Immanuel Kant's Apollonian Peace or Friedrich Nietzsche's Dionysian War
Subject Areas : Political and International Researches Quarterly
Mohammad Nasiri
Garineh Keshishyan Siraki
Seyed Ali Mortazavian Farsani
1 - Department of Political Science, Political Thought, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of political science , South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Political Science, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Nietzsche, Kant, War, Peace, Freedom and Society,
Abstract :
If we consider Apollo as a symbol of systematicity, rationality and order, Kant intends to rule peace in the world with a systematic strategy based on rationality. Kant believes that war should be considered as the last solution with the utmost respect for human life and dignity. to be War should only be used when all other means of conflict resolution have been exhausted. On the other hand, if we consider Dionysus as a symbol of drunkenness, passion and breaking taboos, Nietzsche considered morality as a human structure that has been used throughout history to suppress and control people. Therefore, peace is a sign of weakness and degeneration and a product of herd mentality. Real strength comes from conflict and struggle. Struggle with the rules that modernity has dominated human life with the view of pure rationality and its product has become a machine human. Nietzsche considered peace to be a necessary part of life, but on the condition that it is based on power. Understanding what and formulating the criticism of these two thinkers on peace and war and how they interpret it is the central issue of this article. Nietzsche believed that peace is not an end in itself, but a means to an end, and argued that peace is necessary for the development of higher forms of culture and civilization, but it should not be pursued at the expense of creativity and progress.