A Model for Organizational Resilience
Subject Areas : Business ManagementMaghsood Amiri 1 * , laya olfat 2 , Kamran Feizi 3 , Mohammad Ali Salehi Abarquee 4
1 - Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University
2 - Professor; Industrial Management Department, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University
3 - Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University
4 - Management and Accounting Faculty, Allameh Tabataba'i University
Keywords: confirmatory factor analysis, resilience, Organizational Resilience, Systematic Review,
Abstract :
Research findings have indicated that the crisis management capacity of social organizations significantly influences the extent to which various communities can adequately which has been defined as an organization's capacity in anticipating crises, minimizing their impacts, resisting resultant damages and effectively responding to and tackling challenging situations, has become a major concern in organizational research. Hence, the purpose of the present study was to identify various facets and indicators of organizational resilience, design a Resilience Model, and thereby, to help organizations to promote their resilience. The Resilient Model was designed employing a qualitative research methodology and using systematic review and interviewing experts as data collection instruments. The Model was validated via confirmatory factor analysis and was employed in evaluating resilience of three leather industrial firms. Results revealed that the firms were not resilient and significantly needed further investigation of organizational resilience indicators and reform planning. This Model can vividly identify strengths and weaknesses of organizational resilience and offer implications for overcoming weaknesses. Encounter crises and rise to challenges. Social organizations play a key role in accelerating the process of restoring social order by offering efficient emergency services. Therefore, organizational resilience
Aleksandar Aleksi, Miladin Stefanovi, Slavko Arsovski, Danijela Tadi, (2014), "An Assessment of Organizational Resilience Potential in SMEs of the Process Industry, A Fuzzy Approach", Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 26; 1238-1245.
Andrew John, Zaili Yang, Ramin Riahi, Jin Wang. (2016), "A risk assessment approach to improve the resilience of a seaport system using Bayesian networks", Ocean Engineering111, 136–147.
Angeon, V., & Bates, S. (2015). "Reviewing composite vulnerability and resilience indexes: A sustainable approach and application". World Development, 72, 140-162.
Azusa Kikuchi, & Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, (2013), "Organizational Resilience: An Investigation Of Key Factors That Promote The Rapid Recovery Of Organizations", Academic Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 2, No. 9; Pp 188-194.
Bernard Mees, Adela McMurray, Prem Chhetri, (2016), "Organisational resilience and emergency management", Australian Journal of emergency management, 31(2), 38-43.
Brunsdon Dave & Dalziell Erica. (2005). "Making Organisations Resilient: Understanding the Reality of the Challenge". In Resilient Infrastructure Conference, pp. 27-34, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Caralli Richard A., Julia H. Allen, Pamela D. Curtis, David W. White, & Lisa R. Young, (2010), CERT® Resilience Management Model, Version 1.0: Improving Operational Resilience Processes, TECHNICAL REPORT, CMU/SEI-2010-TR-012, ESC-TR-2010-012, Software Engineering Institute, Http:// www.Cert.Org/ Resilience.
Carl Folke. (2006). "Resilience: The Emergence of a Perspective for Social-Ecological Systems Analyses". Global Environmental Change, 16(3):253-267.
Caroline Orchiston, Girish Prayag, Charlotte Brown, (2016), "Organizational resilience in the tourism sector", Research Notes and Reports/Annals of Tourism Research, 56, 128–163.
CRD, (2009), Systematic Reviews, CRD’s guidance for undertaking reviews in health care, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York.
Cutter, SL, Barnes, L, Berry, M, Burton, C, Evans, E, Tate, E, & Webb, J., (2008), "A Place-Based Model for Understanding Community Resilience to Natural Disasters", Global Environmental Change, 18: 598-606.
Dalziell Erica .P., (2005), Understanding The Vulnerability Of Organisations, The 1855 Wairarapa Earthquake Symposium. Pp 130-135.
Fang Yiping & Sansavini Giovanni (2017), "Optimizing power system investments and resilience against attacks", Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 159, 161–173.
Fiksel, Joseph (2006), "Sustainability and resilience; toward a systems approach", Journal of Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy. Vol 2, Issues 2.
