The Effect of Knowledge Absorptive Capacity on Strategic Innovation across Strategic Orientation: Companies in Tehran University Science and Technology Park
Subject Areas : Business ManagementShahram Khalil Nezhad 1 * , Rahim Zarea 2 , Amir Vatan Parast 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - .MSc. Student, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: strategic orientation, strategic innovation, customer-oriented, Knowledge Absorptive Capacity,
Abstract :
The primary purpose of this confirmatory survey was to examine the effect of knowledge absorptive capacity on strategic innovation in companies located in Tehran University Science and Technology Park with a focus on the moderating role of strategic orientation. To serve the purpose, an extensive extensive literature was undertaken to design a 33-item questionnaire. Its face and content validity was verified by experts in the field and its construct validity was verified through confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire was also examined through Cronbach alpha, composite reliability, and variance average. The research population comprised all company employees from whom samples of 198 employees were randomly selected from 86 companies based on Kukran Table. Then, the data obtained from the research sample were further analyzed using Smart PLS software, Pearson Correlation Matrix, Structural Equation Modelling, and fitness test. The results indicated a significant relationship between knowledge absorptive capacity and strategic orientation which was not significant with regard to the minor research hypotheses. Moreover, the relationship was found to be reinforced in competitor-oriented and customer-oriented companies and to be weakened in cost-orientations companies. That is, to boost strategic innovation, and thereby, constantly adapting working models to fluctuations, the companies should not only enhance their absorptive knowledge capacity but also adopt competitor-oriented and customer-oriented strategies.
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_||_Alizadeh, P. & Mirzaii, F. (2010), The Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Strategic Innovation of Organizations, Shiraz, First International Management and Innovation Conference. (In Persian).
Andreeva, T., & Kianto, A. (2011). Knowledge Processes, Knowledge intensity and Innovation: A Moderated Mediation analysis. Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(6), 1016-1034.
Augusto, M., & Coelho, F. (2009). Market orientation and new-to-the-world products: exploring the moderating effects of innovativeness, competitive strength, and environmental forces. Industrial Marketing Management, 38(1), 94–108.
Chen, J., Zhaohui, Z., & Xie, H. Y. (2004). Measuring intellectual capital. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 5(1), 195-212.
D' Aveni, R. (1995). hypercompetiton rivalries. New York: Free Press.
Drucker, P. (1999). Knowledge Worker Productivity: The Biggest Challenge. California Management Review(winter), 79-94.
Ferraresi, A. A., Quandt, C. O., dos Santos, S. A., & Frega, J. R. (2012). Knowledge management and strategic orientation: leveraging innovativeness and performance. Journal of knowledge management, 16(5), 688-701.
Flatten, T., & Engelen, A. (2011). A measure of absorptive capacity: scale development and validation. European Management Journal, 29, 98–116.
Govindarajan, V., & Kopalle, P. K. (2006). Disruptiveness of innovations: measurement and an assessment of reliability and validity. Strategic Management Journal, 27(2), 189-199.
Harvey, G.; Skelcher, C; Spencer, E; Jas, P and Walshe, K. (2010). Absorptive capacity in a nonmarket environment. Public Management Review, 12(1), 77-97.
Hult, G. T., Ketchen, D. J., & Slater, S. (2005). Market orientation and performance: An integration of disparate approaches. Strategic Management Journal, 26(12), 1173–1181.
Johannessen, J. A. (2008). Organizational innovation as part of knowledge management. International Journal of Information Management, 28(5), 403-412.
Johnson, J. L., Martin, K. D., & Saini, A. (2011). The role of a firm's strategic orientation dimensions in determining market orientation. Industrial Marketing Management.
Kasemsap, K. (2017). Strategic innovation management: An integrative framework and causal model of knowledge management, strategic orientation, organizational innovation, and organizational performance. In Organizational Culture and Behavior: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 86-101). IGI Global.
Kim, N., Im, S., & Slater, S. F. (2013). Impact of Knowledge Type and Strategic Orientation on New Product Creativity and Advantage in High-Technology Firms. Journal Product Innovation Management, 30(1), 136–153.
Kim, W. C., & Mauborgne, R. (1999). Creating new market space. Harvard Business Review, 77(1), 83-93.
Kostopoulos, K., Papalexandris, A., Papachroni, M., & Ioannou, G. (2011). Absorptive capacity, innovation, and financial performance. Journal of Business Research, 64(12), 1335-1343.
Kotabe, M., Jiang, C. X., & Murray, J. Y. (2017). Examining the complementary effect of political networking capability with absorptive capacity on the innovative performance of emerging-market firms. Journal of Management, 43(4), 1131-1156.
