An Investigation of the Relationship between Quality of Work Life and Middle Managers’ Performance in Iran National Gas Company
Subject Areas : Business ManagementHamid Rahimiyan 1 , Ali najafi 2 *
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University
2 - PhD student in Educational Management at Allameh Tabatabai University
Keywords: Quality of Work Life, Iran National Gas Company, Middle managers&rsquo, performance,
Abstract :
This article studied the relationship between the quality of work life and middle managers’ performance. The statistical population included 180 middle managers, and Morgan table was used to select the research sample through stratified sampling technique. The sample size was 123, including 113 men and 10 women. Two questionnaires (quality of work life questionnaire with 29 questions and organizational performance questionnaire with 21 questions) whith high validity and reliability were used for data collection. The research is of descriptive – correlational type. The Pearson correlation coefficient revealed a significant correlation between all the work life quality variables and the middle managers’ performance. The Friedman test ranked the 6 variables of the quality of work life as follows: the work space and work design, participation in decision making, democracy in organization, training and education opportunities, salary and benefits, medical and welfare services. The results obtained from Kolmogorov – Smirnov test showed a normal distribution for the population. Finally, the results indicated that 20 percent of the middle managers’ performance is due to the work life quality components.
Acton, T., & Golden, W. (2003). Training the Knowledge Worker descriptive Study of Training Practices in Irish Software Companies. Journal of European Industrail Training, 12.
- Adhikani, D. R., & Gautam, D, K. (2010). Labor Legishlations for Improving Quality of Work Life. International Journal of law and Management, 52.(1), 40-35.
- Albert Gleason, C. (1982). Quality of Work Life: An Exploratory Study in Worker Group. PhD Thesis, Santa Barbara: University of California.
- Althin, R., & Behrenz, L. (2005). Efficiency and Productivity of Employment Offices: Evidence from Sweden. International Journal of Manpower. 26(2), 196-206.
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- Bassi, L., McMurrer, D., Ludwing, J., & Buren, M. (2000), Profiting from Learning Washington: American Society of Training and Development.
- Betsann, S. (1994). Teacher Quality of Work Life According to Teachers: The Case of High Schools. PhD Thesis, University of Minnesota.
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- Chaipol, H. (1989). A Comparative Study of Thai Middle Managers Perception of There Quality of Work Life in American- Owned, Japanese Owned and Thai Owned Companies Operating in Thailand. PhD Thesis, United State International University.
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- Hellicy, C, M .(1999),Job-Sharing in the South Afraican labour market its potential feasibility and impact on unemployment, productivity and quality of work life.D.B.L .Dissertation, University of South Afraica.
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- Ian C, R .(2000),correlates of employee involvement : quality of work life and locus of control orientation .Ph.D. Dissertation ,California school of professional psychology San Diego.
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- Lauri Kay, G,W(1998),Aexamination of the relationships between value conflict, quality of work life .job satisfaction and job retention aamong county human service workers in the state of ohio ,ph.D. Dissertation, the University of Tennessee.
- Lewis, David & Kevin Brazil. (2001), Extrinsic and intrinsic determinants of quality work life.International Journal of Healthcare quality assurance incorporating leadership.vol.14.N.5. p.14-19
- Lewise, Martin K. (1984), making sense of planned change: stakeholder perceptions in a quality of work life program, Ph.D. Dissertation, Case Western Reserre University.
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- Mercedes, M,& Caceres, J .(2002),More training , less security? Training and the quality of life at work in Argentina, Brazil and Chile, International Labour Review,. P.359.
- Mitchel,lee,et al .(1986),Employee Praticpation in a Quality Circle program :Impact on quality of work life productivity , and absenteeism.Journal of Applied psychology.vol.71 iss.1 pg.69.
- Natalya, D. (2004), “Essays a Measuring Human Capital and Older Workers Productivity”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Coornell University, Pages, 122.
- Patterson, M & warr, P & west, M.(2004), “organizational Climate and Company: the Rol of Employee Affect and Employee Level. Journal of occupational and organizational Psychology. Vol. 77, part. 2pg. 193.
- Politis, D, J . (2005), Dispersed Leadership predictor of the work environment for creativity and productivity. European journal of Innovation management. Vol. 22. pp. 182-204.
- Pot, F. D., Koningsveld, E., Erg, E. (2009), Quality of working life and organizational performance – two sides of the same coin? Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 35(6), 421 - 428.
- Pruijt, H. (2000), Performance and Quality of working life Journalist of Organizational change management.VO.13 No.4 pp.389-400.
- Ramstad, E. (2009), Promoting performance and the quality of working life simultaneously. International Journal of Productivity and Performance. Management, 58(5), 423 – 436.
- Rezaeiyan, A. (2003). Organizational Behavior Management. Tehran: Samt Publication, (In Persian).
