Investigation of lactobacilli isolated from traditional Maragheh cheese and evaluation of their acid production capacity at different times and temperatures
Subject Areas : Experimental Studiesomid mirzaei tash 1 * , Mohammad Ali Shabkhiz 2
1 - top manager of AradTech companies group enginearing and education copmpany
2 - Graduated of Food Science and technology, Urmia University, Food industry teacher of Maragheh Agriculture vocational school, Iran
Keywords: PCR, Lactobacillus, Traditional Maragheh cheese,
Abstract :
Probiotic bacteria are microbial food supplements that are present in appropriate amounts in the digestive system and are beneficial to human health. Emong the probiotic bacteria, lactobacillus most common type of bacteria that are in dairy products and production lactic acid during the fermentation. The aim of this study was to isolate and identify of lactobacillus from bacteria flora of traditional Maragheh cheese and determine the technological properties their lipolitic and proteolitic activity. For this purpose lactic bacteria isolated by common methods of cultivation and identification according to PCR and biochemical properties and then done supplementary tests for full recognition present isolates such warm coloration, oxidase, catalase test, and ability of acid production and pH changes by lactobacillus evaluated during different times and optimum temperature for growth. The results showed that in all samples, the acidity increased significantly (P <0.05) and the pH decreased over time. Acidity increased significantly (P <0.05) in all samples and in temperature 30, 37, 42, 45c and during 0, 4,8,24,48 h and observed in 48 to 72 h in several samples low decrease and also pH was regular decrease in all samples and high temperature to 48 h and in 48 to 72 h in most samples and temperatures were fixed amount. Therefore, Maragheh traditional cheese is a valuable source of Lactobacillus bacteria, which allows consumers to find a new way to enjoy health.