Self-Improvement: The Introduction of the New Islamic Civilization
Subject Areas :
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Keywords: Social Man, New Islamic Civilization, Futurism, Educational System, Family and the Second Step Statement,
Abstract :
According to many thinkers, civilization refers to the social life of human beings. One of the key components of a civilized society is the existence of individuals on the level and proportion of that society, and in a sense, civil man. In fact, as long as each and every member of the society is not ready to play their role, the formation of a civilized society will not be conceivable and implemented.
In the statement of the second step, the Supreme Leader has considered the period after the first forty years of the Islamic Revolution and the entry into the second forty years as the second stage of self-development, socialization, and civilization-building. This means a precise process on the path to the realization of the new Islamic civilization. In fact, self-improvement and socialization are the prelude to the formation of the new Islamic civilization.
Building a prepared person for a civilized society is done through a set of effective factors, including family, educational system, environment, media, friends, etc. It can be mentioned. In the meantime, the role of each of them will be important, but the role of the family and the educational system is special and basic.
Our method is descriptive-explanatory, and with a futuristic approach based on which the Second Step Statement has been written, we will draw appropriate solutions for the realization of the new Islamic civilization with the role of social man, who is the main actor in this field.
1. نهج البلاغه
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6. سایت