- Richard,Robert,B .(2002), An analysis of the relationship between quality of Work Life and motivation for correctional service officers in the montreal area .ph.D.Dissertation,Mcgrill University (Canada).
- Saklani,D.R(2004),Quality of work life in the Indian Context:An Emprical Investigation.Dicision.vol.31,No.2 ,p:101-135.
- Sanderson & Bill, M, G. (1978), productivity and quality of working life a key factor? The Labour Gazzet,Vol, 78,N.11, 12:p:500.
- SenYoni, M. (1980), “Schooling, Traning and Work productivity: a follow up study of Inpp tranees Employee in Selected Zaire industries. Ph. D. Dissertation, the Florida State University.
- Shikdar,A,A&Sawaqed,N,M(2003), Worker Productivity, and occupational health and safety issues in selected industries. Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol,45N.4:p.563.
- Steenhuis, H & de Bruijn, E (2006), International shop floor or level productivity differences: an exploratory study. Journal of manufacturing technology management. Vol. 27. pp. 42-55
- Susanna,Margaretha,. (1992), quality of work life:a paradigm development in industrial psychology and its practical implication on personnel practices, D.COM. Dissertation, University of Pretoria.
- Tamura, R &Baier, L, S & Dwyer, P, G.(2006), How important are Capital And tatal Factor Productivity For eeonomic growth? Economic Inquiry, Vol, 44,iss,10,p23-27.
- Tangen,S.(2005),Demystifying Productivity and Performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management .pg.34.
- Verna,M , F .(2002),The relationship of performance incentives to productivity and qualityofworklife.Ph.D .Dissertation,University of Cincinnati.
- Yang .chn. (2005), Training determinants and productivity impact of training in China:a case of shanghahai . Journal of Education Review.p:275-295.
Acton, T., & Golden, W. (2003). Training the Knowledge Worker descriptive Study of Training Practices in Irish Software Companies. Journal of European Industrail Training, 12.
- Adhikani, D. R., & Gautam, D, K. (2010). Labor Legishlations for Improving Quality of Work Life. International Journal of law and Management, 52.(1), 40-35.
- Albert Gleason, C. (1982). Quality of Work Life: An Exploratory Study in Worker Group. PhD Thesis, Santa Barbara: University of California.
- Althin, R., & Behrenz, L. (2005). Efficiency and Productivity of Employment Offices: Evidence from Sweden. International Journal of Manpower. 26(2), 196-206.
- Amir, A. G. (1988). The Impact of Computerized Manufacturing Technology on the Work Process: Aqualityo Fworking Life Perspective. PhD Thesis, University of Pennsylvania.
- Anthony, F. C. (1983). Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and the Quality of Work Life, PhD Thesis,University of Massachusetts Amherst.
- Bassi, L., McMurrer, D., Ludwing, J., & Buren, M. (2000), Profiting from Learning Washington: American Society of Training and Development.
- Betsann, S. (1994). Teacher Quality of Work Life According to Teachers: The Case of High Schools. PhD Thesis, University of Minnesota.
- Carol, J. F. (1996). Worker Productivity as Function of the Percentage of Monetary Incentives to Base Pay. PhD Thesis, Westeran Michigan University.
- Cascio, W. F. (1992). Managing Human Resources. McGraw-Hill.
- Chaipol, H. (1989). A Comparative Study of Thai Middle Managers Perception of There Quality of Work Life in American- Owned, Japanese Owned and Thai Owned Companies Operating in Thailand. PhD Thesis, United State International University.
- Che Rose, R., Beh, L. S., Uli, J., & Idris, K. (2006). Quality of Work Life: Implications of Career Dimensions. Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2).
- Drucker, P. (1999). Knowledge-Worker Productivity: The Biggest Challenge. California Management Review, 41(2), 79-85.
- Fatemi, N .(2002), Investment in higher education and state workforce productivity .Ph.D. Dissertation, University of New Orleans.
- Gerald ,D.K .(1986), Employee-centered Productivity and QWL program:findings from an area study.
- Hallier,J, & Butts, S .(2000),Attempt to advance the role of training process and context .Employee RelationsN.4, p.375-402.
- Hellicy, C, M .(1999),Job-Sharing in the South Afraican labour market its potential feasibility and impact on unemployment, productivity and quality of work life.D.B.L .Dissertation, University of South Afraica.
- Hersey,H& Goldsmith, M .(1980),A Situational Approach to performance Planning. Training and Development Journal .Madison :vol:34,N.11 p.38
- Ian C, R .(2000),correlates of employee involvement : quality of work life and locus of control orientation .Ph.D. Dissertation ,California school of professional psychology San Diego.
- Kayem,K(1986), quality of work life professional staff of selected public schools (job satisfaction).Ed.D. Dissertation, Brigham Young University.
- Kennet Scott. (2000), Assessing the impact of communication cost on worker Productivity: an endividual level examination of the Productivity paradox .ph.D. Dissertation, Duke University
- Konrad, A, M & Mengel, R. (2000), “The Impact of Work life Program on firm Productivity”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol, 21N.12. p,1225.
