Surveying the Current Status of Knowledge Sharing among Faculty Members of Universities (Case Study: Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch)
Subject Areas : Business ManagementFarshad Esmaell panah 1 * , Saed Khayat mogadam 2
1 - MSc Student, Department of Public Administration, Mashhad Unit, Islamic Azad University, Vaahmand Shahd, Mashhad, Iran
2 - Academic Member (Assistant Professor) Department of Public Administration, Mashhad Unit, Islamic Azad University, Vaahmand Shahd, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: Faculty Members, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Sharing, Theory of planned behavior,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the situation of knowledge sharing among faculty members and identify the effective factors of theory of planned behavior in the conduct and knowledge sharing intention. This research is a descriptive survey. The research population includes all full-time faculty members of Mashhad Branch of Islamic Azad University, totalling 435 at the time of the research conduction. Of these people, 231 were chosen as sample by the use of Morgan table and stratified random sampling technique proportionate to the number of the members of each faculty. A questionnaire was used as the instrument for data collection in this research. Single-sample t-tests, correlation, regression and descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. T-test results revealed that knowledge sharing among faculty members, except the knowledge power, has a favorable level in all elements. Among all research variables (except for the components of the power of knowledge) positive relationship was observed. Sharing intention had the greatest role in explaining the knowledge sharing behavior and attitude toward knowledge sharing had the greatest role in explaining knowledge sharing intention.
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Sohrabi Yortechi, B., Rayesi Vanani, I., & Shafia, S. (2010). Presentation of an Applied Model for Measuring the Capacity of Knowledge Sharing (A Survey on Iranian Universities). Journal of Information Science and Technology Research Center of Iran, 26(1), 5-28, (In Persian).
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Witherspoon,C. L., Bergner, J., Cockrell, C. & Stone, D.N. (2013), Antecedents of organizational knowledge sharing: a meta-analysis and critique,Journal of Knowledge Management,17(2),250-277
Yu, Y., Wilkins, L. C. & Ma, Will W. K. (2004), Developing an Instrument for Measuring Knowledge Sharing Attitudes. Retrieved September 10, 2006, from Ma_2004.pdf.
Ajzen, I. (1991), The theory of planned behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process, 50 (2), 179-211
Alavi, M. & Leidner, D. E.(2001), eview: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues, MIS Quarterly 25(1), 107-136
Bock, G.-W., Zmud, R. W., Kim, Y.-G., & Lee, J.-N. (2005), ehavioral intention formation in knowledge sharing: Examining the roles of extrinsic motivators, social-psychological forces, and organizational climate. MIS Quarterly, 29(1), 87-111
Bock, G.W. & Kim, Y.G. (2002), reaking the myths of rewards:an exploratory study of attitudes about knowledge sharing, Information Resource Management Journal,15(2),14-21
Bounfour, A. (2003), he management of intangible: The organization's most valuable assets, London: Routlege
Chait, L. P. (1999), REATING A Successful Knowledge Management System, Journal of Business Strategy, 20(2), 23–26
Chatzoglou, P. D., & Vraimaki, E. (2009), Knowledge-sharing behaviour of bank employees in Greece, Business Process Management Journal, 15 (2), 245–266
Chennamaneni, A. (2006), eterminants of knowledge sharing behaviors: Developing and testing an integrated theoretical model. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Texas, Arlington. Retrieved May 12, 2009 from
Fishbein, M. & Ajzen, I. (1975), Belief, attitude, intension and behavior: An introduction to theory and research. Addison-Wesley. 1-30
Fullwood, R., Rowley, J., & Delbridge, J. (2013), Knowledge sharing amongst academics in UK universities, Journal of Knowledge Management, 17 (1), 123 – 136
Gagné, M. (2009), A model of knowledge-sharing motivation. Human ResourceManagement, 48(4), 571–589
Goh, S. K. & Sandhu, M, S. (2013), Knowledge Sharing Among Malaysian Academics: Influence of Affective Commitment and Trust. The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 11 (1), 38-48, available online at
Gupta, j.n.d. & Sharma,s.k. (2004), creating knowledge baseorganizations, idea group publishing, 1-20
Hooff, B. v. d., & Huysman, M. (2009), Managing knowledge sharing: Emergent and engineering approaches. Information & Management, 46(1), 1-8
Jafarzadeh Kermani, Z. (2012). Its Subsidiary Infrastructure in Higher Education: A Study of Librarianship and Information Education Departments. Journal of Library and Information Science, 15(58), 203-224, (In Persian).
Khatamanfar, P., & Pereirahkh, M. (2007). Study of the Status and Context of Knowledge Sharing in therganization of Astan Quds Razavi libraries, in Accordance with the Model of Noaka and Tike Uchi. Journal of Information and Communication Science, 10(40), 106-129, (In Persian).
Kim, S. & JU, B. (2008), an analysis of faculty perceptions: Attitudes toward knowledge sharing and collection in an academic institution. Library and Information Science Research, 30, 282-290
Lin, H. F. & Lee G. G. (2004), Perceptions of senior managers toward knowledge-sharing behaviour, Management Decision, 42 (1), 108-125.
Nordin, N. A., Daud, N., & Osman, W. U. K. M. (2012), Knowledge Sharing Behaviour among Academic Staff at a Public Higher Education Institution in Malaysia, World Academy of Science, (72), 234-240
Norman, P., & Smith, L. (1995), the theory of planned behavior and exercise: an investigation into the role of prior behavior, behavioral intentions and attitude variability. European Journal of Social Psychology, 25 (403),15-20
Saffari M, Shojaeizadeh D, Ghofranipour F, Heydarnia A, & Pakpour A.(2009), Health Education & Promotion: Theories, Models & Methods. 1st ed. Tehran, Sobhan Publisher, 17-21
Saedi, M., & Yazdani, H. R. (2009). Presentation of a Process Model for Implementing Knowledge Management Based on Organizational Learning in Iran Khodro: A Theory of Data. Journal of Information Technology Management, 2, 67-84, (In Persian).
Saenz, J., Aramburu, N. & Rivera, O. (2009), Knowledge sharing and innovation performance; a comparison between high-tech and low-tech companies, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 10 (1), 22-36.
Shih, R. & Jer Lou, S. (2011), The development and application of a knowledge sharing behavior model for Taiwanese junior high school English teachers, African Journal of Business Management, 5(30), 12066-12075.
Sohrabi Yortechi, B., Rayesi Vanani, I., & Shafia, S. (2010). Presentation of an Applied Model for Measuring the Capacity of Knowledge Sharing (A Survey on Iranian Universities). Journal of Information Science and Technology Research Center of Iran, 26(1), 5-28, (In Persian).
Tohidinia, Z. & Mosakhani, M. (2010), Knowledge sharing behaviour and its predictors, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 110 (4), 611–631
Walczak, S. (2005), Organizational Knowledge Management Structure. The Learning Organization, 12(4), 330-339
Witherspoon,C. L., Bergner, J., Cockrell, C. & Stone, D.N. (2013), Antecedents of organizational knowledge sharing: a meta-analysis and critique,Journal of Knowledge Management,17(2),250-277
Yu, Y., Wilkins, L. C. & Ma, Will W. K. (2004), Developing an Instrument for Measuring Knowledge Sharing Attitudes. Retrieved September 10, 2006, from Ma_2004.pdf.