The Impact of Vision Leadership on Organizational Effectiveness: The Mediating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Subject Areas : Business ManagementHani Nikookar 1 , Parviz Ahi 2 , Mohsen Akbari 3 *
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Management, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Disciplinary Prevention, Faculty of Law Enforcement Sciences and Technologies, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Organizational Effectiveness, Vision Leadership,
Abstract :
What can facilitate achievement of organizational effectiveness in today's dynamic and turbulent world is an array of organizational leadership styles all of which might be subsumed under the umbrella term of vision leadership which can enhance organizational effectiveness by underscoring the very nature of the organization and its perspectives. In addition to efficient leadership, however, the employees’ meta-functional behaviors are crucial for attaining optimal organizational effectiveness. The purpose of this applied and descriptive survey was, thus, to explore the extent to which vision leadership might impact organizational effectiveness with a focus on the mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior. The research sample comprised 192 employees at Guilan Agricultural Jihad Organization that was randomly recruited from a population of 385 based on Kukran formula. The research data were collected through a researcher-made and piloted questionnaire that was developed in the initial library research phase of the study to be employed in the subsequent field investigation to obtain the quantitative data necessary to answer the research questions. The collected data were analyzed via Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using SPSS 25 and LISREL 8.8 software. The findings indicated that vision leadership could significantly promote organizational effectiveness and organizational citizenship behavior, and that organizational citizenship behavior had a significant positive impact on organizational effectiveness. That is to say, organizational citizenship behavior was found to mediate the effect of vision leadership on organizational effectiveness.
Abdul Aziz, R; Abdullah, M, H; Tajudin, A & Mahmood, R (2013). The Effect of Leadership Styles on the Business Performance of Smes In Malaysia, International Journal of Economics Business and Management Studies, 2(2), 45-52.
Anantadjaya, P. D. (2009). Measuring Human Resources: a Case Study In Small and Medium Enterprises. Seminar National Industrial Services, 101-114
Anshar, M. (2017). The Impact of Visionary Leadership, Learning Organization and Innovative Behavior to Performance of Customs and Excise Functional. International Journal of Human Capital Management 1(2),52-60
Arnold, J., Arad, S., Rhoades, J., & Drasgow, F. (2000). The Empowering Leadership Questionnaire: the Construction and Validation of a New Scale for Measuring Leader Behaviors. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21, 249-269
Avery, G. C. (2004). Understanding Leadership. London: Sage.
Avery, G. C. & Bergsteiner, H. (2010). Honeybees and Locusts: The Business Case for Sustainable Leadership. NSW: Allen and Unwin, 1-274
Avery, G.C. & Bergsteiner, H. (2011). Sustainable Leadership Practices for Enhancing Business Resilience and Performance. Strategy and Leadership, pp. 39(3), 5-15
Avolio, B. J. (1999). Full Leadership Development: Building the Vital Forces in Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 12(1), 99-102
Bass, B. M., Jung, D. I., Avolio, B. J. & Berson, Y. (2003). Predicting Unit Performance by Assessing Transformational and Transactional Leadership. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(2), 207-218
Breevaart, K., Bakker, A., Hetland, J., Demerouti, E., Olsen, O. K., & Espevik, R. (2014). Daily Transactional and Transformational Leadership and Daily Employee Engagement. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 87(1), 138-157
Cameron, K. And Whetten, D.A., (1984). Organizational Effectiveness: a Comparison of Multiple Models. Academic Press, New York, Ny, 3(3), 477-478
Carmeli, A., & Schaubroeck, J. (2006). Top Management Team Behavioral Integration, Decision Quality, and Organisational Decline. The Leadership Quarterly, 17(5), 441-453
Carson, J.B., Tesluk, P. E., & Marrone, J.A. (2007). Shared Leadership in Teams: an Investigation of Antecedent Conditions and Performance. Academy of Management Journal, 50(5), 1217-1234
Conger J. A & Kanungo R. N (1988). Behavioral dimension of Charismatic Leadership. Jossey, Bass inc. Sanfrancisco, 789-797
