Evaluating the Effect of Organizational Culture on Non-Financial Performance through the Mediating Role of Knowledge Utilitization and Application by Using Fuzzy Network Data Envelopment Analysis (FNDEA)
Subject Areas : Business ManagementMohsen shafenikabadi 1 * , Amir Salimi 2
1 - Assistant Professor of Industrial Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Semnan University
2 - Master of Science (MSc) in Technology Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Semnan University
Keywords: Organizational Culture, knowledge utilization and application, Non-financial performance, fuzzy data envelopment analysis,
Abstract :
This paper aims to investigate the relationship between Organizational Culture and Knowledge Utilitization and Application for ranking non-financial performance of Department of Sahand Tire Company. The main purpose of the study is presenting a model for improvement of non-financial performance of the department and studying the effect of organizational culture on non-financial performance with the mediating role of knowledge utilitization and application by using slack-based fuzzy network data envelopment analysis (FNDEA) on the basis of excess of inputs and shortage of outputs. The related data were collected by a questionnaire distributed among 117 personnel from 12 units on the basis of random-classified sampling. The findings showed that the non-financial performance of workshop and manufacturing Process are better than the performance of other units. Also, findings showed that knowledge utilitization and application factor has a significant and positive role in the relationship between organizational culture and non-financial performance.
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- Kangas, L. M. (2009). Assessing the Value of the Relationship between Organizational Culture Types and Knowledge Management Initiatives. Journal of Leadership Studies, 1, 29-38.
- Kavyani, M. (2012). Investigating the Relationship Between Strategic Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Customer Value Creation in SMEs in Tehran Province. Master's Thesis, Semnan: Semnan Univercity, (In Persian).
- Kongpichayanond, P. (2009). Knowledge Management for Sustained Competitive Advantage in Mergers and Acquisitions. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 3, 375-387.
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- Lai, M. F., & Lee, G. G. (2007). Relationships of Organizational Culture toward Knowledge Activities. Business Process Management Journal, 2, 306-322.
- Liao, C., Chuang, S. H., & To, P. L. (2010). How Knowledge Management Mediates the Relationship between Environment and Organizational Structure. Journal of Business Research, 7, 728-736.
- Martensson, M. (2000). A Critical Review of Knowledge Management as a Management Tool, Journal of Knowledge management, Vol.4, No.3, pp. 204-216.
- Massa, S., & Tsesta, S. (2009). A Knowledge Management Approach to Organizational Competitive Advantage: Evidence from the Food Sector. European Management Journal, 27, 129-141.
- McCormack, K., Ladeira, M. B., & Valadares de Oliveira., M. P. (2008). Supply Chain Maturity and Performance in Brazil. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 4, 272-282.
- Musavi, S. M., Mohammadzadeh Salteh, H., & Fakhimi Azar, S. (2012). Measuring Relative Efficiency and Ranking of Companies and Organizations Using DEA, DEA. Tadbir, 20, 63-73, (In Persian).
- Nayir, Z. D., & Uzuncarsblb, U. (2008). A Cultural Perspective on Knowledge Management: The Success Story of Sarkuysan Company. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2, 141-155.
- Nonaka, I., & Takeuchi, H. (1995). The Knowledge Creating Company. Decision Sciences Journal, 4, 112- 123.
- Nurmilaakso, J. M. (2007). XML- Based E-business Frame Works and Supply Chain Integration. Doctoral Dissertation. Helsinki University of Technology.
- O’Reilly, C., Chatman, J., & Caldwell, D. (1991). people and Organizational Culture: A profile Comparison Approach to Assessing Person-Organization Fit, Academy of Management Journal, 3, 487-516.
- Piruz, Sh. (2008). What is knowledge management?. Available in: www.roshd.ir, (In Persian).
- Sedera, D., & Gable, G. G. (2010). Knowledge Management Competence for Enterprise System Success. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 4, 296-306.
- Shafiei Nikabadi, M., Feyzi, K., Olfat, L., & Taghavi Fard, M. T. (2012). Multidimensional Structure to Explain the Effect of Organizational Culture and Supply Chain Culture on the Transfer, Subscription and Distribution of Knowledge in the Supply Chain of Automotive Industry: Emphasizing the Improvement of Supply Chain Performance. Information Sciences & Technology, 1, 103-127, (In Persian).
- Shafiei Nikabadi, M., & Farsijani, H. (2012). Knowledge Management in the Supply Chain (analytical approach). Tehran: Bavare Edalat, (In Persian).
- Karou T. (2001). A Slack-Based Measure of Efficiency in Data Envelopment Analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 130, 498-509.
- Wallach, E. J. (1983). Individual and Organizations: The Culture Match, Training and Development Journa, l2, 45-76.
- Wong, P. W., & Wong, K. Y. (2007). Supply Chain Performance Measurement System Using DEA Modeling. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 3, 361-381.