The position of proxy wars in the competitions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia in Syria
Subject Areas : Islamic governance
Majid Nasiri
Rahmat Haji mineh
Nozar Shafiee
1 - PhD student, International Department, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Communication and Social Sciences, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: proxy war, Islamic Republic of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, regional competition,
Abstract :
Purpose:This article tries to answer the question that what is the position of proxy wars in the regional competition between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Syria?we investigated proxy groups of Iran and Arabia and the views of these two countries on the Syrian crisis. Method:The information collection tool is a library and the use of Iranian and foreign websites.the collected materials are analyzed descriptively and compared with each other.This article is study of the behaviors of the proxy forces of the Iran using descriptive-analytical method.Theoretical framework.This article examines the competition between Iran and Saudi Arabia with a focus on proxy warfare and with an emphasis on realism theory. Finding:Iran and Saudi Arabia have tried to limit each other's sphere of influence since the Syrian crisis,their competition and disagreement was on the Syrian issue.The hypothesis of the article is that proxy wars between Iran And Saudi Arabia has reduced the direct confrontation between the two actors in Syria. resultThis research,with a realist approach and examining the relations between the two countries, despite the differences between the foreign and regional policies of Saudi Arabia and Iran.Proxy wars have prevented the occurrence of war and direct conflict between them.
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