The Quality of Allegory Representation in Bayhaqi's History
Subject Areas :
Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literature
soheil fatahi
roghayeh alavi
1 - PhD in Persian language and literature, Razi University, Kermanshah
2 - Assistant Professor of Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University
Received: 2021-09-08
Accepted : 2021-11-19
Published : 2022-01-16
Abstract :
One of the most important features that are considered in the stylistics of prose is the illustrative elements and the extent of its use in prose texts. Allegory, in particular, is significant because of the effect that it has on the attractiveness of speech. Through reading Bayhaqi's History (Tarikh-e Beyhaqi), this study, which has used an analytical-descriptive approach and is based on library sources, aims to investigate the key strategies of Beyhaqi in the way of expressing allegory. The prose of Bayhaqi's History is intermediate and the study of the techniques of using allegory is also effective in understanding the course of the transmission of the style of its epoch. This article has been written with the general aim of presenting the characteristics of allegory and the methods of its application in Bayhaqi's History. Particularly it seeks to clarify the place of allegory in Bayhaqi's History as well as the method, quality and scale used in the application of allegory. It is worth mentioning that no prior research has been done on the quality of allegory in Bayhaqi's History. The discussion addresses the retrieval of allegories from the Bayhaqi's History, as well as analysis of how it is interpreted and the statistical significance of each allegory. Meanwhile, allegory is often embellished with a literary quality in the form of poetic adjectives, which is not seen in other contemporary Beyhaqi texts. Also, the sublime meaning of Beyhaqi's speech sometimes reaches a degree of wisdom that can be turned into a magnificent allegory without the use of any illustration techniques. Under the heading of "sublime meaning," these cases were investigated. Often it is seen that Beyhaqi's speech is reminiscent of the poems and words of previous poets before and after him so that the mind familiar with the other text, instinctively understands it. In the meantime, Saadi's words are recalled more than others in Bayhaqi's History.
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