Introversion and Extraversion of female characters in Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl: A Jungian Reading
Subject Areas : Literary Studies
Zeinab Sharghi
Hassan Shahabi
1 - Islamic Azad Karaj University
2 - Islamic Azad University,Kerman Branch
Keywords: Schizophrenia, Hysteria, Traits structure, Introversion and Extraversion, Psychic energy ,
Abstract :
The present study offers an analysis of Amy character in Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn`s applying Jungian theory. It includes Jung's theory of introversion and extroversion and psychological energy, which the researcher tries to analyze the relationship between these two characteristics in the main character of the story named Amy. The purpose of this study is to find the correlation between Amy's personality and her psychological energy. This study implies qualitative methods and applies the theory with the appropriate data. Amy's behaviors and personality traits has related to her childhood and the moments she had with her parents and Amy's book, and the psychological suffering and comparison that was inflicted on her during the period. Unconsciously, it has affected on her mental energy, causing her to develop schizophrenia and hysteria. Amy's mental energy can be examined through her duplicitous behavior and criminal actions. Therefore, with the help of this information, the researcher has realized that Amy wants to be seen and controlled by people, so on at the same time she hates all members of society, especially her husband, who is unable to distinguish reality from her illusions due to her illness. As this novel the writer find out, society is contributed change people’ personality and behaviour so this article is important to analysis.
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