Lee, C., & Wu, F. (2010). Factors affecting knowledge transfer and absorptive capacity in multinational corporations. The Journal of International Management Studies, 5(2), 118–126.
Li, J. J. (2005). The Formation of Managerial Networks of Foreign Firms in China: The Effects of Strategic Orientations. Asia Pacific Journal Management, 22, 423- 443.
Lin, C., & Chen, M. (2007). Does innovation lead to performance? An empirical study of SMEs in Tawian. Management Research News, 30(2), 115-132.
Marque´s, D. P., & Simo´n, F. J. (2006). The Effect of Knowledge Management Practices on Firm Performance. Journal of Knowledge Management, 10, 143-156.
Miles, R. E., & Snow, C. C. (1978). Organizational Strategy, Structure, and Process. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Ming Lau C. (2011) "Team and organizational resources, strategic orientations,and firm performance in a transitional economy", Journal of BusinessResearch, 64(12), 1344–1351.
Ming Lau, C. (2011). Team and organizational resources, strategic orientations, and firm performance in a transitional economy. Journal of Business Research, 64, 1344–1351.
Morgan, R. E., & Strong, C. A. (1998). Market orientation and dimensions of strategic orientation. European Journal of Marketing, 32(11/12), 1051 - 1073.
Murad , A., & Park, K. (2016). The mediating role of an innovative culture in the relationship between absorptive capacity and technical and non-technical innovation. Journal of Business Research, 69(5), 1669-1675.
Narver, J. C., & Slater, S. F. (1990). The effect of a market orientation on business profitability. Journal of Marketing, 54(4), 20–35.
Narver, J. C., Slater, S. F., & MacLachlan, D. L. (2004). Responsive and proactive market orientation and new product success. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 21(5), 334–347.
Panagiotis, T., & Zoe, A. (2015). The Impact of Knowledge Sharing Culture on Job Satisfaction in Accounting Firms. The Mediating Effect of General Competencies. Procedia Economics and Finance, 19, 238-247.
Porter, M. (1980 ). Competitive strategy: techniques for analysing industries and competitors. New York: Free Press.
Ritala, P., Henttonen, K., Saloja¨rvi, H., Sainio, L. M., & Saarenketo, S. (2012). Gone fishing for knowledge? The effect of strategic orientations on the scope of open knowledge search. Baltic Journal of Management, 8(3), 328-348.
Ruokonen, M., & Saarenketo, S. (2009). The strategic orientations of rapidly internationalizing software companies. European Business Review, 21(1), 17-41.
SabzehAli, R. (2014), Investigating the mechanisms of deliberate learning to stimulate strategic innovation capacity, Industrial Management Journal of the Faculty of Humanities, 9(30), 59-70. (In Persian).
Schlegelmilch, B. (2003). Strategic innovation: The construct, its drivers and its strategic outcomes. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 11(12), 117–132.
Schumpeter, J. A. (1983). The theory of economic development: an inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest, and the business cycle. New Jersey: New Brunswick.
Sillince, J. (2012). Shaping strategic action through the rhetorical construction and exploitation of ambiguity. Organization Science, 23(3), 630–650.
Slater, S. F., Olson, E. M., & Hult, G. T. (2006). The moderating influence of strategic orientation on the strategy formation capability – performance relationship. Strategic Management Journal, 27(12), 1221–1231.
The Park Mission, Vision, & Values. (2016), Retrieved from Tehran University of Science and Technology Park, (In Persian).
Theodosiou, M., Kehagias, J., & Katsikea, E. (2012). Strategic orientations, marketing capabilities and firm performance: An empirical investigation in the context of frontline managers in service organizations. Industrial Marketing Management, 41(7). 1058-1070.
Tse, T. (2013). Paradox resolution: A means to achieve strategic innovation. European Management Journal, 31(6), 682–696.
Venkatraman, N. (1989). Strategic orientation of business enterprises: The construct, dimensionality, and measurement. Management Science, 35(8), 942–962.
Weeks, M., & Feeny, D. (2008). Outsourcing: from cost management to innovation and business value. Management Review , 50(4), 127–146.
Zahra, S., & George, G. (2002). Absorptive capacity: A review, reconceptualization and extension. Academy of Management Review, 27(2), 185–203.
Zhou, K. Z., Yim, C. K., & Tse, D. K. (2005). The effects of strategic orientations on technology-and market-based breakthrough innovation. Journal of Marketing, 69(2), 42-60.