The Effect of Marketing, Innovation and Learning Capabilities on Organization’s Performance (Case study: Tabriz Petrochemical Company)
Subject Areas : Business ManagementSeyed Mohammad nopsandasiel 1 , Asmaeyl ramazan pour 2 , Payman Attari Asl 3 *
1 - Assistant Professor of Management, University of Guilan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Management, University of Guilan, Iran
3 - Master of Industrial Management, University of Guilan, Iran
Keywords: Innovation capability, Marketing Capability, Learning Capability, Organization Performance, Tabriz Petrochemical Company,
Abstract :
To achieve higher performance is the goal which organizations implement different approaches to reach. Capabilities play a great role in gaining competitive advantages for organizations, namely capabilities of marketing, innovation and learning. While most of the studies on the effect of every one of these on performance has been examined separately, in this study effort has been made to introduce an integrated model to examine the simultaneous effect of all three complementary integrated elements on organization performance. In order to do so, to measure the effect of capability of marketing, innovation and learning on the performance of Tabriz Petrochemical Company, 265 questionnaires were distributed among the employees holding B.S. and higher degrees, out of which 255 were eligible to analyze. In this study we used SPSS and LISREL softwares to analyze the data .The results of the study indicate that there is a meaningful relation between marketing capability and organization's performance. It also shows that there is a meaningful relation between innovation capability and learning capability with the performance of the organization. It also suggests that there is a meaningful relation between marketing, innovation and learning capabilities as a complementary bundle with the performance of organization.
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- Kheyri, B., Roshani, A. (2013), “Check mediating role in the relationship between the orientation of strategic marketing capabilities and organizational performance”, A Case Study in Bank Melli Iran, Journal of Management, V 10, N 29, 97-113.
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- Rahimniya, F., Kafashpur, A., Purreza, M. (2012), “Strategic orientation and marketing capabilities”, Journal of Strategic Management, N 12, 145-166.
- Ramezaniyan, M., Moradi, M., Bosaghzade, N. (2012), “Effect of knowledge sharing and the ability to absorb knowledge innovation capability, Outlook”, N 11, 91-112.
- Zand hesami, H., Ashtiyani pur, Z. (2014), “Analysis of how IT innovation capabilities on the competitiveness of SMEs”, Second International Conference and Sixth National Conference on Management of Technology, 1-14.
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- Feyz, D., Nemati, M., Jabali javan, A. (2012), “The impact of marketing capabilities on the functional consequences of SMEs entrepreneurs (Case Study: Tehran food company Burger”, Journal of innovation and value creation, V 1, N 1, 19-28.
- Molla hoseyni, M., Alimoradi, A., Barpa, S. (2010), “The effect on the performance of SME Yazmanb learning capabilities of Kerman city using AHP”, Explore publication of Business Administration, V2, N 3, 91-111.
- Nadi, M., Sajadiyan, I. (2011), “Factor structure, reliability, validity and standardization scale organizational learning capability”, Journal of Educational Innovations, N 40, 105-130.
- Nadi, N., Yarmohamadiyan, M. (2011), “The reliability and validity of the scale model organizational learning capability in five faculty members of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences”, Health Information Management, 1073-1085.
- Norolahi, S., Kafashpur, A., Hadadiyan, A. (2013), “The effect of marketing capabilities on the market Hmlkrd creating superior value for customers in the food industry due to variable Birch Industrial Park Mashhad”, The National Conference of modern management Golestan Province, Golestan.
- Aktar, N; Ahmed khan, R Mujtaba, B.G(2013), Exploring and measuring Organizational Learning capabilities and competetive advatage of petroleum industry firms, international business and management, vol.6 No.1. 89-103
- Alegre Vidal, J;Chiva Gomez, R(2013),revealing the links between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance: journal of small business management, 51(4).491-507
- Alegre Vidal, J;Chiva Gomez, R(2013),revealing the links between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance: journal of small business management, 51(4).491-507
- Barney, J (1991), firm resources and sustained competetive advantage. Journal of management 17, 99-120
- Chang, S, Lee, M (2008),the linkage between knowledge accumulation capability and organizational innovation, journal of knowledge management, 12, 3-20
- Chang, W< eun park, J, Chaiy, S, (2010), How does CRM technology transform into organizational performance? A mediating role of marketing capability, journal of business research, 63. 849-855
- Day, g, (1994)the capabilites of market driven organizations, journal of marketing, 58(3), 37-52
- Johnson, M.a(2004), Customer portfolio management: toward a dynamic theory of exchange relationships, journal of marketing, 68(2), 1-17
- Krasnikov, A. & Jayachandran, S. (2008), The relative impact of marketing, research-anddevelopment, and operations capabilities on firm performance. Journal of Marketing, 72 (4), 1- 11.
- Mariadoss
- Merrilees, B., Rundle-Thiele, S., & Lye, A. (2011), Marketing capabilities: Antecedents and implications for B2B SME performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 40(3), 368-375.
- PORTER, M. E. Competitive strategy: techniques for analyzing industries and competitors. New York: Free Press, 1980.
- Sok, Phyra; o’Cass, Aron, Momy, Sok, Keo.(2013), Acgieving superior SME performance: overarchinh role of marketing, innovation and learning capabilities, australian marketing journal, 21, 161-167
- Teece, D.J. (1997), "Capturing value from knowledge assets", California Management
- Theodosiou M, kehagias J, Katsikea E.(2012), strategic orientations, Marketing capabilities and firm performance. Journal of Industrial Marketing Management,pp. 1-12.
- Wu, X., Sivalogathasan, V.,(2013), Innovation capability for better performance: Intellectual capital and organization performance of the apparel industry in Srilangka.Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 1(3), 273-277.