywords: ICT, Innovation, Knowledge based economy, measuringindices, Islamic countries of Middle East and North Africa,
Abstract :
A knowledge based economy is the one in which production, dissemination and the use of knowledge is known as main factor for growth, production and engagement in a macro-economy. This study deals with knowledge definition, knowledge based economy, pillars of knowledge based economy framework, knowledge networks and measurement indices of knowledge based economy in Islamic countries in Middle-East and north.Africa, using theWorld Bank data and descriptive statistics (radar charts and means). The results showed that the aforementioned countries,in comparison with world mean are in lower position,though they are higher in three indices.The imbalance in knowledge based economy index is clearly visible.
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