Presenting a Model for Using the Internet of Things in Iranian Knowledge-Based Companies to Promote Productivity
Subject Areas : Human resources management)
khatereh Esmaeeli ranjbar
Nadjla Hariri
Mojdeh Salajgh
Fahimeh Babalhavaeji
1 - Ph.D.candidate of Information Science and Epistemology Department, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Sciences and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor of Knowledge and information Science, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
4 - Assistant Prof. of Knowledge and Information Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Efficiency, Internet of Things, Grounded Theory, Knowledge based, Improve Efficiency,
Abstract :
The present study aimed at presenting a model for the use of the Internet of Things in Iranian knowledge-based companies. In terms of exploration and data collection, this applied research is a qualitative and quantitative one. The main approach for achieving the model of using the Internet of Things is the grounded theory methodology which is based on a paradigmatic model. In the qualitative part, 25 executives and practitioners of knowledge-based companies who were somehow specialized and experienced in the Internet of Things were interviewed. They were selected through snowball method. For the quantitative part, all managers and technology experts working in knowledge-based companies were considered as the research population. Cochran's formula for finite communities was used to select the sample. After careful analysis of the interviews, 59 extracted concepts were identified in 5 main categories and 13 subcategories. It was found that management requirements, customer requirements, and resistance economics give rise to the Internet of Things in the knowledge-based companies. The characteristics of the company, the human resources and the managers can provide a suitable ground for using the Internet of Things. Moreover, it was revealed that and the conditions in the country, international pressure and international cooperation can be among the intermediary factors influencing the use of the Internet of Things. Raw materials and infrastructure can also be effective for using the Internet of Things. Finally, using Internet of Things, customer-related factors, international collaborations, and expected results can be anticipated in knowledge-based companies.
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_||_Ahmadi Jashghani, Abdollah and Esmaeelian, Gholamreza. (2016), Evaluation of Prioritization of Factors Affecting Improvement of Strategy Development of Small and Medium-Sized Knowledge Based Companies Using ANP Model; Case Study: Companies Based in Isfahan Scientific and Research Town Management Tomorrow, 43 (13), 113-120,.(in persian).
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Amini, Mohammad Taqi, Mir Mohammadi, Seyed Mohammad and Qasea, Hassan. (2015), Investigating the role of small and medium knowledge-based companies in the field of knowledge and technology production on reducing the effects of high-tech electronic products sanctions against Iran. Socio-Cultural Strategy, 14 (4), 7-28, (in persian).
Azar, Adil, Sadeghi, Arash and Nationaaj, Asadollah. (2012), rioritizing Effective Factors on the Success of Small and Medium Sized Businesses - Superior Technology - Fuzzy Network Analysis Process Approach. Entrepreneurship Development. journal of Entrepreneurship Development; 5(2): 165-184, (in Persian).
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Ghasemi, Roohollah, Mohagher, Ali, Safari, Hosein, Akbari Jokar, Mohammad Reza.(2016), Prioritization of Internet Technology Objects in Iran's Healthcare Sector: An Stimulus for Sustainable Development. Journal of Information Technology Management. 1(8): 155-176, (in persian).
Hendriks, Steven.( 2016), The Internet of Things: How the world will be connected in 2025. (Master), Utrecht University.
Hooman, Heidar ali. (2011). ASnalysis of multivariate data in behavioral research. Tehran: Peyk farhang, (in persian).
Jalalpour, Sadigheh, Talebi, Kabmiz, tabibi, Seyed jamaledin.(2016), Performance improvement of Iranian knowledge based firm: Identify effective factors in policies and executive programs Entrepreneurship Development Journal . 2(9): 199-217,(in persian).
khaiateyan , Mohammad, Sadegh, Eliasi, Mahdi and Tabatabaeian, Sayyid Habibollah.( 2016), Sustainability Pattern of Knowledge-Based Companies in Iran. Science and Technology Policy, 30 (8), 49-62,(in persian).
khedmatgozar, Hamid Reza.(2015), The Role of the Internet of Things in Knowledge Management Systems (Case Study: Performance Management of Yazd Municipality Employees). Information Technology Management, 24 (7), 553-572, (in persian).
Karimova, Gulnara Z. (2015), Society of things: An alternative vision of Internet of things. Cogent Social Sciences, 1(1), 1-7.
Li, Dong-Ying, Xie, Shun-Dao, Chen, Rong-Jun, & Tan, Hong-Zhou.(2016), Design of Internet of Things System for Library Materials Management using UHF RFID. Paper presented at the RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA), 2016 IEEE International Conference on.
Mansouri, Somayyah, vazifa, Zahra, and Youssefitabas, Halimah. (2018), Prioritizing Proponents of Factors Affecting the Development of Knowledge-Based Companies in Kerman Province. Entrepreneurship Development, 36 (10), 319-338, (in persian).
