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        1 - EATE-RPL: Energy Aware Trust-based Efficient RPL for Internet of Things
        farzaneh kaviani baghbadorani Mohammadreza Soltan Aghaei Farsad zamani Boroujeni
        Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is considered as one of the newest communication technologies for various applications. On the other hand, it has faced many challenges that one of the most important of which is related to the security. Due to many limitations, Io More
        Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is considered as one of the newest communication technologies for various applications. On the other hand, it has faced many challenges that one of the most important of which is related to the security. Due to many limitations, IoT is very vulnerable to attacks, and it is highly exposed to attacks due to its sensitive applications. Various studies have been introduced to improve IoT security. Most of methods have focused on improving the security of the RPL protocol (as the IoT routing standard) based on the development of trust models. However, most of these researches have considered behaviors to calculate the value of trust. This way of assessing trust is not enough due to the widespread attacks of malicious nodes. In this paper, an improved protocol called EATE-RPL is proposed based on RPL development utilizing trust models with intrusion detection system. EATE-RPL focuses on three important principles, including establishing secure and reliable routing topology, evaluating trust, and detecting malicious nodes. In the first step, the network routing topology is formed based on the trust and conditions of the nodes. In the second step, in accordance with the data exchanges, the trust of the nodes is evaluated and malicious factors are identified. The simulation results using cooja indicated the superiority of EATE-RPL in improving routing reliability and data exchange over previous operations. Manuscript profile