Cognitive Analysis of Managers' Mental Models in Human Resource Risk Management to Improve Organizational Performance via Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique
Subject Areas : Business ManagementElmira Shakeri 1 , Hamed dehghanan 2 * , vahid Khashei 3 , Mohammad Taghi Taghavifard 4
1 - Ph.D. Candidate of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran-
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Organizational Performance, Cognitive Map, Human Resource Risk Management, Mental Model, Zaltman Metaphorical Extraction Technique (ZMET),
Abstract :
Research on perception, reasoning and decision-making processes has recently focused on managers’ cognitive and mental structures. The present qualitative study, hence, set out to examine managers' mental models in the process of human resource risk management and the role they play in improving organizational performance. The research data were collected through in-depth and semi-structured interviews with a sample of 21 managers at knowledge-based companies that were run based on Zaltman Metaphorical Extraction Technique (ZMET) and were subsequently analyzed through Phenomenology approach. The results indicated some similarity in structural features of participating managers’risk-taking and risk-avoiding mental models which can be attributed to the common problems they need to tackle at work. However, significant differences were also observed in terms of inter-relationships in their mental model structures; unlike the risk-avoiding managers who would evade risks, risk-taking managers were found to more frequently employ risk reduction and retention strategies. Moreover, the risk of losing key employees was identified as the most important human resource risk in those knowledge-based companies.
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Soltanpour. A, Baroughi. F & Alizadeh, B .(2020).The inverse 1-median location problem on uncertain tree networks with tail value at risk criterion, Information Sciences, 506, 383-394.
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Taofeeq .D.M., Adeleke. A.Q, Lee.C.K.(2020).The synergy between human factors and risk attitudes of Malaysian contractors’: Moderating effect of government policy, Safety Science, 121, 331-347.
Vorell. M .S.(2003). Application of the ZMET Methodology in an Organizational Context: Comparing Black and White Student Subcultures in a University Setting, Master of Arts, Miami University, Department of Communication, Oxford, Ohio, 34-39.
Wilks. G. & Davis. R .j.(2000), Risk management for scuba diving operators on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, Tourism Management 21, 591-599.
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Aguila. P.O, ElMaraghy, W & ElMaraghy. H.(2019). Impact of risk attitudes on the concurrent design of supply chains and product architectures, Procedia CIRP, 81, 974-979.
Alvesson, m.(2004). knowledge Work and Knowledge-Intensive Firms, New York: Oxford University Press, 1-271.
Ambrosini. V. , Bowman. C. (2002), Tacit Knowledge: Some Suggestions for Operationalization, journal of management studies, 38(6) , 811-829.
Beaumont, P., & Hunter , L. (2002). "Managing Knowledge Workers: Research Report" London : CIPD.
Cascio, W., & Boudreau, J. (2014). HR strategy: Optimizing risks, optimizing rewards. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 1(1), 77-97.
Carrington. D. J, Combe.A.I , Mumford.M.D.(2018), Cognitive shifts within leader and follower teams: Where consensus develops in mental models during an organizational crisis, The Leadership Quarterly, In press, corrected proof, 30(3), 335-350.
Chen .Po- Ju.(٢٠٠٨) .Exploring Unspoken Words: Using ZMET to depict familiy vacationer mental models, Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 4, 29-51.
Coutler, R.A., & Zaltman, G. & Coutler, K.S. (2001). Interpreting Consumer Perception of Advertising: an Application of the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique.Journal of advertising,30(4),1-21.
Daltona . P.S, Nhungb. N & Rüschenpöhlerc. J.(2019). Worries of the poor: The impact of financial burden on the risk attitudes of micro-entrepreneurs, Journal of Economic Psychology, 79, 1-12.
Dohmen. T, Falk. A, Huffman. D & Sunde. U.(2010).Are Risk Aversion and Impatience Related to Cognitive Ability?, American Economic Review, 100(3), 1238-1260.
Ebrahimi. E.(2016). Designing and explaining human resource risk model(Case study: Iran Power Development Company), University of Tehran, Faculty of Management, (in Persian).
Ernst & Young. (2008). Global Human Resources (HR) risk: from the danger zone to the value zone. London: EY, 3-76.
Fheili, M. (2006). "Developing human resources key risk indicators: Know Your Staff (KYS) practices," Journal of Operational Risk, 1(3), 71–85.
Florio. C, Leoni. V.(2017). Enterprise risk management and firm performance: The Italian case, The British Accounting Review, 49(1), 56-74.
Friedrichsena.C.N, Daroub.S.H, Monroed.M.C, Steppc.J.R, Gerbera.S.(2019). Stakeholders' mental models of soil food value chain in the Everglades, Geoderma , 343, 166–175.
Görlitz. K, Tamm.M.(2019). Parenthood, risk attitudes and risky behavior, Journal of Economic Psychology, 79, 1- 20.
