The Initial Standardization of Well's Metacognitive Test
Subject Areas :
1 - عضو هئیت علمی
Abstract :
Abstract: The present study aimed at conducting an initial standardization of Wells' Metacognitive Test on the students in Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch. To this end, 490 students (230 male and 260 female) were selected using multi-stage random sampling method to whom Wells' Metacognitive Test was administered. The results indicated that reliability index of the test was calculated through Cronbach's Alpha as 0.896 for all the students, 0.902 for male students, and 0.858 for female students. The test's Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) was calculated to be 6.875 since the standard deviation was 21.319. The validity was acceptable which was measured through two methods. The results of factor analysis also underlined the existence of only one underlying factor being measured by the test.
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