Fornell, C. and Larcker, D.(1981); "Evaluating Structural Equation Modeling with Unobserved Variables and Measurement Error"; Journal of Marking Research ,Vol.18, No.1, pp.39-50.
Gibson C. A., & Tarrant, M., (2010), "A Conceptual Models' Approach to Organisation Resilience", Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 25(2), 6-12.
Holling, CS., (1973), "Resilience and Stability of Ecological Systems", Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 4: 1–23.
Hosseini Seyedmohsen & Kash Barker. (2016), "A Bayesian Network Model for Resilience-Based Supplier Selection", Int. J. Production economics, 180, 68–87.
Johan van der Vorm, Dolf van der Beek, Ellen Bos, Niek Steijger, Raphael Gallis & Gerard Zwetsloot, (2011), Images of Resilience: the Resilience Analysis Grid Applicable at several Organizational Levels?, Paris: TRANSVALOR-Presses des MINES, pp1-7.
Kevin Pollock, (2012), An examination of Scotland’s strategic coordinating groups to determine whether they are capable of delivering resilience and enhanced crisis management capabilities. PhD thesis. University of Glasgow.
Lange Sandra, (2014), Systematic review of scientific literature published on the topic of public procurement between the years 1997 and 2012, MASTER THESIS in Business Administration of the School of Management and Governance (MB), University of Twente, Netherlands.
Luthans, F., Vogelgesang, G.R., & Lester, P.B., (2006),"Developing the Psychological Capital of Resiliency". Human Resource Development Rev., 5 (1), 25.
Madni, A.M. & S. Jackson. (2009), "Towards a Conceptual Framework for Resilience Engineering". IEEE Systems Journal, 3(2), 181–91.
Mallak, L., (1998), "Putting Organizational Resilience to Work". Industrial Management, 40, 8–13.
Paton Douglas, Smith, Leigh, and Violanti, John M., (2000), "Disaster response: risk, vulnerability and resilience". Disaster Prevention and Management, 9 (3), 173–180.
Racca P, Casarin R., Squazzoni F., Dondio P., (2016), "Resilience of an online financial community to market uncertaintyshocks during the recent financial crisis", Journal of Computational Science, 16, 190–199.
Ran Bhamra, Samir Dani & Kevin Burnard. (2011), "Resilience: the Concept, a Literature Review and Future Directions", Int. J. Production Research, 49 (18), pp. 5375-93.
Reitsema J. Laurie, Tomasz Kozłowski, Douglas E. Crews, M. Anne Katzenberg, Wojciech Chudziak, (2017), "Resilience and local dietary adaptation in rural Poland, 1000–1400 CE", Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 45, 38–52.
Seville Erica, Brunsdon, David, Dantas, Andre, Le Masurier, Jason, Wilkinson, Suzanne, & Vargo, John, (2008), "Organisational Resilience: Researching the Reality of New Zealand Organisations", Journal of Business Continuity and Emergency Management, 2(2), 258-266.
Smith Denis & Fischbacher Moira. (2009), "The changing nature of risk and risk management: The challenge of borders, uncertainty and resilience". Risk Management, 11(1):1-12.
SRC (Stockholm Resilience Centre), (2014), Applying Resilience Thinking- Seven Principles for Building Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems, www.Stockholmresilience.Su.Se.
Stephenson Amy, (2010), Benchmarking the Resilience of Organisations, a Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Civil and Natural Resources Engineering Department; University of Canterbury.
Stephenson Amy, Seville Erica, Vargo John, Roger Derek, (2010), Benchmark Resilience a Study of the Resilience of Organisations in the Auckland Region, Resilient Organisations Research Report 2010/03b; www.resorgs.org.nz.
Tracey Shannon, (2015), Organizational Resilience Indicators Based on a Salutogenic Orientation, A thesis submitted to the Telfer School of Management in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Health Systems, University of Ottawa, Canada.
Vargo John & Erica Seville. (2010), "Resilient Organisations: Trying to Thrive When You Are Struggling to Survive", 4th Annual Business Continuity Summit 2010 Resilience over Uncertainty, 24-25th March 2010, Sydney, Australia.