Chang, C.S. And Chang, H.C. (2010). Moderating Effect of Nurses Customer-Oriented Perception between Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Satisfaction. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 32(5), 628–643
Cheema, S., Akram, A. & Javed, F. (2015). Employee Engagement and Visionary Leadership: Impact on Customer and Employee Satisfaction. Journal of Business Studies, 7(2), 140-148
Çınar, F., & Kaban, A. (2012). Conflict Management and Visionary Leadership: an Application in Hospital Organizations. Procedia-Social And Behavioral Sciences, 58, 197-206
Chughtai, A.A., & Zafar, S. (2006). Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Commitment among Pakistani University Teachers. Applied H.R.M. Research, 11(1), 39-64
Collins, J. & Porras, J. (1994). Built to Last. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 1-336
Conger, J. A., & Kanungo, R. N. (1987). Toward a behavioral theory of charismatic leadership in organizational settings. Academy of Management Review, 12(4), 637-647
Darsana, M. (2013). The influence of personality and organizational culture on employee performance through organizational citizenship behavior. International Journal of Management, 2(4), 35-42
Dhammika K. A. S. (2016). Visionary Leadership and Organizational Commitment: The Mediating Effect of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX). Wayamba Journal of Management, 4(1), 1-10
Doppelt, B. (2003). Leading Change Toward Sustainability: a Change-Management Guide for Business. Government and Civil Society. Sheffield: Greenleaf
Ensley, M. D., Hmieleski, K. M., & Pearce, C. L., (2006). The importance of vertical and shared leadership within new venture top management teams: Implications for the performance of startups. The Leadership Quarterly, 17, 217-231
Fayol, H. (1949). General and Industrial Administration. Pitman. New York, NY
Goodman, J. M.Pennings, & Associates, (1998). New Perspectives on Organizational Effectiveness. New York, N,. 1-275
Goleman, D. (2004).Kepemimpinan Berdasarkan Kecerdasan Emosi, terjemahan Susi PurwokoJakarta: Penerbit Gramedia Pustaka Utama. New York, NY
Grace, M., Namada, j., & Katuse, P(2018). Does Leadership Style Influence Organizational Effectiveness in Non-Governmental Organizations?. International Journal of Business and Management, 13(8), 52-64
Heath, C. And Heath, D. (2010). Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard. Crown Publishing Group, New York, NY, 1-309
Herman, R. And Renz, D, (2004). Doing Things Right: Effectiveness in Local Non-Profit Organizations, a Panel Study. Public Administration Review, 64(6), 694-704
Hogan, R. And Kaiser, R. B. (2005). What We Know About Leadership. Review of General Psychology, 9(2), 169-180
Huang, X., Yun, J., Liu, J., & Gong, Y. (2010). Does Participative Leadership Enhance Work Performance by Inducing Empowerment and Trust? The Different Effect on Managerial and Non- Managerial Subordinates. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 49, 122-143
Jing, F., & Avery, G. (2008). Missing Links in Understanding the Relationship between Leadership and Organisational Performance. International Business and Economics Research, Journal, 7(5), 67-78
Kantabutra, S. (2006). Relating Vision-Based Leadership to Sustainable Business Performance: a Thai Perspective. Kravis Leadership Institute Leadership Review, 6(1), 37-53
Kantabutra, S. & Avery, G. C. (2011). Sustainable Leadership at Siam Cement Group. Journal of Business Strategy, 32(4), 32-41
Lee, U.H., Kim, H.K. & Kim, Y.H.(2013) .Determinant Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior And Its Outcomes. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 5(1), 54-65
Ko, Y.K. (2008). Identification of factors related to hospital nurses organizational citizenship behavior using a multilevel analysis. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 38(2), 287–297
Kumari, P. & Thapliyal, S. (2017). Studying the Impact of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Organizational Effectiveness. International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, 4(1), 9-21
Mccoll-Kennedy, J.R. & Anderson, R.D. (2002). Impact of Leadership Style and Emotions on Subordinate Performance. Leadership Quarterly, 13(5), 545-559
Mott, P. E. (1972). The Characteristics of Effective Organizations. New York: Harper And Row
Mumford, M.D., Scott, G. M., Gaddis, B. & Strange, J. M. (2002). Leading Creative People: Orchestrating Expertise and Relationships. The Leadership Quarterly, 13(6), 705-750
Nwachukwu, C., Chladkova, H., Zufan, P., & Olatunji, F. (2017). Visionary Leadership and Its Relationship to Corporate Social Performance, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), 3(4), 1302-1311
