Developing a Local Model of Organizational Agility in Knowledge based Firms: Applying the Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach
Subject Areas : Business ManagementMehrdad Madhoshi 1 * , javad haditabar 2
1 - Professor Department of Industrial Management, University Mazandaran,Iran
2 - PhD Candidate, Department of Industrial Management, University Mazandaran,Iran
Keywords: Agility, Knowledge based Companies, Interpretive Structural Modeling University (ISM), Driving and Dependence Power,
Abstract :
The most important advantage of competitive global businesses is now considered to be quick responsiveness in meeting the diverse needs of customers. Therefore, many experts in Management consider agility as the key to the success of organizations in the dynamic and unpredictable era. Numerous definitions of agility have been proposed through close scrutiny of various factors. In this study, we aimed to identify major agility-related factors based on a comprehensive theoretical and empirical literature review. Having integrated the opinions of experts and local agents based on the Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) technique, we scrutinized the extent of the driving and dependence power of these factors in knowledge-based companies that are rapidly gaining ground. The results obtained from the analysis of nineteen identified major agility-related factors showed that structural flexibility of organizations and data analysis are the most penetrating drivers and environmental accountability and the capacity to modify business goals are the most dependent factors
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Gunasekaran, A. (1999), Agile Manufacturing: A Framework for Research and Development. International Journal of Production Economics, 62, 87-105.
Gunasekaran A., Patel C., & Tirtiroglu, E. (2001), Performance Measures and Metrics in a Supply Chain Environment. International Journal of Production and Operations Management, 21(1/2), 71-87.
Hooper, M. J.,Steeple, D., & winters, C. N. (2001), Costing Customer Value: An Approach for The Agile Enterprise International Journal Of Operation and Production Management. 6/5(21), 630- 644.
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Meredith, S., Francis, D. (2000), Journey towards agility: the agile wheel explored. The TQM Magazine. Vol. 12. No.2.PP. 137-143.
Nagel, R., & Dove, R. (1991), Twenty-First Century Manufacturing Enterprise Strategy-An Industry Led Review. Iacocca Institute, Leigh University.
Lin, C. T., Chiu, H., & Chu, P.Y.(2006), Agility Index in the Supply Chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 100(2), 285-299.
Pérez-Bustamante, G.(1999), Knowledge Management in Agile Innovative Organizations. Journal of Knowledge Management, 3(1), 6-17.
Plonka, F. S. (1997), Developing a Lean and Agile Work Force. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 7(1), 11-20.
Senge, P.M. (1990), The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. London: Random House.
Shahaei, B., & Rajab Zadeh, A.(2005), Evaluating Aspects of Organizational Agility in Governmental Organizations, An IT Perspective, Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Management, March, (In Persian).
Sharifi, H., & Zhang, Z. (1999), A Methodology for Achieving Agility in Manufacturing Organizations: An Introduction. International Journal of Production Economics, 62(1-2), 7-22, (In Persian).
Sherehiy, B., Karwowski, W., & Layer, J. K. (2007), A Review of Enterprise Rgility: Concepts, Frameworks, and Attributes. International Journal of industrial ergonomics, 37(5), 445-460.
Sumukadas, N., & Sawhney, R. (2004), Workforce Agility through Employee Involvement. IIE Transactions 36(10), 1011-1021.
Trevithick, S., Flabouris, A., Tall, G., & Webber, C., (2003), International EMS systems: New South Wales. Australia Resuscitation, 59(2), 165-70.
Tzeng, G. H., Chen, W. H., Yu, R., & Shih, M. L. (2010), Fuzzy Decision Maps: A Generalization of the Dematel Methods. Soft Computing, 14(11), 1141-1150.
Vandergriff, L. J. (2006), Unified Approach to Agile Knowledge based Enterprise Decision Support, Vine, 36(2), 199 -210.
Vernadat, F. B. (1999), Research Agenda for Agile Manufacturing. International Journal of Agile Management Systems, 1(1), 37-40.
Vokurka, R., &Fliedner, G. (1998), The Journey Toward Agility. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 98(4)
Yusuf, Y., Sarhadi, M., & Gunasekaran, A.(1999), Agile Manufacturing: The Drivers, Concepts and Attributes. International Journal of Production Economics, 62(1–2), 33-43.
Yusuf, Y. Y., & Adeleye, E. O. (2002), A Comparative Study of Lean and Agile Manufacturing with Related Survey of Current Practices in the UK. International Journal of Production Research 40, 4545-4562.