Walker Brian, Carpenter Stephen R., Anderies John M., Pritchard Rusty, (2002), "Resilience management in social-ecological systems: a working hypothesis for a participatory approach". Conservation Ecology, 6 (1), 14.
Zach Whitman, (2014), Rural Organisational Impacts, Responses, and Recoveries to Natural Disasters: Case Studies from the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence and the 2010 Southland Snowstorm, a Thesis Submitted In Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Hazard & Disaster Management Department of Geological Sciences, University of Canterbury.
Zhao Kang, Kumar Akhil, Terry P. Harrison, John Yen, (2011), "Analyzing the Resilience of Complex Supply Network Topologies Against Random and Targeted Disruptions", IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 5, no. 1.
Aleksandar Aleksi, Miladin Stefanovi, Slavko Arsovski, Danijela Tadi, (2014), "An Assessment of Organizational Resilience Potential in SMEs of the Process Industry, A Fuzzy Approach", Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 26; 1238-1245.
Andrew John, Zaili Yang, Ramin Riahi, Jin Wang. (2016), "A risk assessment approach to improve the resilience of a seaport system using Bayesian networks", Ocean Engineering111, 136–147.
Angeon, V., & Bates, S. (2015). "Reviewing composite vulnerability and resilience indexes: A sustainable approach and application". World Development, 72, 140-162.
Azusa Kikuchi, & Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, (2013), "Organizational Resilience: An Investigation Of Key Factors That Promote The Rapid Recovery Of Organizations", Academic Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 2, No. 9; Pp 188-194.
Bernard Mees, Adela McMurray, Prem Chhetri, (2016), "Organisational resilience and emergency management", Australian Journal of emergency management, 31(2), 38-43.
Brunsdon Dave & Dalziell Erica. (2005). "Making Organisations Resilient: Understanding the Reality of the Challenge". In Resilient Infrastructure Conference, pp. 27-34, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Caralli Richard A., Julia H. Allen, Pamela D. Curtis, David W. White, & Lisa R. Young, (2010), CERT® Resilience Management Model, Version 1.0: Improving Operational Resilience Processes, TECHNICAL REPORT, CMU/SEI-2010-TR-012, ESC-TR-2010-012, Software Engineering Institute, Http:// www.Cert.Org/ Resilience.
Carl Folke. (2006). "Resilience: The Emergence of a Perspective for Social-Ecological Systems Analyses". Global Environmental Change, 16(3):253-267.
Caroline Orchiston, Girish Prayag, Charlotte Brown, (2016), "Organizational resilience in the tourism sector", Research Notes and Reports/Annals of Tourism Research, 56, 128–163.
CRD, (2009), Systematic Reviews, CRD’s guidance for undertaking reviews in health care, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York.
Cutter, SL, Barnes, L, Berry, M, Burton, C, Evans, E, Tate, E, & Webb, J., (2008), "A Place-Based Model for Understanding Community Resilience to Natural Disasters", Global Environmental Change, 18: 598-606.
Dalziell Erica .P., (2005), Understanding The Vulnerability Of Organisations, The 1855 Wairarapa Earthquake Symposium. Pp 130-135.
Fang Yiping & Sansavini Giovanni (2017), "Optimizing power system investments and resilience against attacks", Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 159, 161–173.
Fiksel, Joseph (2006), "Sustainability and resilience; toward a systems approach", Journal of Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy. Vol 2, Issues 2.
Fornell, C. and Larcker, D.(1981); "Evaluating Structural Equation Modeling with Unobserved Variables and Measurement Error"; Journal of Marking Research ,Vol.18, No.1, pp.39-50.
Gibson C. A., & Tarrant, M., (2010), "A Conceptual Models' Approach to Organisation Resilience", Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 25(2), 6-12.
Holling, CS., (1973), "Resilience and Stability of Ecological Systems", Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 4: 1–23.
Hosseini Seyedmohsen & Kash Barker. (2016), "A Bayesian Network Model for Resilience-Based Supplier Selection", Int. J. Production economics, 180, 68–87.
