A Study of the Relationship between Managers' Cultural Intelligence and Productivity of Maskan Bank Branches in Urumia
Subject Areas : Business ManagementVariya Gadere 1 * , Mahnaz Erevani 2 , Mohammadali Farniya 3
1 - Master of Educational Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Master of Public Administration, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran
3 - Faculty Member (Assistant Professor) Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Productivity, Managers, Cultural Intelligence, Maskan Bank,
Abstract :
The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between managers' cultural intelligence and productivity of Maskan Bank branches in Urumia. The research method was a descriptive correlation. The statistical population of the research includes the managers and staff of the Maskan Bank branches in Urumia, the number of which is 17. Since the statistical population is limited, all the population will be considered as the sample size. For each manager four employees were selected. For data collection, two forms of questionnaires, namely cultural intelligence and productivity, were used. For analyzing the data, both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The findings show that there is a significant and positive relationship between managers' cultural intelligence, and its component (Meta-cognitive, Cognitive, Motivational, and Behavioral) with the productivity of the Maskan Bank branches.
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Fayyazi, M. (2001). Cultural Intelligence the Need of Managers in the Century of Diversity. Tadbir Monthly, 172, (In Persian).
Fayyazi, M., & Jahansar Ahmadi, H. (2006). Cultural Intelligence, The Need of Managers in the Century of Diversity. Tadbir Monthly, 172, (In Persian).
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Hadiizadeh Moghaddam, A., & Hosseini, A. (2007). Investigating the Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Group Effectiveness, Center for Modernization and Administrative Transformation. Tehran: School of Management and Accounting, Shahid Beheshti University, (In Persian).
Hersy, P. Blanchard, K.(1983), Management or Organization Behavior. Newjersy prentice-Hall.
Imai, R & Gelfand M J(2007), The cultural intelligence negotiator: the impact of CQ on intercultural negotiation effectiveness. Dissertation For the degree of doctor of philosophy.
Jacobson, Standy a; stiles, Richard L (1985), The Effectivness of physical education specialist. Eric.No.Ed078068. Journal Research for exercise and sport.Vol, 14.
Kazemi, M. (2008). Investigating the Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and the Performance of Employees in the Community, Al-Malmiyeh University. Master Thesis, Tehran: Tehran University, (In Persian).
Mashabbaki, A., & Tizro, A. (2009). The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Cultural Intelligence on the Success of Leaders in the Global Classroom, Management Research, 3, (In Persian).
Mashbaki, A., & Ramoz, N. (2006). Cultural Intelligence Elixir, Successful World-Class Managers. Fourth International Management Conference, (In Persian).
Naiji, M. J., & Abbas Alizadeh, M. (2007). Cultural Intelligence; Adaptation to Non-Heterogeneous. Tadbir, 23, (In Persian).
Nozadi, S. R. (1972). The Effect of Management Information System on the Productivity, National Steel Industrial Group of Iran. Master's Thesis, Tehran: Allameh Tabatabaei University, (In Persian).
Peter J. Paul and Olson C.Jery (2005), Consumer behavior, Mcgraw-Hill press, p.288.
Peterson, B (2004), Cultural intelligence: A guide to working with people from other cultures. Yurmouth, ME. Intercultural Press.
Rahimnia, F., Mortazavi, S., & Delaram, T. (2009). Investigating the Impact of Cultural Intelligence on the Performance of the Tasks of Managers (Case Study: Branches of the New Economy Bank of Tehran). Modiriyate Farda Scientific Journal, 22, (In Persian).
Sazmand, B. (2005). Culture and Human Rights in the Light of Globalization. Strategic Quarterly, 36, (In Persian).
Schuiteman J. Annellies. K (1987), an examination of gender differences in scholarly productivity among physical educator. Eric. No.Ej364420. Journal Research for exercise and sport. Vol.58.
Sotoudeh Padash, S. F. (2001). Productivity of Physical Education Organization. Tehran: Science and Sports Publishing, (In Persian).
Sternberg J, Robert (1999), Successful Intelligence: Finding a Balance, Trends in cognitive sciences, vol.3,No.11
Taheri, Sh. (2006). Productivity and Analysis in Organizations. Tehran: Hastan Puplication, (In Persian).
Taslimi, M. S., Gholipour, A., Verdiynejad, F., & Al-Aqa, M. (2009). Providing Solutions for Improving the Cultural Intelligence of Government Managers in International Affairs. Management Researches, 4, (In Persian).
Templer, K.J., Tay, C., and Chandrasekar, A.(2006), Motivational Cultural Intelligence, realistic job preview realistic living conditions preview and cross-cultural adjustment. Group & organization Management, Vol. 31,pp 154-171.
Triandis, C. Harry (2006), Cultural Intelligence in Organizations, Group & Organization Management, Vol.32, No.1, February, pp 20-26.
Vazifeh Damirchi, Q. Rahimi, GH. Seyyedi, H (2011), The role of workers multiple intelligence on their productivity in cultural institution of Moghan. Australian journal of business & management research, Vol.1, No 7: 42-50, October.
Vedadi. A, Kheiri. B, Abasalizadeh. M (2010), the relationship between cultural intelligence & achievement: a case study in an Iranian company, Iranian of management studies, Vol.3, No.3. Pp: 25-40
Wright S.Norman and Drewery P.Glyn (2006), Forming Cohesion in Culturally Heterogeneous Team. Cross Cultural Management, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp.43-53.
Yousefi, R. (2008). Productivity Growth at Pars Switch Company and Comparison with the Fourth Development Plan. Seventh Quality and Productivity Conference in the Electricity Industry, , (In Persian).