Ogbonna, E., & Harris, L. (2000). Leadership Style, Organisational Culture, and Performance: Empirical Evidence From UK Companies. International Journal of Human Resources Management, 11(4), 766-788
Organ, D., (1988). Organizational Citizenship Behavior: the Good Solider Syndrome. Lexington: Lexington Books, 1-132
Organ, D.W. And Konovsky, M. (1989) Cognitive Versus Affective Determinants of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74(1), 157–164
Organ, D.W. And Ryan, K. (1995) A Meta-Analytic Review of Attitudinal And Dispositional Predictors of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Personnel Psychology, 48(4), 775–802
Posdakoff, P.M., & Mackenzie, S.B. (2009). Impact of organizational citizenship behavior on organizational performance: A review and suggestion for future research. Human Performance, 10 (2), 133-151
Raelin, J. A. (2005). We The Leaders: in Order to Form a Leaderful Organization. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 12(2), 18-30
Rafferty, A. E. & Griffin, M. A. (2009). Dimensions of transformational leadership: conceptual and empirical extensions. the Leadership quarterly, 15(3), 329-359
Robbins, S. P. (2019). Organizational Theory: Structure, Design and Applications (3rd Ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited
Sandra, M. W. & Niehoff, P. N.( 2000). Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: their Relationship to Organizational Effectiveness. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 24(3), 301-319
Seashore, S., & Yuchtman, E, (1967). Factorial Analysis of Organizational Performance. Administrative Science Quarterly, 12(3), 377-395
Shoraj, D & Memetaj, (2017). Impact of Leadership Versus Organizational Effectiveness in the Secondary Banking Sector in Albania. European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2(5), 170-176
Sila, I. & Ebrahimpour, M. (2005). Critical Linkages among TQM Factors and Businessresults. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 25(11), 1123-1154
Smith, A.C., Organ, D.W. And Near, J.P. (1983) Organizational Citizenship Behavior: its Nature And Antecedents. Journal of Applied Psychology. 68(4), 653–663
Spector, P. E., & Che, X. X. (2014). Re-Examining Citizenship: How the Control of Measurement Artifacts Affects Observed Relationships of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Variables. Human Performance, 27(2), 165-182
Taylor, C. M., Cornelius, C. J. & Colvin, K. (2014).Visionary Leadership and Its Relationship To Organizational Effectiveness. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 35(6), 566-583
Vail, S.E., (1985). Organizational Effectiveness and National Sport Governing Bodies: a Multiple Constituency Approach, Sport Governing Bodies: a Multiple Constituency Approach. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University Of Ottawa, Ottawa
Waldman, D.A., Javidan, M. and Varella, P. (2004). Charismatic leadership at the strategic level: a new application of upper echelons theory. Leadership Quarterly, 15(3), 355-380
Walker, A. (2011).Organizational Behaviour in Construction, Wiley_Blackwell, London, 1-336
Williams, L. J. & Anderson, S. E., (1991). Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitmentas Predictor of Organizational Citizenship and in-Role Beahvior. Journal of Management, 17(3), 601-617
Zaky. M.A., Adibi Sadeh, Mehdi & Yazdkhasti, Bahjat (2006). An Investigation of the Organizational Effectiveness of Education Schools in Isfahan, Shiraz: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 27-42. [In Persion]
Zhu, W., Chew, I .K.H. & Spangler, W. D. (2005). CEO Transformational Leadership and Organizational Outcomes: the Mediating Role of Human-Capital-Enhancing Human Resource Management, the Leadership Quarterly, 16(1), 39-52
_||_Abdul Aziz, R; Abdullah, M, H; Tajudin, A & Mahmood, R (2013). The Effect of Leadership Styles on the Business Performance of Smes In Malaysia, International Journal of Economics Business and Management Studies, 2(2), 45-52.
Anantadjaya, P. D. (2009). Measuring Human Resources: a Case Study In Small and Medium Enterprises. Seminar National Industrial Services, 101-114
Anshar, M. (2017). The Impact of Visionary Leadership, Learning Organization and Innovative Behavior to Performance of Customs and Excise Functional. International Journal of Human Capital Management 1(2),52-60
Arnold, J., Arad, S., Rhoades, J., & Drasgow, F. (2000). The Empowering Leadership Questionnaire: the Construction and Validation of a New Scale for Measuring Leader Behaviors. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21, 249-269
Avery, G. C. (2004). Understanding Leadership. London: Sage.
