Narratology: Interchangeable Focalization in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple
Subject Areas : Applied Linguistics
1 - Department of English Language and Literature, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Narratology, Centralization, Keywords: Focalization,
Abstract :
An epistolary novel is a novel written as a progression of letters traded among the characters of the story. Centralization or perspective is a critical idea in narratology, alluding to the decision of a point of view from which the story is told. This paper examines Alice Walker's great work The Color Purple in the light of the centralization hypothesis created by French narratologist Gerard Genette, who made a turning point outline between the storyteller and the central character. It investigates four highlights of centralization utilized in this work: the constraint of letter essayists, the adaptability of letter scholars, the exchanging of various central characters, and the polyphonic structure in the work. This article contends from the narratological point of view that The Color Purple has a place with a cutting-edge standard of awesome epistolary books.
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