- Kopelman, R. (1983), “Improving productivity through objective feedback: a review of the evidence. National Productivity Review . Vol.2.N. 1,p. 43
- Kopelman, R. (1986), “Alternative Work scheduling of Evidence”, National Productivity Review, vol. 5, N. 2, p,150.
- Kopelman, R, E, Prottas, D, J, Thompson, C, A & Jahn, W. E .(2006),A multilevel examination of work-life practies.Is more always better?Journal of Managerial Issues,N.18, p.232.
- Kopelman, R. E . (1985), "Job redesign and productivity: A review of the evidence, National Productivity Review. Vol 4. p. 237-255.
- Lau, R . (2000), Quality of work life and performance –an ad hoc invitation of two key elements in the service profit chain model. International Journal of Service Industry.p.155-162.
- Lauri Kay, G,W(1998),Aexamination of the relationships between value conflict, quality of work life .job satisfaction and job retention aamong county human service workers in the state of ohio ,ph.D. Dissertation, the University of Tennessee.
- Lewis, David & Kevin Brazil. (2001), Extrinsic and intrinsic determinants of quality work life.International Journal of Healthcare quality assurance incorporating leadership.vol.14.N.5. p.14-19
- Lewise, Martin K. (1984), making sense of planned change: stakeholder perceptions in a quality of work life program, Ph.D. Dissertation, Case Western Reserre University.
- Mavan der Voordt, T. (2004), Productivity and employee satisfaction in flexible work place, Journal of corporate real estate London, vol,6. N, 2:p.133.
- Mercedes, M,& Caceres, J .(2002),More training , less security? Training and the quality of life at work in Argentina, Brazil and Chile, International Labour Review,. P.359.
- Mitchel,lee,et al .(1986),Employee Praticpation in a Quality Circle program :Impact on quality of work life productivity , and absenteeism.Journal of Applied psychology.vol.71 iss.1 pg.69.
- Natalya, D. (2004), “Essays a Measuring Human Capital and Older Workers Productivity”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Coornell University, Pages, 122.
- Patterson, M & warr, P & west, M.(2004), “organizational Climate and Company: the Rol of Employee Affect and Employee Level. Journal of occupational and organizational Psychology. Vol. 77, part. 2pg. 193.
- Politis, D, J . (2005), Dispersed Leadership predictor of the work environment for creativity and productivity. European journal of Innovation management. Vol. 22. pp. 182-204.
- Pot, F. D., Koningsveld, E., Erg, E. (2009), Quality of working life and organizational performance – two sides of the same coin? Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 35(6), 421 - 428.
- Pruijt, H. (2000), Performance and Quality of working life Journalist of Organizational change management.VO.13 No.4 pp.389-400.
- Ramstad, E. (2009), Promoting performance and the quality of working life simultaneously. International Journal of Productivity and Performance. Management, 58(5), 423 – 436.
- Rezaeiyan, A. (2003). Organizational Behavior Management. Tehran: Samt Publication, (In Persian).
- Richard,Robert,B .(2002), An analysis of the relationship between quality of Work Life and motivation for correctional service officers in the montreal area .ph.D.Dissertation,Mcgrill University (Canada).
- Saklani,D.R(2004),Quality of work life in the Indian Context:An Emprical Investigation.Dicision.vol.31,No.2 ,p:101-135.
- Sanderson & Bill, M, G. (1978), productivity and quality of working life a key factor? The Labour Gazzet,Vol, 78,N.11, 12:p:500.
- SenYoni, M. (1980), “Schooling, Traning and Work productivity: a follow up study of Inpp tranees Employee in Selected Zaire industries. Ph. D. Dissertation, the Florida State University.
- Shikdar,A,A&Sawaqed,N,M(2003), Worker Productivity, and occupational health and safety issues in selected industries. Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol,45N.4:p.563.
- Steenhuis, H & de Bruijn, E (2006), International shop floor or level productivity differences: an exploratory study. Journal of manufacturing technology management. Vol. 27. pp. 42-55
- Susanna,Margaretha,. (1992), quality of work life:a paradigm development in industrial psychology and its practical implication on personnel practices, D.COM. Dissertation, University of Pretoria.
- Tamura, R &Baier, L, S & Dwyer, P, G.(2006), How important are Capital And tatal Factor Productivity For eeonomic growth? Economic Inquiry, Vol, 44,iss,10,p23-27.
- Tangen,S.(2005),Demystifying Productivity and Performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management .pg.34.
- Verna,M , F .(2002),The relationship of performance incentives to productivity and qualityofworklife.Ph.D .Dissertation,University of Cincinnati.
- Yang .chn. (2005), Training determinants and productivity impact of training in China:a case of shanghahai . Journal of Education Review.p:275-295.