Evaluation of Sound Channel usage in Tsunami Alarm System in Makran Sea
Subject Areas : Marine PhysicsA. Mohseni Araste 1 * , K. Lari 2
1 - Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
2 - Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Tsunami, Arabian Sea, Makran Sea, seismo acoustics, DART,
Abstract :
In this project it was focused on a method which used sound channel to receive underwater seismo signals. After the discovery of sound channel existence in Arabian Sea and Makran Sea, all the sea water physical parameters data and the possibility of their variations caused by wind, surface currents, internal currents, sedimentations, etc. were analyzed, following which, the seismo acoustics transmission in sound channel was studied. Furthermore time travel of a sound signal was calculated and compared with a tsunami wave time travel. Research method was based on the study of sound channel formation with regards to sea water physical parameters variations, change in mixed layer formation and evaluation of SOFAR cline with changes in mixed layer cline. Results showed that we can use underwater sound channels to trace underwater seismo acoustics in these regions. Travel time of this sound was one seventh of a tsunami wave travel time.
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