Investigating the Effect of Knowledge Management and Human Resource Management Activities on Innovation in Growth and Technology Centers
Subject Areas : Human resources management)
Hossein Azimi
Roghayeh Bayat
1 - Associate Professor, Management and Accounting Department, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan. Zanjan, Iran
2 - PhD candidate in Business Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: innovation, Knowledge management, human resource management, Growth and technology centers,
Abstract :
Today, with the change in the competitive environment, successful countries are those with more knowledge, and knowledge management and knowledge-based human resource activities in organizations, especially in knowledge-based companies, which are the basis for the integration of science, technology and wealth, has become particularly important. Therefore, the present applied research was conducted to investigate the impact of knowledge management and human resource management activities on innovation using a descriptive survey research method. The statistical population was the employees of companies located in the growth and technology centers, from among whom, using Cochran's formula, 120 answered the questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed with a combined reliability of more than 0.6 and a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.892. Its validity was also confirmed through content validity and convergent validity with the mean variance criterion of structures which was more than 0.4. Finally, the conceptual model of the research was fitted using the structural equation model in PLS software.The results showed that various factors in the subset of knowledge management including supervisory actions, knowledge-based service compensation, learning mechanism and information technology measures affect innovation whereas the significance of the impact of factors such as knowledge protection, strategic management of knowledge and competence, knowledge-based employment, knowledge-based education and development, knowledge-based performance evaluation and work organization on innovation was not confirmed.
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Dehghani, M., Yaghoubi, N. M., Mooghali, A., & Vazife, Z. (2019). A Comprehensive model of factors affecting establishment of knowledge management. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Administration, 10(37), 109-132. [In Persian]
Dehghani, T., & Ameri Siahouyi, M. (2015). Identification and ranking of factors affecting the implementation of knowledge management based on TOPSIS technique. New Marketing Research Journal, 5(Special Issue), 163-174. [In Persian]
Dehghanpouri, H., Sarlab, R., Chavoshi, S. R., & Donyapour, H. (2020). Investigating the Effect of Marketing Intelligence on the Competitiveness of Online Sports Stores with the Mediating Role of Innovative Performance. New Marketing Research Journal, 10(3), 57-80. [In Persian]
Donate. M. J., & Sánchez de Pablo, J. D. (2015). The role of knowledge-oriented leadership in knowledge management practices and innovation. Journal of Business Research, 68(2), 360-370.
Farzaneh Kondori, N., Shamizanjani, M., Manian, A., & Hasanzadeh, A. (2018). Presenting a framework for conceptualizing knowledge management office. Journal of Information Technology Management, 10(1), 135-158. [In Persian]
Fellnhofer, K., Puumalainen, K., & Sjögrén, H. (2016). Entrepreneurial orientation and performance-are sexes equal? International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22(3), 346-374.
Figueiredo, E., Pais, L., Monteiro, S., & Mónico, L. (2016). Human resource management impact on knowledge management: Evidence from the Portuguese banking sector. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 26(4), 497-528.
Ghorbani, V., & Faghihi, A. (2021). Alignment between Knowledge Management Strategies with Human Resource Management Strategies according to Governmental Science and Technology Policies. Quarterly Journal of The Macro and Strategic Policies, 9(34), 328-359. [In Persian]
Heisig, P. (2009). Harmonisation of knowledge management-comparing 160 KM frameworks around the globe. Journal of Knowledge Management, 13(4), 4-31.
Huang, Y. Ch., Ma, R., & Lee, K. W. (2015). Exploitative learning in project teams: Do cognitive capability and strategic orientations act as moderator variables? International Journal of Project Management, 33(4), 760-771.
Inkinen, H.T., Kianto, A. & Vanhala, M. (2015). Knowledge management practices and innovation performance in Finland. Baltic Journal of Management, 10(4), 432-455.
Kebede,G.(2010).Knowledge management: An information science perspective. International journal of information management, 30(5), 416-424.
Khalilipour, H., & Khanifar, H. (2018). Examining structural effects procedural justice and work engagement on knowledge sharing and innovative work behavior. Organizational Behavior Studies Quarterly, 6(4), 27-52. [In Persian]
Kianto, A., Sáenz, J., & Aramburu, N. (2017). Knowledge-based human resource management practices, intellectual capital and innovation. Journal of Business Research, 81(c), 11-20.
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Lee, V. H., Ooi, K. B., Choong, C. K., & Wong, K. L. (2013). Organizational Learning: A Mediating Factor between Technological Inovation and TQM. Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Technology Innovation and Industrial Management. To know Press, 279-281.
Mahmoudzadeh, S. M., ZarghamBoroujen, H., & Sedaghat, M. (2014). The relationship between knowledge management enablers and knowledge management. Management Studies in Development and Evolution, 23(73), 145-173. [In Persian]
Manteghi, M., Skandarpour, B., Dastyari, A., & Nazari, Y. (2016). The Role of social capital in innovative performance with emphasis on the role of resiliency and empowerment. Social Capital Management, 3(2), 189-207. [In Persian]
Menor, L. J., Roth, A. V., & Mason, C. H. (2001). Agility in retional banking: A numerical taxonomy of strategic service group, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 3(4), 273-400.