Nespoli, P., Useche Pelaez, D., Diaz Lopez, D., & Gomez Marmol, F. (2019), COSMOS: Collaborative, Seamless and Adaptive Sentinel for the Internet of Things. Sensors (Basel), 19(7), 1-29.
Nespoli, P., Zago, M., Huertas Celdran, A., Gil Perez, M., Gomez Marmol, F., & Garcia Clemente, F. J. (2019), PALOT: Profiling and Authenticating Users Leveraging Internet of Things. Sensors (Basel), 19(12), 1-26.
Oyewobi, S. S., Hancke, G. P., Abu-Mahfouz, A. M., & Onumanyi, A. J. (2019), An Effective Spectrum Handoff Based on Reinforcement Learning for Target Channel Selection in the Industrial Internet of Things. Sensors (Basel), 19(6), 1-21.
Ozdemir, V. (2019), The Big Picture on the "AI Turn" for Digital Health: The Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems. OMICS, 23(6), 308-311.
Qasem, Z. A., Esmaiel, H., Sun, H., Wang, J., Miao, Y., & Anwar, S. (2019), Enhanced Fully Generalized Spatial Modulation for the Internet of Underwater Things. Sensors, 19(7), 1519.
Qu, Y., Ming, X., Qiu, S., Zheng, M., & Hou, Z. (2019), An Integrative Framework for Online Prognostic and Health Management Using Internet of Things and Convolutional Neural Network. Sensors (Basel), 19(10), 1-14.
Rezaei, Mohsen and Vosoughi, Alireza. (2017), The Role of Knowledge Base Companies and Science and Technology Parks in Realizing Resistance Economics. Management and Accounting Studies, 5 (2), 93-100, (in persian).
Rostami, Hossein and Vazifadost, Hossein. (2019), Determining the Relationship between Open Innovation and Strategy Innovation and Gaining Competitive Advantage in Knowledge-Based Companies in Mazandaran Province. New Research Approaches in Management Sciences, 5 (1), 41-60, (in persian).
Samadi Miarklaei, Hossein, Aghajani, Hassan Ali and Samadi Miarkalai, Hamzeh. (2014), Evaluation of Entrepreneurial University Indicators in Mazandaran University based on fuzzy method. Entrepreneurship Development, 24, 369-388, (in Persian).
Santoro, Gabriele, Vrontis, Demetris, Thrassou, Alkis, & Dezi, Luca. (2017), The internet of things: building a knowledge management system for open innovation and knowledge management capacity. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 136, 347-354.
Shi, W., Guo, Y., & Liu, Y.(2019), When Flexible Organic Field-Effect Transistors Meet Biomimetics: A Prospective View of the Internet of Things. Adv Mater, 32(15).
Shi, X., An, X., Zhao, Q., Liu, H., Xia, L., Sun, X., & Guo, Y.(2019), State-of-the-Art Internet of Things in Protected Agriculture. Sensors (Basel), 19(8), 1-24.
Suresh, A., Udendhran, R., Balamurgan, M., & Varatharajan, R. (2019), A Novel Internet of Things Framework Integrated with Real Time Monitoring for Intelligent Healthcare Environment. J Med Syst, 43(6), 165.
Tabatabaian, Sayyid Habibullah, Manteghi, Manouchehr, Hanafizadeh, Payam, Naghizadeh, Mohammad and Niroumand, Pourandokht. (2012), Model for Improving Technological Capacity in Scientific Enterprises Providing Electronic Police Equipment Based on Dynamic Capability Model. Law Management Studies, 22 (7), 159-177, (in Persian).
Tan, A., Peng, Y., Su, X., Tong, H., & Deng, Q. (2019), A Novel Synchronization Scheme Based on a Dynamic Superframe for an Industrial Internet of Things in Underground Mining. Sensors (Basel), 19(3), 1-22.
Tavakoli, Masoud, Razghi Shirsavar, Hadi and Nasiripour, Amir Ashkan. (2016), The Impact of Using Internet of Things on Organizational Performance in the Health Sector (Case Study: Shahid Rajaee Hospital, Tehran). Health Management, 29 (8), 45-62, (in persian).
Vahdat, David, Shams, Fereydoon and Nazemi, Islam. (2018), Providing a Method for Virtualizing Objects in a Supply Chain-Based Architecture of Temporary Device-dependent Services in the Object-Based Internet Environment (Case Study: Bus Ticket Usage). Supply Chain Management Quarterly, 57, (in persian).
Yousefipoor Jedi, Khadijeh and Haghshenas, Maryam. (2016), Convergence of cyberspace and real world with Internet of Things technology. Media Management, 26, 35-54, (in Persian).
Zaki, Mohammad Ali. (2016), Internet and Identity in Iran (Secondary Analysis of Quantitative Research Available during 2003-2004). Critique of Information and Communication, 12 (3), 185-206, (in Persian).
Zargar, Mohammad. (2019), Evaluation of the use of the Internet of Things in Iranian libraries. Information Processing and Management Quarterly, 34 (3), (in persian).