Modeling the Measurement of Supplier Resilience Criteria via an Interpretive Expert-Driven Approach: A Step towards Promoting the Productivity of AutomotiveParts Manufacturing Industry
Subject Areas : Management (Operations Research)Alireza Arab 1 , Iman Ghasemian Sahebi 2 * , iman ghasemian sahebi 3
1 - PhD student in Operations Research, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran,Iran
2 - Professor of Industrial Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran,Iran
3 - Ph.D. student of Production Management and Operations Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran,Iran
Keywords: fuzzy Delphi, Besunise countinuityinterpretive, Supplier resilience, Structural Modelling,
Abstract :
In the business world today, intense competition among the firms forces them to operate under conditions of uncertainty which, in turn, gives rise to numerous risks that can negatively impact the supply chain and lower profitability and competitive advantage. Expansion and density of communication network in the supply chain, on the one hand, and inevitability of some disorders, on the other, underscore the importance of measuring and evaluating suppliers. Supplier resilience defined as less influenceability from and the capacity to quell disorders, hence, requires more rigorous scrutiny. The aim of the current research was thus to identify and level suppliers’ resilience criteria at Avrand's Industrial Group supply chain using a combination of Fuzzy Delphi (FDELPHI) and Interpretative Structural Modeling techniques. The results of the FDELPHI method showed that 16 of the 27 criteria extracted from the literature review were verified by the team of 10 experts. Further, the Interpretive Structural Modeling was employed to offer a hierarchical model of the verified criteria. The results revealed a five-level hierarchy of resilience criteria with the delay time criterion at the highest level and the most influenceable factor and financial strength criterion as the most influential factor placed at the lowest level.
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Raut, R. D., Narkhede, B., & Gardas, B. B. (2017), To Identify the Critical Success Factors of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices in the Context of Oil and Gas Industries: ISM Approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 68, 33-47.
Resilience, S. C. (2011), 3rd Annual Survey.Business Continuity Institute.
Sahu, A. K., Datta, S., & Mahapatra, S. S. (2016), Evaluation and Selection of Resilient Suppliers in Fuzzy Environment: Exploration of Fuzzy-Vikor. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 23(3), 651-673.
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Urciuoli, L., Mohanty, S., Hintsa, J., & Boekesteijn, E. G. (2014),The Resilience of Energy Supply Chains: AMultiple Case Study Approach on Oil and Gas Supply Chains to Europe. Supply Chain Management-an International Journal, 19(1), 46-63.
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Azadeh, A., Abdollahi, M., Farahani, M. H., & Soufi, H. R. (2014), Green-Resilient Supplier Selection: An Integrated Approach. in International IEEE Conference, (In Persian).
Blackhurst, J., Dunn, K. S., & Craighead, C. W. (2011), An Empirically Derived Framework of Global Supply Resiliency. Journal of Business Logistics, 32(4), 374-391.
Blome, C., & Schoenherr, T. (2011), Supply Chain Risk Management in Financial Crises-A Multiple Case-Study Approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 134(1), 43-57.
Bouzon, M.,Govindan, K.,Rodriguez, C.M.T., & Campos, L.M.S. (2016), Identification and Analysis of Reverse Logistics Barriers Using Fuzzy Delphi Method and AHP. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 108, 182-197.
Briano, E., Caballini, C., & Revetria, R. (2009), Literature Review About Supply Chain Vulnerability and Resiliency. 8th WseasInternational Conference on System Science and Simulation in Engineering.
Carvalho, H., Barroso, A. P., MacHado, V. H., Azevedo, S., & Cruz-Machado, V. (2012), Supply Chain Redesign for Resilience Using Simulation. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 62(1), 329-341.
Chan, S., & Larsen, G. N. (2010), A Framework for Supplier-Supply Chain Risk Management: TradespaceFactors to Achieve Risk Reduction- Return on Investment. International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security.
Cheng, C. H., & Lin, Y. (2002), Evaluating the Best Main Battle Tank Using Fuzzy Decision Theory with Linguistic Criteria Evaluation. European Journal of Operational Research, 142(1), 174-186.
Chiang, C. Y., Kocabasoglu-Hillmer, C., & Suresh, N. (2012), An Empirical Investigation of theImpact of Strategic Sourcing and Flexibility on Firm’s Supply Chain Agility. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 32(1), 49-78.
