The Effect of Aggregated Impacts of Productivity Variables in Customer-contact Employees on Customers Perceived Service Quality (Case: Private Banks in Khuzestan Province)
Subject Areas : Business ManagementNemat Allah Joola 1 * , Mansour Samadi 2 , Rahim Chini pardaz 3
1 - Master of Business Administration of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
2 - Assistant Professor of Management, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
3 - Professor of Statistics, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
Keywords: Productivity, Self-efficacy, Job satisfaction, Adaptability, Customers perceived service quality, role conflict, role ambiguity,
Abstract :
In this investigation, some of the variables effective on the productivity ofcustomer-contact employees affecting customer perception of perceived servicequality as well as the relations among the responses have been tested in the formof a conceptual model. In other words, the role of three major personalcharacteristics of employees ( self-efficacy, adaptability and job satisfaction), asa bridge between the employee's job characteristics (role conflict and roleambiguity) and customer perceived service quality have been investigated.Inorder to collect data through using census, the relevant questionnaires weredistributed among the members of the first statistical population ( the employeesof private banks in Khuzestan Province totaling 94 people). In this way, 94customer questionnaires were specialized to the banks by stratified sampling ;then, the bank questionnaires were distributed among their customers by randomsampling .The results of the structural equations analysis indicated that with dueattention to obtained goodness of fit index, the supposed model has been welldesigned.With due attention to the coefficients obtained from the model test, the12 suggested hypotheses can be accepted or rejected. As predicted, employee'sself-efficacy and job satisfaction have a positive structural effect on customerperceived service quality. Employee's self-efficacy positively affects employee'sadaptability with the customer. Contrary to all expectations, the results indicatedthat employee's adaptability negatively influences customer perceived servicequality. And as predicted, it was proved that the employee’s role conflict androle ambiguity have a negative structural effect on employee's adaptability andself-efficacy. Also, employee's role conflict positively affects employee’s roleambiguity. Finally, the results indicated that employee’s role ambiguity has alimited positive effect on employee's job satisfaction. It is worthy of mentionthat because the relevant coefficients were too small, it is difficult to make acomment on employee's role conflict and self efficacy effects on jobsatisfaction
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Lee Yong-Ki; Nam Jung-Heon (2006), what factors influence customer-oriented prosocial behavior of customer-contact employee?
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