• Namdarjouybari.Khadijeh The Story of Jonah the Prophet in the Works of Rumi and Older Mystical Sources [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1399]
  • noori khoshroodbari.mohammad ali Druj in the Religion of Mazdayasna and Pre-Aryan Myths: A Structural Analysis [ Vol.16, Issue 61 - Winter Year 1399]
  • nouri.sara alsadat Violence in Iranian Paintings of Battle Scenes: A Study Based on Slavoj Žižek's Ideas [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1399]
  • novin.roya The Traces of Myths in Atash Bedune Dood (Fire without Smoke); A Review Based on Gerard Genette's Intertextuality Theory [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1399]