Studying the Relations between Personality Characteristics & Irrational Beliefs and Job Satisfaction among Personnel of East Azerbaijan Telecommunication Department (PJS)
Subject Areas : Business Management
Saeid Najjarpour Ostadi
Hadi Esmkhani Akbarinejad
Sholeh Livarjani
1 - Faculty Member, Department of Psychology, Shabestar Unit, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
2 - Graduate student of Allameh Tabataba'i University
3 - Faculty Member, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Job satisfaction, personality characteristics, Irrational beliefs,
Abstract :
The aim of this research is to study the relation between personality characteristics, irrational beliefs and job satisfaction. 100 subjects were selected from among the personnel of East Azerbaijan Telecommunication Department using ranked random sampling and they were evaluated using NEO-FFI personality inventory, Jones Irrational Beliefs (IBT) and surveying test of Spector job satisfaction. The method of research is correlation method. Multi-variable regression test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and T-test were used for data analysis. Testing of hypotheses showed that there is no significant relation between the personality characteristics and job satisfaction and none of personality characteristics can anticipate job satisfaction of individuals. The results also showed that there is no significant relation between irrational beliefs and job satisfaction. The findings indicated that there is a significant and positive relation between personality characteristics and irrational belies, and that neurotic personality characteristics can anticipate the irrational beliefs of individuals. Other findings show that there is a significant difference between men and women in terms of irrational beliefs, and that female subjects have more irrational beliefs than male subjects, but there was no significant difference between the two groups of men and women in terms of job satisfaction.
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_||_Amini, J. (1997). Impact of Irrational Thoughts in Sanandaj High Schools on Teacher Satisfaction. Master's Thesis, Tehran: Tarbiat Moallem University, (In Persian).
Ayan, S & Kocacik, F (2010), The Relation Between the level of job satisfaction and Types of Personality in High school Teachers, Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 35, Feb, 2010, 27-41.
Appleton, K; House, A & Dowell, A (1998), A survey of job satisfaction, sourees of strees and psychological symptoms among general practitioners in Leeds, British Journal of General Practice, 48, 1998, 1059-1063.
Chirwa, L. Maureeen & et al (2009), HIV stigma and Nurse job satisfaction in five African countries, Journal of the assouciation of Nurses in AIDS care, 20, 2009, 14-21.
Ellis, A (1999), Rational- Emotive Behavior Therapy and cognitive Behavior Therapy for Elderly Oeopl, Journal of Rational Emotive & Cognitive- Behavior Therapy. 17, 1999, 5-18.
Erez, A & Jodge, T (1994), Dispositional source of job satisfaction: the Role of self- Deception, Center for Advanced Human Resource studies, Cornell University. /CAHRS/.
Fayyaz, A., & Kiani, J. (2008). The Pathologic Study of Students' Irrational Beliefs. Quarterly Journal of Culture Strategy, 4, 99-117, (In Persian).
Foroughi, S. (1996). Investigating the Relationship between Types of Nurses and their Job Satisfaction in Hospitals in Khorramabad. Master's Thesis, Tehran: Tarbiat Moallem University, (In Persian).
Ghasemi, J. (1996). Review of the Effectiveness of Counselors and Supervisor in Solving the Problems of Students in the New System of Secondary Education in the Port of Mahshahr. Master's Thesis, Tehran: Islamic Azad University, (In Persian).
Gharabaghi, H. (2003). Investigating the Relationship between Personality Traits and Personnel Satisfaction among Iranian Tractor Plant Staff. Master's Thesis, Tabriz: Tabriz University, (In Persian).
Hejazi, Y., & Iravani, M. (2002). The Relationship between Personality Characteristics and Job Performance. Journal of Psychology and Educational Sciences, 2, 171-189, (In Persian).
Hersey, P., & Kent, B. (1998). Organizational Behavior Management. Translated by: A. Pashband, Tehran: Amir Kabir Publication, (In Persian).
Krejcie, Robert V. & Daryle W. Morgan. Determining Sample Size for Research Activities, ducational & Psychological Measurement, 30 (Autumn 1970): 608.
