Effects of steaming and grilling on chemical composition, texture and color of Giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy Lacepede, 1801) fillet
Subject Areas : New Technologies in Aquaculture Development
Keywords: Color, texture, Keywords: Chemical composition, Giant gourami,
Abstract :
Abstract[1] Giant gourami could be proposed potentially as a suitable species for rearing in Iran. But there is no information about chemical composition and fillet quality of this animal before and after cooking procedure, while this information is so useful to process it. In this study, effects of different cooking methods (steaming and grilling) on chemical composition, texture and fillet color of Giant gourami were investigated. Results showed an increase in protein content and a decrease in weight after cooking, moisture and lipid content was observed after steaming method, while grilling caused the decreasing of moisture and weight after cooking and increasing of lipid, protein and ash content (P<0.05). Also two cooking methods histologically caused the increasing of cohesiveness, adhesiveness and springiness and decreasing of hardness in comparison to the raw fillet (P<0.05). A decreasing of lightness and tendency to the orange and yellowness hue and significant increasing in ECI value was found in grilled samples, while steaming caused the lower redness hue. Finally the results of this experiment confirmed that cooking could improve the nutritional value of the foods and also represent information about rheological properties of Giant gourami flesh before and after cooking process. * Corresponding Authors; Email: eh.ebrahimi64@gmail.com