Christopher, M., & Holweg, M. (2011), Supply Chain:Managing Supply Chains in the Era of Turbulence. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 41(1), 63-82.
Christopher, M., Towill, D., Martin, C., & Denis, T. (2001), An Integrated Model for the Design of Agile Supply Chains. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 31(4), 235-246.
Cousins, P.D., Lawson, B., Petersen, K. J., & Handfield, R.B.(2011), Breakthrough Scanning, Supplier Knowledge Exchange, and New Product Development Performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(6), 930-942.
Datta, S., & Mahapatra, S. S. (2014), A Decision Support System towards Suppliers’ Selection in Resilient Supply Chain: Exploration of Fuzzy-Topsis.
Gunasekaran, A., Patel, C., & Tirtiroglu, E. (2001), Performance Measures and Metrics in a Supply Chain Environment. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 21(1/2), 71-87.
Haldar, A., Ray, A., Banerjee, D., & Ghosh, S. (2012), A Hybrid McdmModel forResilient Supplier Selection. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 7(4), 284-292.
Haldar, A., Ray, A., Banerjee, D., & Ghosh, S. (2014), Resilient Supplier Selection under a Fuzzy Environment. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 9(2), 147-156.
Hofmann, E. (2011), Natural Hedging as a Risk Prophylaxis and Supplier Financing Instrument in Automotive Supply Chains. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16(2), 128-141.
Ivarsson, I., & Alvstam, C. G. (2010), Upgrading in Global Value-Chains: ACase Study of Technology-Learning among IKEA-Suppliers in China and Southeast Asia. Journal of Economic Geography.
Kamalahmadi, M., & Mellat-Parast, M. (2016), Developing a Resilient Supply Chain Through Supplier Flexibility and Reliability Assessment. International Journal of Production Research, 54(1), 302–321, (In Persian).
Kamalahmadi, M., & Parast, M. M. (2016), A Review of the Literature on the Principles of Enterprise and Supply Chain Resilience: Major Findings and Directions for Future Research. International Journal of Production Economics, 171, 116-133, (In Persian).
Kern, D., Moser, R., Hartmann, E., & Moder, M. (2012), Supply Risk Management: Model Development and Empirical Analysis. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 42(1), 60-82.
Kloyer, M., & Scholderer, J. (2012), Effective Incomplete Contracts and Milestones in Market-Distant R&D Collaboration. Research Policy, 41(2), 346-357.
Kuo, R. J., Wang, Y. C., & Tien, F. C. (2010), Integration of Artificial Neural Network and MADA Methods for Green Supplier Selection. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18(12), 1161-1170.
Lavastre, O., Gunasekaran, A., & Spalanzani, A. (2012), Supply Chain Risk Management in French Companies. Decision Support Systems, 52(4), 828-838.
Leat, P., & Revoredo-Giha, C. (2013), Risk and Resilience inAgri-Food Supply Chains: The Case of the ASDA PorkLink Supply Chain in Scotland. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18(2), 219-231.
Locke, R. M., Rissing, B. A., & Pal, T. (2013), Complements or Substitutes? Private Codes, State Regulation and the Enforcement of Labour Standards in Global Supply Chains. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 51(3), 519-552.
Matook, S., Lasch, R., & Tamaschke, R. (2009), Supplier Development with Benchmarking as Part of a Comprehensive Supplier Risk Management Framework. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 29(3), 241-267.
Nishat Faisal, M. (2010), Sustainable Supply Chains: AStudy of Interaction among the Enablers. Business Process Management Journal, 16(3), 508-529.
Park, K. (2011), Flexible and Redundant Supply Chain Practices to Build Strategic Supply Chain Resilience: Contingent and Resource-Based Perspectives.
Pettit, T. J., Fiksel, J., & Croxton, K. L. (2010), Ensuring Supply Chain Resilience: Development of a Conceptual Framework. Journal of Business Logistics, 31(1), 1-21.
Pfohl, H. C., Köhler, H., & Thomas, D. (2010), State of the Art in Supply Chain Risk Management Research: Empirical and Conceptual Findings and a Roadmap for the Implementation in Practice. Logistics Research, 2(1), 33-44.