Maddi, S (1989), Personality theories, Wadsworth, INC.
Mashbaki, A. (1998). Organizational Behavior Management (Applied Analysis, Teaching of Organizational Behavior). Tarjomeh Publication, (In Persian).
Maynihan, L, & Peterson, R (2001), A contingent Confignration approach to understanding the role of personality in organizational graups, Research in organizational, 23, 2001, 327- 338.
Mirzaii, Gh. R., Fathi Ashtiani, A., Mehrabi, H. A. & Ahmadi, Kh. (2006). Effective Factors on the Job Satisfaction in a Military Unit. Journal of Military Medicine, 8, 69-77, (In Persian).
Mohammad Motlagh, M. (2000). Investigating the Relationship between Personality and Job Satisfaction among Tarbiat Modarres University Staff. Master's Thesis. Tehran: Tarbiat Modares University, (In Persian).
Mosleh, A. (1995). The Relationship between Personality and Job Satisfaction with Regard to Job Features. Master's Thesis. Tehran: Tarbiat Modares University, (In Persian).
Najparpour Estadi, S., Aqedini Baher, A., & Khadivi, A. (2008). The Relationship between the Perception of Social Inequality, Social Laidness and Job Stasis with Job Satisfaction among Employees of Islamic Azad University. Journal of Management Science. Faculty of Management, Economics and Accounting, 6, 57- 77, (In Persian).
Nakayama, K; Yamaguchi, K; Maruyam, S & Morimoto, K (2001), The Relationship of Life- style foctors, Personal character and Mental Health status of Employees of a major Japanese Electrical Manufacturer, Environmental Health and preventive Medicine, 5, 2001, 144-149.
Narimani, M., Khanbabazadeh, M., & Farzaneh, S. (2007). A Survey on Personality Characteristics and Job Satisfaction among Ardabil University Students. Ardabil University of Medical Sciences Journal, 77, (In Persian).
Pardakhtchi, M. H. (1995). Investigating the Relationship between Individual and Personality Characteristics and Job Satisfaction among Secondary Schools of Shahid Esfahan. Master's Thesis, Tehran: Tarbiat Moallem University, (In Persian).
Pourshiygan, M., Hosseinian, S., & Yazdi, S. M. (2002). The Relationship between Irrational Beliefs with Job Satisfaction of Tehran High School Advisors. Recent Editions and Consulting Researches, 14, 55-68, (In Persian).
Robbins, A. (1998). Organizational Behavior (Concepts of Theories, Applications). Translated by: A. Parsayian & M. Arabi, Tehran: Tehran Cultural Research Center, (In Persian).
Saatchi, M. (1977). Counseling and Psychotherapy. Tehran: Pirayesh Publication (In Persian).
Sami Zadeh, H. (1998). A Survey on the Relationship between Personality Type and Individual Characteristics of Secondary School Teachers of Kerman City with Job Satisfaction. Master's Thesis, Kerman: Shahid Bahonar University, (In Persian).
Shamsi, A. (2003). The Relationship between Job Satisfaction, Mental Health and the Logical Belief of Teachers of the Third Grade with the Academic Achievement of Their Knowledge Amountees in Khomein. Master's Thesis, Tehran: Tarbiat Moallem University, (In Persian).
Soltani, M. (2005). Describing the Job Satisfaction and its Relationship with some of the Individual Characteristics of the Employees of the Tehran physical Education Department. Master's Thesis, Tehran: Shahid Beheshti University, (In Persian).
Soroush, M. (2002). Comparison of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Their Correlation with Selection of Individual Characteristics Between Physical Education Officers and Managers of Khorasan Physical Education Institutions. Master's Thesis, Tehran: Tarbiat Moallem University, (In Persian).
Tobiyi, Sh., Daghigh Afkar, M., & Haghshenas, H. (2009). The Relationship between Burnout with Mental Health Level and Personality Characteristics of Dentists. Journal of Dentistry, 4, 348-355, (In Persian).
Van, S. (2003), Reliability and validity of instruments measuring job satisfaction, Occupational Medicine 53, 2003, 191-200.