Necessity of Creating Electronic Cities in Sustainable Development (Case Study of Tabriz Zone 6)
Subject Areas : Business Management
Bahman Hadili
Ali Zeynaly Azeem
1 - Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Tabriz University
2 - Graduate Student, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Electronic government, Electronic city, Electronic citizen, Electronic municipality,
Abstract :
The present paper studies the necessity of creating an electronic city in the sustainable development of the 6th zone of Tabriz.The main research question is whether creating e-cities is necessary for sustainable development. The research method is descriptive and applied. The statistical population includes all the employees of Tabriz Municipality. The research sample was obtained using Morgan's Chart. In order to collect data, Likert's spectrum technique was used. This research aims, by providing the theoretical and conceptual framework and by clarifying the relationship between the e-city and sustainable development, to justify scientifically the necessity of creating e-cities in the world of sustainable development. The findings show that creating e-cities is necessary for sustainable development
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