Heavy metal (Pb,Cd) level in muscle and liver tissues Carangoides malabaricus in Bandar Abbas ( Hormozgan Province)
Subject Areas : Water Pollution
M. S. Sadeghi
M. Emtiazju
M. Motieiannajar
1 - Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch
2 - Dept. of Marine Science, Faculty of Marine Science and technology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch
3 - Dept. of Marine Science, Faculty of Marine Science and technology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch
Keywords: Cd, Hormozgan province, Persian Gulf, Pb, Carangoides malabaricus,
Abstract :
To survey and compare heavy metal (Pb, Cd) accumulation in Carangoides malabaricus in Persian Gulf waters (Hormozgan Province), sampling of this fish catches was done seasonally from Tiab port to Bandar Abass city during winter and summer of 2012. After biometry of the fish, muscle and liver tissues were separated. The amount of Pb and Cd were measured by an atomic absorption instrument (Varian - model GTA 100).The results of lead concentration in liver and muscle tissues were 0.1470±0.235 and 0.0399±0.0125 µg/g, respectivelyand Cd levels in liver and muscle tissues were 0.0297±0.0105 and 0.0036±0.0005 µg/g respectively.. The difference between the average concentration of Pb and Cd in liver and muscle tissues was significant (p<0.05). Average concentrations of Pb and Cd in liver and muscle tissues were not difference significantly between two seasons (p≥0/05). The comparison of the results with permissible limits of WHO, EPA and UK showed that the concentrations of these metals are lower than international permissible limits.
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