A Study of the Dimensions of Educational Administration Empowerment to Provide an Appropriate Framework for School Principals in Iran
Subject Areas : FuturologyA. Taghipourzahir 1 * , R. Jahanian 2 *
1 - نویسنده مسئول یا طرف مکاتبه:
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Empowerment, relational approach, motivational approach, cognitive approach, delegation of
, authority, self – efficacy motivation, Framework,
Abstract :
This study with the aim of determining the aspects of empowering the educational managers, in orderto provide them with a suitable framework. The review of literature shows that empowering the humanresources has been studied from three approaches: relational, motivational and cognitive. In order toachieve the abovementioned goals, this research with a national scale is done in two-phases survey; inthe first stage, 1088 managers of primary and secondary schools as well as the heads and publiceducation deputies in the Ministry of Education were selected, based on Morgan’s table of samplesizes. They were sampled by means of the random stratification method and they were asked tocomplete the questionnaire one (with the validity of 0.95). The results demonstrate that theempowerment framework can be divided into 13 aspects and 61 factors, whereas their average factorloading is 0.675. In the second stage of the study, that is the questionnaire two (with the validity of0.97), 152 experts and specialists in the Ministry of Education were selected in line with the goal ofthe study and they were asked to judge the degree of efficiency of the framework. The results showthat 93.43 per cent of the experts and specialists in the Ministry of Education considered the proposedframework as perfectly appropriate, while the average factor loading of the framework was 0.709 andthe correlation coefficient of the factors in every section of the framework was 0.99 percentsignificant. Consequently, based on the obtained results in this study, other researchers’ works, andavailable theories, the framework enjoys adequate theoretical and experimental supports and itsadministration for empowering the operational managers is strongly suggested to the high andintermediary managers in the Ministry of Education in Iran.