Identification and Evaluation of Staffs’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior Process
Subject Areas : Business Management
Hosseyn Samadi Miyarkalai
Hasanali Aghajani
Hamzeh Samadi Miyarkalai
1 - Master of Public Administration, Young Researchers Club, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr Branch, Ghaemshahr, Iran
2 - Industrial management, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, university of mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.
3 - Ph.D. Student, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, effectiveness, Process, Education and Training Administration,
Abstract :
Organizational citizenship behavior is the tendency and motivation of employees to go beyond the formal obligations of the job in order to help each other, to align individual interests with organizational interests, and to have real interest in the organization’s overall missions and activities. The main purpose of the present research is identification and evaluation of organizational citizenship behavior of Bahnamir Education and Training Administration staff and teachers. The statistical population of the study includes 387 persons of Bahnamir City Education and Training Administration staff and teachers, and the sample size includes 172 staff members and teachers. The data were collected by using Neihoff and Moorman’s (1993) standard questionnaire. We analyzed the data by SPSS and LISREL software. The results showed that organizational citizenship behavior and all of the evaluated dimensions, namely altruism, courtesy, generosity, consciousness, and civic virtue are in desirable status and there is a significant relationship among them. Consideing the stated results, enhancement of this set of behaviors within organizations causes the increase in organizational performance and effectiveness level, by encouraging effective and efficient organizational performance.
Asgari, A., & Silong, AD., & Ahmad, A., & Abu Samah, B. (2008),"The Relationship between Transformational Leadership Behaviors", Organizational Justice, Leader-Member Exchange, Perceived Organizational Support, Trust in Management and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. European Journal of Scientific Research.227-242.
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Raminmehr, H., Hadizadeh, A., & Ahmadi, I. (2009). The Relationship between Perceived Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Case Study: National Company for Oil Products Distribution of Tehran). Change Management, 89-65, (In Persian).
Shirazi, A., Khodaverdiyan, E., & Na'imi, M. (2012). The Effect of Organizational Trust on the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (Case Study: North Khorasan Province Gas Company). Transaction Management Research, 154-133, (In Persian).
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Van Dyne, L., & VandeWalle, D., & Kostova, T., Latham, M.E., and Cummings, L.L. (2000), "Collectivism, propensity to trust, and self-esteem as predictors of organizational citizenship in a non-work setting". Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21: 3-23.
Van de ven, A. & Ferry, D. (1979), "Measuring and assessing organizations". John Wiley, New York.
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Asgari, A., & Silong, AD., & Ahmad, A., & Abu Samah, B. (2008),"The Relationship between Transformational Leadership Behaviors", Organizational Justice, Leader-Member Exchange, Perceived Organizational Support, Trust in Management and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. European Journal of Scientific Research.227-242.
Allen, T. D., & Facteau, J. D., & Facteau C. L. (2004), "Structured interviewing for OCB: Construct validity, faking, and the effects of type", Human Performance, 17(1) 91-24.
Ackfeldt, A-L., & Coote, L.V. (2005), "A study of organizational citizenship behaviors in a retail setting", Journal of Business Research 58 .(2005). 151– 159.
Anderson, J.C., & Gerbing, D.W. (1988), "Structural equation modeling in practice: a review and recommended two-step approach". Psychol. Bull. 103(3), 411–423.
Behlouli, N., Alavi, Y., & Derakhshani, A. (2010). The Investigation of the Effect of Organizational Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the Employees of the Azad University of Tabriz unit. Beyond Management, 108-73, (In Persian).
Bollen, K.A. (1989), "Structural equations with latent variables". Wiley, New York.
Baumgartner, H., & Homburg, C. (1996), "Applications of structural equation modeling in marketing and consumer research: a review". Int. J. Res. Mark. 13, 139–161.
Bagozzi, R.P., & Heatherton, T.F. (1994), "A general approach to representing multifaceted personality constructs: application to state self -esteem". Struct. Equ. Model. 1(1), 35–67.
Blakely, G.L., & Andrews, M.C., & Moorman, R.H (2005), "The Moderating Effects of Equity Sensitivity on the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors", Journal of Business and Psychology 20(2). 259-273.
Bienstock, C.C., & DeMoranville, C.W., & Smith R.K (2003), "Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Service Quality", Journal of Service Marketing. 17.357-378.
Bolino, M.C., & Turnley, W.H., & Niehoff, B.P. (2004), "The Other Side of The Story: Reexamining Prevailing Assumptions about Organizational Citizenship Behavior", Human Resource Management Review. 229–246.
Babaei, D., & Ahmad, A., & Idris, K., & Omar, Z., & Rahimian, H. (2012), "The Impact of Human Resource Practices and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors on Firm Performance", American Journal of Applied Sciences. 9(1). 47-53.
Bogler, R., somech, A.(2004), "Influence of teacher empowerment on teachers organizational commitment, professional commitment and organizational citizenship behavior in schools", Journal of teaching and teacher Education, 20 , 277-289.
