The Role of Human Resource Excellence Strategies on Staff Organizational Commitment (Case: Saipa Automotive Manufacturing Company)
Subject Areas : Business ManagementSayed Mohammad Mirkamali 1 , Kobra Khabare 2 * , Ebrahim Mazari 3
1 - Professor, Department of Educational Planning Management, University of Tehran
2 - PhD student in Educational Management, Kharazmi University
3 - PhD student in higher education management, University of Tehran
Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Staff, HRE Strategies, Saipa A. M. Company,
Abstract :
The present study aimed to explain the role of human resources excellence strategies on staff organizational commitment in saipa Aotomotive Manufacturing Company. The research method was descriptive- correlation of SEM. Based on Cochran sampling formula and by using multiple- stage cluster sampling method, 155 employees were selected as the reaserch sample. For data collection, the reaserchers used human resource excellence stralegies questionnaire with the reliability of α=0.94 and Allen and Meyer’s organizational commitment questionnaire (1991) with reliability of α=0.81. The data were analyzed through Kolmogorov- Smirnov test, one- sample t-test, Pearson correlation, Stepwise regression, SEM, analysis of variance, and post hoc tests. The results showed that human resource excellence strategies were significantly lower than average and employees’ organizational commitment was significantly higher than average. The structural equation modeling indicated that the research model is relatively well fitted with the data; thus, human resources excellence strategies with path coefficient of γ=0.58 have an impact on organizational commitment, but human resource leadership does not affect organizational commitment. Finally, one-way variance analysis and Dunnett t3 post hoc test showed that the state of human resource excellenence strategies was not different in different parts of the company, but there was a difference between the organizational commitment of the personnel of health and safety management department and human resoueces management department.
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- Khabare, K., Mirkamali, S. M., Pourkarimi, J., Mazari, E. (2014), Explaining The role of Human Resource Excellence on Staff Organizational Commitment:An Emphasis on Enabler Processes, International Journal of Social Science & Education, 4(1): 83-92
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- Weiner, Y. (1982), Commitment in Organization: A Normative View. Academy of Management Review, 7,PP 418-428.
- Ehsani, F. (2010), “Performance Evaluation of Human Resources of pipes, machine shops based on the Excellence Model of Human Resources”, MA thesis in Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Tehran University.
- Armstrong, M. (2006), “Strategic Human Resource Management”, Translation Seyed Mohammad Arabi and hope Mahdieh. Tehran: Cultural Research Bureau.
- Olrich, D. (2009), Leadership, human resources (new approach to creating value and effectiveness in business), translations Qelich Lee B, Tehran: Saramad.
- Emami, M. (2008), Organizational commitment and its influencing factors, Strategy 1, 127-144.
- Iran Human Resource Management Association. (2011), Human Resources Excellence Award.
- Iran Human Resource Management Association. (2012), Human Resources Excellence Award.
- Tavakoli, Z and et all. (2009), “The effect of increased education, organizational citizenship behavior on organizational commitment”, Vision of Management. N 33. 105-124.
- Khabbare, K. (2013), “The Relationship between the enablers of excellence in human resources and organizational commitment(The company's human resources department Saipa)”, Master's thesis, Department of Psychology and Education, Tehran University.
- Doaei, H. AAli, M. (2005), “Organizations in the context of globalization.”, Tehran: Publication Express light guide.
- Safarzade, M and et all. (2011), “Advanced Human Resource Management (concepts, theories and applications)”, Tehran, Rajai martyr teacher training university.
- Talei, M. (2010), “Analyzing the relationship between organizational commitment and organizational excellence (Case Study: Aerospace Industries Organization)”, Master's thesis, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, University of Payam Noor Tehran province.
- Arizi, H. Kazemi, M. (2011), “The relationship between organizational commitment and employee value system. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Consulting”, V 3, N 7, 54-75.
- Gholipur, A. (2012), Human Resource Management (concepts, theories and applications). Tehran: Samt.
- Gholich li, B. (2010), Human resources, assessment, planning and improvement, Tehran. Saramad.
- Mazari, E. Abili, K. Khabare, K. (2010), “Evaluation criteria enabling business excellence model In educational complexes (Case Study: Training complexes of Imam Khomeini”, First National Conference on billing, Tehran.
