Islamic fundamentalism; From theory to political practice
Subject Areas :
Mohammad Taheri Khonakdari
فاطمه تابان
1 - Islamic Azad University
2 - دکتری خطی مشی گذاری عمومی، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران.
Keywords: fundamentalism, Islamic Fundamentalism, political theory of fundamentalism, political practice of fundamentalism,
Abstract :
The term “fundamentalism” was used for the first time in the early 20th century in America by insisting on the teachings of Christianity. The religious fundamentalism movement in America believed that modern science has put traditional culture on the verge of destruction. Since the seventies, this term has been used in relation to Islam and Muslims, which largely carries a negative charge. The term Islamic fundamentalism was initially aimed at explaining political Islam and Muslim activism in political and social fields, then it was equivalent to Islamic fanaticism, Islamic radicalism, Islamic fundamentalism, Muslim violence and their extremism in dealing with political institutions and became common citizens Considering the reestablishment of the Taliban in Afghanistan and the establishment of the Islamic Emirate in this country, it is necessary to know more about the phenomenon of Islamic fundamentalism. Hence, the question arises that how did the Islamic fundamentalists arrive at a political theory and how did they act in fulfilling their political and social mission within the framework of that theory? The purpose of this article is to provide a brief overview of the process of the formation of the political theory of Islamic fundamentalism and the type of actions they take in facing political and social crises, which is analyzed by using the descriptive-analytical method and collecting data in a library manner. This became an issue.