Clement, M., Vandenberghe, R. (2000), "Teacher's professional development : A solitary or collegial (ad)venture ? ", Teacher and teaching Education,16 ,81 -101.
Castro, C. B., & Armario, E. M. & Ruiz, D. M (2004), "The influence of employee organizational citizenship behaviore o customer loyality", International Journal of Service Management,15(1). 27-53.
Cronbach, L. J (1951), "Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of test", Psychometrica, (16). 297-334.
Churchill, G. A. Jr (1979), "A paradigm for developing better measures of marketing constructs", Journal of marketing research. 16, February.64–73.
Conca, F. J. et al (2004), "Development of a measure to assess quality management in certified firms", European journal of operational research, (156). 683-697.
Churchill, G. (1999), "Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations". Dryden Press, Orlando.
Cote, J. & Netemeyer, R. & Bentler, P. (2001), "Structural equation modeling-improving model fit by correlating errors". J. Consum. Psychol. 10(1, 2), 87–88.
Diamantopoulos, J.S. (2000), "Introducing LISREL", W.R. Dillon, R.P.
Graham, J.W (1991), "An Essay on Organizational Citizenship Behavior", Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 4(4). 249-270.
Green, P.E. & Tull, D.T. & Albaum, G. (1988), "Research for Marketing Decisions", 5th edn. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R.L., Black, W.C., (1998), "Multivariate data analysis", Prentice Hall International Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Islami, H. (2007). Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Tadbir Educational Journal Monthly18, 59-56, (In Persian).
Katz, D., & Kahn, R.L (1966). "The social psychology of organizations", New York: Wiley.
Mackenzie, S. B., podsakoff, P. M., and Rich, G. A. (2001). "Transformational and transactional leadership and salesperson performance". Journal of academy of marketing science. 29. 396- 410.
Moorman, RH. (1991), "Relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviors: Do fairness perceptions influence employee citizenship? ". Journal of Applied Psychology, 76, 845–855.
Niehoff, B. P. & Moorman, R. H. (1993), "Justice as a mediator of the relationship between methods of monitoring and organizational citizenship behavior". Academy of Management Journal, 36: 527-556.
Nunnally, J. C (1978), "Psychometric theory", Second ed., McGraw-Hill, New York.
Organ, D.W (1988),"Organizational citizenship behavior". Lexington, MA: Lexington.
Organ, D.W (1990), "The motivational basis of organizational citizenship behavior". In B. M. Staw & L. L. Cummings (Eds.), Research in organizational behavior. 43–72.
Podsakoff, PM. et al (2000),"Organizational citizenship behaviors: A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research". Journal of Management. 26.513–563.
Podsakoff, P.M., & MacKenzie, S.B., & Moorman, R.H., & Fetter, R (1990), "Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers’ trust in leaders, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors", Leadership Quarterly. 107-142.
Peterson, R. A. (1994), "A meta-analysis of chronbach,s coefficient alpha", Journal of consumer research, (21). 381-391.
Ping Jr, R.A.(2004), "On assuring valid measures for theoretical models using survey data". J. Bus. Res. 57, 125–141.
Raminmehr, H., Hadizadeh, A., & Ahmadi, I. (2009). The Relationship between Perceived Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Case Study: National Company for Oil Products Distribution of Tehran). Change Management, 89-65, (In Persian).
Shirazi, A., Khodaverdiyan, E., & Na'imi, M. (2012). The Effect of Organizational Trust on the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (Case Study: North Khorasan Province Gas Company). Transaction Management Research, 154-133, (In Persian).
Tabarsa, Gh., & Raminmehr, H. (2010). Presentation of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Model. Management Perspective, 117-103, (In Persian).
Turnipseed. D. (2001), "Are good soldiers good? Exploring the link between organization citizenship behavior and personal ethics", Journal of Business Research. 55, 1– 15.
Van Dyne, L., & VandeWalle, D., & Kostova, T., Latham, M.E., and Cummings, L.L. (2000), "Collectivism, propensity to trust, and self-esteem as predictors of organizational citizenship in a non-work setting". Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21: 3-23.
Van de ven, A. & Ferry, D. (1979), "Measuring and assessing organizations". John Wiley, New York.
Vieira, A L. (2011), "Interactive LISREL in Practice Getting Started with a SIMPLIS Approach". University of Aveiro, Springer.
Yoon, M.H., & Suh, J (2003), "Organizational citizenship behaviors and service quality as external effectiveness of contact employees", Journal of Business Research. 597– 611.
Yun, S., & X., J., & Jr, P. S.(2007), "Leadership and teamwork: the effects of leadership and job satisfaction on team citizenship", International journal of Leadership studies, 68(12): 172-190.
Zeinabadi, H (2010), "Job satisfaction and organizational commitment as antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of teachers". Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 5, 998–1003.