- Mirsepasi, N. Toloe, A. Memarzadeh, G. (2010), “Design excellence model human resources in the state using the fuzzy Delphi technique”, Journal of Management Studies, V 21, N 87, 1-23.
- Mirkamali, M. (2004), “Basics of Human Resource Management”, Tehran, Basatron.
- Mirkamali, M. (2009), “Human relations in schools”, Tehran, Basatron.
- Heshemi, H. Puramin, S. (2011), “Challenges facing human resource development and the way to fix it. Business and Society,”, N 136, 4-21.
- Adnan, M. (2011), Effect of Human Resource Practices on Organizational Commitment in Pakistan Universities. World Applied Sciences Journal .15 (6),pp.793-798.
- Allen, N.J., and Meyer, J.P. (1990), The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization.Journal of Occupational Psychology,63,pp1-18
- Armstraong, M.(2006),A Hand Book of human resource manage ment practice.10 Edition.
- Bou-Llusar, J.C. (2009), an empirical assessment of the EFQM Excellence Model: Evaluation as a TQM framework relative to the MBNQA Model. Journal of Operations Management,(27). 1–22.
- Chew, J.(2004), The in fluence of human resource management practices on the retention of core employees of Australian organizational : an empirical study. Submitted for the degree of doctor of philosophy, Murdoch university.
- Cohen, A.(2007),Commitment before and after: An evaluation and reconceptualization of organizational commitment. Human Resource Management Review 17 (2007) 336–354
- Courtney, M.B.(2005), The meaning of professional excellence for private practitions in occupational thorepy.Ausralian Occupational Therepy. 52(3).pp21-27
- Govindasamy,M. (2009),A study on factors affecting Affective organizational Commitment among Knowledge Workers in Malaysia .Bachelor of Applied Science. 30(3).pp112-120
- Harriet J., Kidombo, P. K., Chistopher M.G. (2012), Human Resource Strategic Orientation and Organizational commitment Keniya Manufacturing Firms. Iinternational Journal of Art and Commerce. 1.(7),pp.8-28.
- Harte, A., Ogrady, T.C., Fallaha, f. (2012), Improving the Performance of Organizations through the Performance of People. Available at: www .human resource excellence. com
- Khabare, K., Mirkamali, S. M., Pourkarimi, J., Mazari, E. (2014), Explaining The role of Human Resource Excellence on Staff Organizational Commitment:An Emphasis on Enabler Processes, International Journal of Social Science & Education, 4(1): 83-92
- Mcmurray, A.J., Scott, D.R., Pace, R.W.(2004), Affective continuance and normative commitment to the organization: a meta-analysis antecedents, correlates, and consequencs. Jornal of Vocational Behavior,61,pp.20-52
- Meyer, J.P & Allen, N.J. (1997), Commitment in the workplace: Theory, Research, and Application (Advanced Topics in Organizational Behavior). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc
- Meyer, J.P. & Allen, N.J. (1991), A Tree-component conceptualization of organizational commitment. Human Resource Management Review, 1,pp 61-89
- Moullin, M. (2002), Delivering Excellence in Health and Social Care: Quality, Excellence and Performance Measurement, Open University Press, Buckingham.
- Rehman, S.H., et al.(2012), Perceived Leadership Styles and Organizational Commitment, Interdisciplinary. Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. 4, (1).PP.616-626.
- Taing, M. U., Granger, B.P., Groff, K.W., Jackson, E.M., Johnson, R.E., (2011), The multidimensional nature of continuance Cmmitment: commitment owing to economic exchanges versus lack of employment alternative. Journal of BusPsychol, 26.pp269-284.
- Thomas,W. & et al (2006), Effective of Management Communication, Opportunity for Learning , and Work Schedule Legibility on Organizational Commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 68, pp.474-489.
- Tutuncu, O.Z., Deniz, K.u. (2007), Relationship between Organizational Commitment and EFQM Business Excellence Model: A Study on Turkish Quality Award Winners. Total Quality Management .18(10), pp 1083–1096
- Weiner, Y. (1982), Commitment in Organization: A Normative View. Academy of Management Review, 7,PP 418-428.