Johan van der Vorm, Dolf van der Beek, Ellen Bos, Niek Steijger, Raphael Gallis & Gerard Zwetsloot, (2011), Images of Resilience: the Resilience Analysis Grid Applicable at several Organizational Levels?, Paris: TRANSVALOR-Presses des MINES, pp1-7.
Kevin Pollock, (2012), An examination of Scotland’s strategic coordinating groups to determine whether they are capable of delivering resilience and enhanced crisis management capabilities. PhD thesis. University of Glasgow.
Lange Sandra, (2014), Systematic review of scientific literature published on the topic of public procurement between the years 1997 and 2012, MASTER THESIS in Business Administration of the School of Management and Governance (MB), University of Twente, Netherlands.
Luthans, F., Vogelgesang, G.R., & Lester, P.B., (2006),"Developing the Psychological Capital of Resiliency". Human Resource Development Rev., 5 (1), 25.
Madni, A.M. & S. Jackson. (2009), "Towards a Conceptual Framework for Resilience Engineering". IEEE Systems Journal, 3(2), 181–91.
Mallak, L., (1998), "Putting Organizational Resilience to Work". Industrial Management, 40, 8–13.
Paton Douglas, Smith, Leigh, and Violanti, John M., (2000), "Disaster response: risk, vulnerability and resilience". Disaster Prevention and Management, 9 (3), 173–180.
Racca P, Casarin R., Squazzoni F., Dondio P., (2016), "Resilience of an online financial community to market uncertaintyshocks during the recent financial crisis", Journal of Computational Science, 16, 190–199.
Ran Bhamra, Samir Dani & Kevin Burnard. (2011), "Resilience: the Concept, a Literature Review and Future Directions", Int. J. Production Research, 49 (18), pp. 5375-93.
Reitsema J. Laurie, Tomasz Kozłowski, Douglas E. Crews, M. Anne Katzenberg, Wojciech Chudziak, (2017), "Resilience and local dietary adaptation in rural Poland, 1000–1400 CE", Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 45, 38–52.
Seville Erica, Brunsdon, David, Dantas, Andre, Le Masurier, Jason, Wilkinson, Suzanne, & Vargo, John, (2008), "Organisational Resilience: Researching the Reality of New Zealand Organisations", Journal of Business Continuity and Emergency Management, 2(2), 258-266.
Smith Denis & Fischbacher Moira. (2009), "The changing nature of risk and risk management: The challenge of borders, uncertainty and resilience". Risk Management, 11(1):1-12.
SRC (Stockholm Resilience Centre), (2014), Applying Resilience Thinking- Seven Principles for Building Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems, www.Stockholmresilience.Su.Se.
Stephenson Amy, (2010), Benchmarking the Resilience of Organisations, a Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Civil and Natural Resources Engineering Department; University of Canterbury.
Stephenson Amy, Seville Erica, Vargo John, Roger Derek, (2010), Benchmark Resilience a Study of the Resilience of Organisations in the Auckland Region, Resilient Organisations Research Report 2010/03b; www.resorgs.org.nz.
Tracey Shannon, (2015), Organizational Resilience Indicators Based on a Salutogenic Orientation, A thesis submitted to the Telfer School of Management in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Health Systems, University of Ottawa, Canada.
Vargo John & Erica Seville. (2010), "Resilient Organisations: Trying to Thrive When You Are Struggling to Survive", 4th Annual Business Continuity Summit 2010 Resilience over Uncertainty, 24-25th March 2010, Sydney, Australia.
Walker Brian, Carpenter Stephen R., Anderies John M., Pritchard Rusty, (2002), "Resilience management in social-ecological systems: a working hypothesis for a participatory approach". Conservation Ecology, 6 (1), 14.
Zach Whitman, (2014), Rural Organisational Impacts, Responses, and Recoveries to Natural Disasters: Case Studies from the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence and the 2010 Southland Snowstorm, a Thesis Submitted In Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Hazard & Disaster Management Department of Geological Sciences, University of Canterbury.
Zhao Kang, Kumar Akhil, Terry P. Harrison, John Yen, (2011), "Analyzing the Resilience of Complex Supply Network Topologies Against Random and Targeted Disruptions", IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 5, no. 1.