The effect of Telegram on women's political participation (Investigating the attitude of Tehrani female users regarding the effect of Telegram on women's political participation at the middle level).
Subject Areas :AKRAM Abbasniya 1 * , Mahboubeh Paknia 2 , SEYED ALI MORTAZAVIAN 3
1 - Central Tehran Azad University, Faculty of Political Sciences
2 - Professor of Azad University of Tehran(Markazi) /Political Science Dept.
Keywords: political participation, Telegram, Tehran&rsquo, s women, middle level,
Abstract :
Human life has changed a lot in all aspects since the innovation of the internet in the world. These changes include not only personal details and human characteristics such as behavior, habits and ways of thinking, but also great circumstances such as the evolution of decision- making methods and vital actions both political and international.In recent years, the cyber space effects and the treatment of people in the cyber space have drawn the attention of the specialists in the area of political actions. The main goal of this article is to examine the effect of Telegram on political participation of the middle class women in Tehran. By the middle class, we mean a class higher than the low class in which the participations are only voters in political elections and lower than the high class in which the participations are high rates of management and decision- making process. In the middle class, participations are moderate employee women in government departments, active women, women parties assembles and nongovernment organizations. In conceptual model used, is a combination of three media theories: including cultivation theory(Gerbner),public sphere theory(Habermas) and political participation’s indicators theory(rush). The achieve results confirm the positive effect of Telegram on political participation of women users in middle level in Tehran.