Promoting supply chain productivity with the use of The invincibility theory
Subject Areas : Business ManagementZahra KHoshsepehr 1 , Sayed Hussein Fakhrpour 2 * , Mohammad Hasan Maleki 3
1 - Msc in industrial Management, University of Management and Accounting, Farabi pardis of Tehran University.
2 - Msc in industrial Management, University of Management and Accounting, Farabi pardis of Tehran University.
3 - Assistant Professor of Management, University of Qom
Keywords: Supply Chain, Analytic network process (ANP), Invincibility, Grey- ARAS,
Abstract :
This research was an applied cross-sectional descriptive survey. Thestudy tried to measure the amount of invincibility of supply chain ofMobarakeh Steet Company in Esfahan. To do so, the basic frameworkwas obtained through a comprehensive review of the related literature;the framework was prepared and verified by experts. Using thisframework, the invincibility related to supply chain was obtained.Having sessions with experts and using interviews and questionnaires,the criteria were refined. Using ANP the importance of each criterionwas specified. The main criteria, all the risk criteria (0.16) and learning(0.5) accounted for the largest weight. Using grey ARAS supplierEsfahan Mobarakeh steel company was ranked in terms of invincibilityand the rank of PARS in the supplier invincibility was located in the firstplace.
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