The process of changes in the physical development of Babolsar city through Landsat satellite images of 1975-20212
Mohammad reza yousefiroshan
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran
mohammad motamedirad
Assistant Professor of Geography Education Department, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran
Mohammad daymevar
Department of Science Education, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Physical development, Babolsar city, satellite images, Landsat, multi-temporal map,
Abstract :
Monitoring changes in urban areas requires images from different times. The physical expansion of cities is a dynamic and continuous process in which the boundaries of the city and its physical space increase. By analyzing multi-temporal satellite images, remote sensing provides a unique perspective of how cities have developed over the last 50 years. The present study examines the process of changes in the physical development of Babolsar city through Landsat satellite images. For this purpose, the satellite images of Landsat 8 in 2021, Landsat 5 in 1999 and 1986, and Landsat 2 in 1975 were used. In addition, the first generation MSS, second generation TM, third generation ETM+ and fourth generation OLI meters were used in this research. Use ENVI and Arc GIS software to process satellite images. Radiometric correction, atmospheric correction, calculation of spectral indices, supervised classification, extraction of urban class, integration of classification results, noise reduction of classification data was done in satellite images, and the process of physical development and the multi-temporal map of the development of the city from 1976 to 2021 produced. The results show that the area of Babolsar city has increased from 767.44 hectares in 1975 to 1774 hectares in 2021; In this period of time, 56.1006 hectares have increased on the area of the city. Currently, Landsat satellite images are considered as the best option for monitoring and urban development in long-term periods. The results of the research through remote sensing can be used for the future development of Babolsar city