The Impact of the Arab Revolutions on the Security of the Zionist Regime
Subject Areas : Islamic governance
1 - PhD student, Department of Sociology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Revolution, Arab Revolution, Israel, Mossad, Zionist regime.,
Abstract :
Islamic awakening in Arab countries created hope and transformation among the people of these countries. These revolutions appeared since 2010 and caused a change in the face of the region and internal and external influences. Some current trends in the strategic geography of West Asia are the result of Islamic awakening in Arab countries. These trends did not remain only in the Arab countries and affected Israel as well.
The surveillance of the intelligence organizations of this regime from the Arab movements, intelligence-security measures, successively in order to stop the revolutionary forces, covert and subversive operations inside the Arab countries, extensive collection of news and information about the revolutionary developments, use and establishment of advanced technological systems. Against the Arab countries, it is part of the actions of these services against these revolutions.
This study is devoted to the assessment of Israel's security, because Israel is one of the most important states that closely monitors the events of the Arab region. The Israelis were aware of the hidden capacities of the revolution and the readiness of all its conditions in the Arab countries, because tyranny had conquered Eastern Europe, Latin America and West Asia in the 1980s and 1990s.
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