Ponomarov, S. Y., & Holcomb, M. C. (2009), Understanding the Concept of Supply Chain Resilience. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 20.
Rajesh, R., & Ravi, V. (2015), Supplier Selection in Resilient Supply Chains: AGrey Relational Analysis Approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 86, 343-359, (In Persian).
Raut, R. D., Narkhede, B., & Gardas, B. B. (2017), To Identify the Critical Success Factors of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices in the Context of Oil and Gas Industries: ISM Approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 68, 33-47.
Resilience, S. C. (2011), 3rd Annual Survey.Business Continuity Institute.
Sahu, A. K., Datta, S., & Mahapatra, S. S. (2016), Evaluation and Selection of Resilient Suppliers in Fuzzy Environment: Exploration of Fuzzy-Vikor. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 23(3), 651-673.
Sawik, T. (2011), Selection of Supply Portfolio under Disruption Risks. Omega, 39(2), 194-208.
Sawik, T. (2013), Selection of Resilient Supply Portfolio under Disruption Risks. Omega, 41(2), 259-269.
Scholten, K., Sharkey Scott, P., & Fynes, B. (2014), Mitigation Processes-Antecedents for Building Supply Chain Resilience. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 19(2), 211-228.
Sheffi, Y. (2005), Building a Resilient Supply Chain. October, 1(8), 1-14.
Simangunsong, E. S., Hendry, L., & Stevenson, M. (2012),Supply Chain Uncertainty: AReview and Theoretical Foundation for Future Research. International Journal of Production Research, 50(16), 4493-4523.
Simchi-Levi, D., Simchi-Levi, E., & Kaminsky, P. (1999), Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Cases. McGraw-Hill New York.
Soni, U., Jain, V., & Kumar, S. (2014), Measuring Supply Chain Resilience Using a Deterministic Modeling Approach. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 74(1), 11-25.
Stecke, K. E., & Kumar, S. (2009), Sources of Supply Chain Disruptions, Factors that Breed Vulnerability, and Mitigating Strategies. Journal of Marketing Channels, 16(3), 193-226.
Tate, W. L., Dooley, K. J., & Ellram, L. M. (2011), TransactionCost and Institutional Drivers of Supplier Adoption of Environmental Practices. Journal of Business Logistics, 32(1), 6-16.
Torabi, S. A., Baghersad, M., & Mansouri, S. A. (2015), Resilient Supplier Selection and Order Allocation under Operational and Disruption Risks. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 79, 22-48, (In Persian).
Torres-Fuchslocher, C. (2010). Understanding the Development of Technology-Intensive Suppliers in Resource-Based Developing Economies. Research Policy, 39(2), 268-277.
Tukamuhabwa, B. R., Stevenson, M., Busby, J., & Zorzini, M. (2015). Supply Chain Resilience: Definition, Review and Theoretical Foundations for Further Study. International Journal of Production Research, 53(18), 5592-523.
Urciuoli, L., Mohanty, S., Hintsa, J., & Boekesteijn, E. G. (2014),The Resilience of Energy Supply Chains: AMultiple Case Study Approach on Oil and Gas Supply Chains to Europe. Supply Chain Management-an International Journal, 19(1), 46-63.
Wang, Y. M., Chin, K. S., Poon, G. K. K., & Yang, J. B. (2009), Risk Evaluation in Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Using Fuzzy Weighted Geometric Mean. Expert Systems with Applications, 36(2), 1195-1207.
Yang, B., & Yang, Y. (2010), Postponement in Supply Chain Risk Management: AComplexity Perspective. International Journal of Production Research, 48(7), 1901-1912.
Yi, C. Y., Ngai, E. W. T., & Moon, K. L. (2011), Supply Chain Flexibility in An Uncertain Environment: Exploratory Findings from Five Case Studies. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16(4), 271-283.
Zhang, Y., Lindell, M. K., & Prater, C. S. (2009), Vulnerability of Community Businesses to Environmental Disasters. Disasters, 33(1), 38-57.
Zsidisin, G. A., & Wagner, S. M. (2010), Do Perceptions Become Reality? The Moderating Role of Supply Chain Resiliency on Disruption Occurrence. Journal of Business Logistics, 31(2),1-20.