Hatch.Mary Jo, Cunliffe. A. L. (2016). Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives, Translated By: Danaee Fard, Hassan, Meraban Book Publications, (in Persian).
IOD. (2009). King report on corporate governance for South-Africa. Johannesburg: Institute of Directors in Southern Africa, 1-128.
Kashif Shad. M, Lai. F. W, Fatt. C.L, Klemeš. J. J, Bokhari. A.(2019). Integrating Sustainability Reporting into Enterprise Risk Management and its Relationship with Business Performance: A Conceptual Framework, Journal of Cleaner Production , 208, 415-425.
Karatzas. S, Kapoulas. A and Priporas. C. V.(2019). Consumers' perceptions on complexity and prospects of ethical luxury: Qualitative insights from Taiwan, Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 27(4), 224-232.
Khayyatian. S .M.S, Tabatabaian. S.H.A, Amiri. M, Elyasi.M .(2015). Analysis of the Factors Influencing Growth and Sustainability of Knowledge Based Firms in Iran, innovation and entrepreneurship, (3)(6), 57-74. (In Persian)
Malik. M. F, Zaman. M, Buckby. S.(2020). Enterprise risk management and firm performance: Role of the risk committee, Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 16(1), 1-22.
March, J., & Shapira, Z. (1987). Managerial Perspectives on Risk and Risk Taking. Management Science, 33(11), 1404-1418.
Meyer, M., Roodt, G., & Robbins, M. (2011). Human resources risk management: Governing people risks for improved performance. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 9(1), 310-321.
Moustakas. C.E .(1994).phenomenology research methods, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Naddafi. T, Ardakan. M. A, Gholipour. A.(2018). Investigation of Managers’ Mental Modeling regarding Strategic Thinking, Journal of Business Management, 10(2), 461-486, (In Persian).
Nikulina I.E., Khomenko I.V.(2015), Сognitive management: theory and practice in the organization, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,166 , 441 – 445.
NOBRE, F. S.; TOBIAS, A. M.; WALKER, D. (2008). Organizational and Technological Implications of Cognitive Machines: Designing Future Information Management Systems. [S. l.]: Information Science Publishing - IGI Global. ISBN: 978-1-60566-302-9.
Oblak. K, Ličen.M & Slapničar. S.(2018). The role of cognitive frames in combined decisions about risk and effort, Management Accounting Research, 39, 35-46.
Paltrinieri. N, Comfort. L & Reniers. G .(2019). Learning about risk: Machine learning for risk assessment, Safety Science, 118, 475-486.
Paul, C., & Mitlacher, L. (2008). Expanding risk management systems:human resources and German banks. Strategic Change, 17, 21–33.
Shariati Sough. M .(1995). The Attitude of Iranian Industrial managers to work, Shiraz Univesity, Industrial Management. (In Persian)
Sjoberg, L., Moen, B. & Rundmo, T. (2004), Explaining Risk Perception. An Evaluation of the Psychometric Paradigm in Risk Perception Research. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, C Rotunde Publikasjoner, 1-46.
Soltanpour. A, Baroughi. F & Alizadeh, B .(2020).The inverse 1-median location problem on uncertain tree networks with tail value at risk criterion, Information Sciences, 506, 383-394.
Tan. S.(2019). Systematic review of human and organizational risks for probabilistic risk analysis in high-rise buildings, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 188, 233-250.
Taofeeq .D.M., Adeleke. A.Q, Lee.C.K.(2020).The synergy between human factors and risk attitudes of Malaysian contractors’: Moderating effect of government policy, Safety Science, 121, 331-347.
Vorell. M .S.(2003). Application of the ZMET Methodology in an Organizational Context: Comparing Black and White Student Subcultures in a University Setting, Master of Arts, Miami University, Department of Communication, Oxford, Ohio, 34-39.
Wilks. G. & Davis. R .j.(2000), Risk management for scuba diving operators on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, Tourism Management 21, 591-599.
Williams. R. B.(2018), Conceptual models and mental models in operation: Frustration, performance and flow with two different video game controllers, Entertainment Computing, 28, 2-10.
Young, M. & Hexter, E. (2011). Managing human capital risk. New York: The Conference Board, 1-9.
Zaltman. G .(2007). How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the Market, Translated By Tofighi. Amir, Tehran, Rasa Publication, (in Persian).
Zaltman, G. (1997). Rethinking market research: Putting people back in. Journal of marketing Research, 34(4), 424-437.
Zaltman. G & Coulter.R.H.(1995). Seeing the Voice of the Customer:Metaphor- Based Advertising Research .JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING RESEARCH ، 35(4), 34-51.
Zhang. Y (2009). The Construction of Mental Models of Information- rich Web Spaces: The Development Process and the Impact of Task Complexity. PhD. Dissertation, Philosophy in the School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1-358.