The Determining Degree of Maturity and Effectiveness of Human Capital Management in Mobarakeh Steel Company
Subject Areas : Futurology
1 - نویسنده مسئول یا طرف مکاتبه:
Keywords: leadership, People participation, availability of knowledge, optimizing work force, learning capacity, human capital management, maturity, Effectiveness,
Abstract :
Today human capital management is an important factor in competitive advantage, because people cantransfer knowledge to product and service needed by customer.Organizations should step toward optimizing efficiency of human capital. It is possible to predicthuman resource performance by determining maturity level and effectiveness of system related tohuman capital, and also step toward improvement. Hence and considering importance of humancapital. This study was conducted in order to determine maturity level and effectiveness of humancapital, management in Mobarakeh Steel Company. So, using formula of estimation of samplevolume, 240 employees were selected randomly that 237 questionnaires were returned. The researchtool for data gathering was human capital five driver questionire designed by bassi and Mc Murrer.Examining reliability and internal consistency of test showed that reliability was α=0/92 and by splithalf was 0/87, after data gathering, information was analyzed by spss-13, descriptive statistics,fridmen two – sentence test and analysis of variance. The results showed that maturity level andeffectiveness of human capital management in Mobarakeh Steel Company was 64.5% examining fivedrive of human capital showed the following means respectively: Mean 3/41 for learning capacity,mean 3/28 for availability of knowledge, mean 3/24 for people participation mean 3/21 for optimizingwork force, mean 3/08 for leadership practices.