Avery, G. C. & Bergsteiner, H. (2010). Honeybees and Locusts: The Business Case for Sustainable Leadership. NSW: Allen and Unwin, 1-274
Avery, G.C. & Bergsteiner, H. (2011). Sustainable Leadership Practices for Enhancing Business Resilience and Performance. Strategy and Leadership, pp. 39(3), 5-15
Avolio, B. J. (1999). Full Leadership Development: Building the Vital Forces in Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 12(1), 99-102
Bass, B. M., Jung, D. I., Avolio, B. J. & Berson, Y. (2003). Predicting Unit Performance by Assessing Transformational and Transactional Leadership. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(2), 207-218
Breevaart, K., Bakker, A., Hetland, J., Demerouti, E., Olsen, O. K., & Espevik, R. (2014). Daily Transactional and Transformational Leadership and Daily Employee Engagement. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 87(1), 138-157
Cameron, K. And Whetten, D.A., (1984). Organizational Effectiveness: a Comparison of Multiple Models. Academic Press, New York, Ny, 3(3), 477-478
Carmeli, A., & Schaubroeck, J. (2006). Top Management Team Behavioral Integration, Decision Quality, and Organisational Decline. The Leadership Quarterly, 17(5), 441-453
Carson, J.B., Tesluk, P. E., & Marrone, J.A. (2007). Shared Leadership in Teams: an Investigation of Antecedent Conditions and Performance. Academy of Management Journal, 50(5), 1217-1234
Conger J. A & Kanungo R. N (1988). Behavioral dimension of Charismatic Leadership. Jossey, Bass inc. Sanfrancisco, 789-797
Chang, C.S. And Chang, H.C. (2010). Moderating Effect of Nurses Customer-Oriented Perception between Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Satisfaction. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 32(5), 628–643
Cheema, S., Akram, A. & Javed, F. (2015). Employee Engagement and Visionary Leadership: Impact on Customer and Employee Satisfaction. Journal of Business Studies, 7(2), 140-148
Çınar, F., & Kaban, A. (2012). Conflict Management and Visionary Leadership: an Application in Hospital Organizations. Procedia-Social And Behavioral Sciences, 58, 197-206
Chughtai, A.A., & Zafar, S. (2006). Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Commitment among Pakistani University Teachers. Applied H.R.M. Research, 11(1), 39-64
Collins, J. & Porras, J. (1994). Built to Last. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 1-336
Conger, J. A., & Kanungo, R. N. (1987). Toward a behavioral theory of charismatic leadership in organizational settings. Academy of Management Review, 12(4), 637-647
Darsana, M. (2013). The influence of personality and organizational culture on employee performance through organizational citizenship behavior. International Journal of Management, 2(4), 35-42
Dhammika K. A. S. (2016). Visionary Leadership and Organizational Commitment: The Mediating Effect of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX). Wayamba Journal of Management, 4(1), 1-10
Doppelt, B. (2003). Leading Change Toward Sustainability: a Change-Management Guide for Business. Government and Civil Society. Sheffield: Greenleaf
Ensley, M. D., Hmieleski, K. M., & Pearce, C. L., (2006). The importance of vertical and shared leadership within new venture top management teams: Implications for the performance of startups. The Leadership Quarterly, 17, 217-231
Fayol, H. (1949). General and Industrial Administration. Pitman. New York, NY
Goodman, J. M.Pennings, & Associates, (1998). New Perspectives on Organizational Effectiveness. New York, N,. 1-275
Goleman, D. (2004).Kepemimpinan Berdasarkan Kecerdasan Emosi, terjemahan Susi PurwokoJakarta: Penerbit Gramedia Pustaka Utama. New York, NY
Grace, M., Namada, j., & Katuse, P(2018). Does Leadership Style Influence Organizational Effectiveness in Non-Governmental Organizations?. International Journal of Business and Management, 13(8), 52-64
Heath, C. And Heath, D. (2010). Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard. Crown Publishing Group, New York, NY, 1-309
Herman, R. And Renz, D, (2004). Doing Things Right: Effectiveness in Local Non-Profit Organizations, a Panel Study. Public Administration Review, 64(6), 694-704
Hogan, R. And Kaiser, R. B. (2005). What We Know About Leadership. Review of General Psychology, 9(2), 169-180
Huang, X., Yun, J., Liu, J., & Gong, Y. (2010). Does Participative Leadership Enhance Work Performance by Inducing Empowerment and Trust? The Different Effect on Managerial and Non- Managerial Subordinates. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 49, 122-143
Jing, F., & Avery, G. (2008). Missing Links in Understanding the Relationship between Leadership and Organisational Performance. International Business and Economics Research, Journal, 7(5), 67-78
Kantabutra, S. (2006). Relating Vision-Based Leadership to Sustainable Business Performance: a Thai Perspective. Kravis Leadership Institute Leadership Review, 6(1), 37-53
Kantabutra, S. & Avery, G. C. (2011). Sustainable Leadership at Siam Cement Group. Journal of Business Strategy, 32(4), 32-41
