Investigating the Effect of Work Ethics on the Positive Organizational Behavior Based on Fred Luthans’s Model (CHOSE) (Case study: Group22, Shahreza Artillery)
Subject Areas : Business ManagementAlireza shirvani 1 * , Farzad Sisakhti 2
1 - Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University of Dehaghan, Dehaghan, Iran
2 - Master of Public Administration, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran
Keywords: Work Ethics, Positive Organizational Behavior, CHOSE model,
Abstract :
Due to managerial weakness and the use of non-human models to solve human issues, one of the problems that employees are faced with today is the problem of work ethics. In recent years, in reaction to this situation, organizations have proceeded with strategies such as compiling moral criteria in order to guide the employees. They hope to increase the moral health and to reduce corruption in the organizations in this way. In addition to creating and developing ethical behavior, another challenge in organizations is providing an atmosphere that will encourage positive behavior among the employees, which Fred Luthans refers to as positive organizational behavior related to the existing ethics in the organizations. In the present research, five basic dimensions of positive organizational behavior includig self-confidence, hope, optimism, peace of mind and emotional intelligence, and their effect on Work ethics have been studied. The results of the statistical data analysis show that the correlation coefficient of p<=0.05 indicates a significant relationship between the five dimensions of positive organizational behavior and Work ethics. Further more, the multi-variate regression analysis shows that the component of inlerest in job alone accounts for 35 percent of optimism, peace of mind, and emotional intelligence. The rate of the effect of Work ethics on positive organizational behavior at the significance level of p<=0.05 is meaningful and equals 74 percent. Finally, the paper presents some practical suggestions.
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