Application of Caspian Sea SST and SLP data for studying drought in Mazandaran Province
Subject Areas : Marine PhysicsM. Abediny 1 * , H. Askary Shirazi 2 , A. Ranjbar 3
1 - Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Islamic
Azad University Tehran North Branch
2 - Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Islamic
Azad University Tehran North Branch
3 - - Meteorological Organization of Iran
Keywords: Precipitation, Caspian Sea, province Mazandaran Province, sea surface temperature,
Abstract :
In this research, application of seasurface temperature, sea surface pressureandprecipitationin theprovince ofMazandaranwasstudied. Meanmonthlyseasurfacetemperaturedatain30-yearperiodwas obtainedfrom NOAA. Thirty-yearaveragemonthlyprecipitationdata was taken frommeteorologicaloffice of Mazandaran provinceforBabolsar, Qharakhyl,Noshahrand Ramsar stations. The correlation betweenseasurfacetemperaturesand rainfallindifferent months inthe provincewas calculated. Ineachmonth,the thirddegreeregressionlinewasusedforstatisticalestimation. In thepresent study it wasshownthat there is negative correlation,with 95 percent confidence interval,betweensea surface temperatureof Caspian Seaagainstprecipitation and standardizedprecipitationindex inthe inMazandaran Province. It can be deducedthat decreasing sea surface temperature at different months of the year decreases precipitationand rising seasurfacetemperature increases rainfall. Sea surface pressure study also showed that increase in SSP increases rainfall and decrease in SSP increases drought in Mazandaran province.