Lee, U.H., Kim, H.K. & Kim, Y.H.(2013) .Determinant Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior And Its Outcomes. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 5(1), 54-65
Ko, Y.K. (2008). Identification of factors related to hospital nurses organizational citizenship behavior using a multilevel analysis. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 38(2), 287–297
Kumari, P. & Thapliyal, S. (2017). Studying the Impact of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Organizational Effectiveness. International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, 4(1), 9-21
Mccoll-Kennedy, J.R. & Anderson, R.D. (2002). Impact of Leadership Style and Emotions on Subordinate Performance. Leadership Quarterly, 13(5), 545-559
Mott, P. E. (1972). The Characteristics of Effective Organizations. New York: Harper And Row
Mumford, M.D., Scott, G. M., Gaddis, B. & Strange, J. M. (2002). Leading Creative People: Orchestrating Expertise and Relationships. The Leadership Quarterly, 13(6), 705-750
Nwachukwu, C., Chladkova, H., Zufan, P., & Olatunji, F. (2017). Visionary Leadership and Its Relationship to Corporate Social Performance, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), 3(4), 1302-1311
Ogbonna, E., & Harris, L. (2000). Leadership Style, Organisational Culture, and Performance: Empirical Evidence From UK Companies. International Journal of Human Resources Management, 11(4), 766-788
Organ, D., (1988). Organizational Citizenship Behavior: the Good Solider Syndrome. Lexington: Lexington Books, 1-132
Organ, D.W. And Konovsky, M. (1989) Cognitive Versus Affective Determinants of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74(1), 157–164
Organ, D.W. And Ryan, K. (1995) A Meta-Analytic Review of Attitudinal And Dispositional Predictors of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Personnel Psychology, 48(4), 775–802
Posdakoff, P.M., & Mackenzie, S.B. (2009). Impact of organizational citizenship behavior on organizational performance: A review and suggestion for future research. Human Performance, 10 (2), 133-151
Raelin, J. A. (2005). We The Leaders: in Order to Form a Leaderful Organization. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 12(2), 18-30
Rafferty, A. E. & Griffin, M. A. (2009). Dimensions of transformational leadership: conceptual and empirical extensions. the Leadership quarterly, 15(3), 329-359
Robbins, S. P. (2019). Organizational Theory: Structure, Design and Applications (3rd Ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited
Sandra, M. W. & Niehoff, P. N.( 2000). Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: their Relationship to Organizational Effectiveness. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 24(3), 301-319
Seashore, S., & Yuchtman, E, (1967). Factorial Analysis of Organizational Performance. Administrative Science Quarterly, 12(3), 377-395
Shoraj, D & Memetaj, (2017). Impact of Leadership Versus Organizational Effectiveness in the Secondary Banking Sector in Albania. European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2(5), 170-176
Sila, I. & Ebrahimpour, M. (2005). Critical Linkages among TQM Factors and Businessresults. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 25(11), 1123-1154
Smith, A.C., Organ, D.W. And Near, J.P. (1983) Organizational Citizenship Behavior: its Nature And Antecedents. Journal of Applied Psychology. 68(4), 653–663
Spector, P. E., & Che, X. X. (2014). Re-Examining Citizenship: How the Control of Measurement Artifacts Affects Observed Relationships of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Variables. Human Performance, 27(2), 165-182
Taylor, C. M., Cornelius, C. J. & Colvin, K. (2014).Visionary Leadership and Its Relationship To Organizational Effectiveness. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 35(6), 566-583
Vail, S.E., (1985). Organizational Effectiveness and National Sport Governing Bodies: a Multiple Constituency Approach, Sport Governing Bodies: a Multiple Constituency Approach. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University Of Ottawa, Ottawa
Waldman, D.A., Javidan, M. and Varella, P. (2004). Charismatic leadership at the strategic level: a new application of upper echelons theory. Leadership Quarterly, 15(3), 355-380
Walker, A. (2011).Organizational Behaviour in Construction, Wiley_Blackwell, London, 1-336
Williams, L. J. & Anderson, S. E., (1991). Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitmentas Predictor of Organizational Citizenship and in-Role Beahvior. Journal of Management, 17(3), 601-617
Zaky. M.A., Adibi Sadeh, Mehdi & Yazdkhasti, Bahjat (2006). An Investigation of the Organizational Effectiveness of Education Schools in Isfahan, Shiraz: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 27-42. [In Persion]
Zhu, W., Chew, I .K.H. & Spangler, W. D. (2005). CEO Transformational Leadership and Organizational Outcomes: the Mediating Role of Human-Capital-Enhancing Human Resource Management, the Leadership Quarterly, 16(1), 39-52