Moradi, M., & Zandi Paak, R. (2016). The effect of companies' participation or non-participation in the creation of industrial clusters on their innovation performance with an emphasis on the mediatory role of knowledge management. Innovation Management Journal, 5(1), 1-28. [In Persian]
Mowlaie, S., Shakeri, R., & Yaghoubi, N. M. (2019). Personal Knowledge Management Influence on Innovative Culture and Performance in Knowledge Based Companies. Management Research in Iran, 22(4), 130-150. [In Persian]
Nagarajan, S., Ganesh, K., Resmi, A. T., Anbuudayasankar, S. P., & Hemachitra, R. (2012). Organisation structure, reward and communication design for implementation of knowledge management solution. International journal of productivity and quality management, 10(1), 40-68.
Narimani, M., Sahebkar Khorasani, S., Khademi, M., Ayani Sani, I. (2022). Designing a policy model for supporting Innovative human resources in knowledge-based companies (Case study of the Specialty Duty System Program). Journal of Science and Technology Policy, 14(4), 33-48. [In Persian]
Nonaka, I. (1994). A Dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation. Organization Science. 5(1), 14-37.
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Oeij, P. R. A., Torre, W. V. d., Vass, F., & Dhondt, S. (2019). Understanding social innovation as an innovation process: Applying the innovation journey model. Journal of Business Research, 101(August 2019), 243-254.
Olander, M. H., & Burman, H. (2013). Social review as a tool for developing social skills: Using contrasting cases. Journal of SAGE Open, 3(2), 1-8.
Pourfateh, N., Khosravipour, B., & Ghanian, M. (2020). Factors affecting knowledge management in the agricultural promotion system. Agricultural Education Administration Research, 12(52), 27-50. [In Persian]
Pourrshidi, Z. (2021). The mediating role of knowledge management and organizational learning in the impact of human resource development activities on staff innovation (case of Shahid Bahonarkerman University staff). Management and Educational Perspective, 3(2), 49-76. [In Persian]
Racela, O. C. (2014). Customer orientation, innovation competencies, and firm performance: A proposed conceptual model. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 148(25 August 2014), 16-23.
Rajabi Farjad, H., Mirsepasi, N., & Naderi Mehrbani, K. (2021). The impact of knowledge management processes on organizational innovation with the mediating role of human resource productivity. New Approaches in Educational Administration, 12(1), 14-1. [In Persian]
Rezaei Pite Noei, Y., Asghari Shalmani, M., & Daliri Dehbneh, H. (2021). Introducing an Appropriate Organizational Framework for Data Mining Applications in Accounting and Auditing: A Review of Commonly Used Financial Data Classification Techniques. New Research Approaches in Management and Accounting, 5(83), 1507-1525. [In Persian]
Salehian, M., Babaeefarsani, M., Sadeghi, M., & Ghaedamini Harouni, A. (2021). Analyzing the mediating role of innovation strategy and knowledge sharing in the relationship between inbound innovation and innovation performance. Knowledge Retrieval and Semantic Systems, 7(27), 117-138. [In Persian]
Sariol Ghalam, M. (2011). Rationality and development of Iran, Tehran, Forouzan Rooz Publishing. [In Persian]
Seifollahi, N. (2021). The effects of knowledge management dimensions on organizational productivity: The case of Tabriz Petrochemical Company. The Journal of Productivity Management, 15(2(57)(, 139-156. [In Persian]
Sheehan, M., N. Garavan, T., & Carbery, R. (2014). Innovation and human resource development (HRD). European Journal of Training and Development, 38(1/2), 2-14.
Saifullah Fazl Elahi, Ali Akbar Khoshgoftar, Pejman Salehi, (1399). Results of using the open innovations approach in designing the organizational structure and its impact on the future of water and energy industries, Journal of Entrepreneurship Index , 5 (18), 9-27. [In Persian]
Setini, M., Yasa, N. N. K., Gede Supartha, I. W., Ketut Giantari, I., & Rajiani, I. (2020). The Passway of Women Entrepreneurship: Starting from Social Capital with Open Innovation, through to Knowledge Sharing and Innovative Performance. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(2), 1-14.
Tseng, S.-M. (2016). The effect of knowledge management capability and customer knowledge gaps on corporate performance. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 29(1), 51-71.
Velean, D., Shoham, A., & Asseraf, Y. (2014). Conceptualization of MILE Orientation (Market Innovative Learning Entrepreneurial) for Global Businesses. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 109, 837-840.
Wales, W. J., Parida, V., & Patel, P. C. (2013). Too much of a good thing? Absorptive capacity, firm performance, and the moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation. Strategic Management Journal, 34(5), 622-633.
Yazdani, H., Siyed Amiry. N., & Kameli A. R. (2017). Promoting innovative business performance. Organizational Resources Management Researchs, 6(4), 189-210. [In Persian]
Zhao, J., Pablos. P. O. D., & Qi, Z. (2012). Enterprise knowledge management model based on China's practice and case study. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2), 324-330.